Wednesday, June 29, 2005
naughty naughty....very naughty...i skipped gym last nite =pcos my boss was discussing some work stuff with me, and it would really be so rude to tell her "hey, can we tok tml, i gotto run!!"so.....by the time we finished, the clock read "7.15pm"wtf????if i rush to gym now, i can't go for spinning...okay....i got lazy instantly... there was no other excuse.did i mention that buddy didnt go too?oh well, that might be another good excuse for me to lose my discipline for one night. (=BUT.....everything happens with a purpose. haha~so....livingstone wanted to date me for a movie.he didnt raise it up, cos he noes tuesday is spinning nite for me.haha~so we ended up going for at GV grand..and jus before the show, we wanted to catch a bite at zion rd market,BUT OMIGOD!!! WTF????NO STALLS FOR BUSINESS!!!???WAT THE HELL??? WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO???anyway, we went for nasi padang at the malay stall in a kopitiam next to the hawker centre.it was late, so there wasn't much variety left look, we had fish.... and chicken...
nice.BUT! ARE THEY WORTH $10????O-MI-BLOODY-GOD2 DISHES plus 2 rice, = S$10i think we jus set ourselves on fire....hahaha....alright, the movie:majority of my friends say"nice movie!! go catch it!"im gonna be the minority pple and say"errr.....nice meh? i think i dun like it."slow show.for a moment, i ask livingstone, "are we in the correct theatre? are we sure this is BATMAN?"u see, there was no title indicating that the show i was watching was BATMAN or watsoever.and i didnt noe that BATMAN's skills comes from samurai pple, haha~livingstone checked his movie stub in the dark and say,"yah, we are in the right cinema, shhhhh"chey....
Sunday, June 26, 2005
didnt want to wake updidnt want to wake upno choice though, we promise livingstone's parents for early brunch at tiong bahruBUT....the leong-tou-hu was not open...ON A SUNDAY....wasted trip...so we headed to kellock road for roasted duck...BUT....no carpark lots....so we headed to takashimaya ...livingstone's parents picked this place.it is new to us. but gosh, it was opened for 6mths alrd.formally Meekong (the vietnamese restaurant)we swa-gu issit??anyway, i was told that this restaurant was opened after crystal jade's bosses decided to split up and go their own way.so 'Imperial' group of restuarants were created.quite a number of 'Imperial' around Asia now. Taipei, Japan, Singapore...
food is nice.and the ambience was rather classy.oh, the service was good too.i especially like this vege on the table.a teochew cusine.usually cooked in soup.now, this is cooked in 3 kinds of egg, century egg, salted egg and normal egg...Nice.

dinner.we chose Zhi-Yean at Stirling Road blk 174.this time with my parents.

 heh heh, guess wat is this....OSTRICH meat....mogolian ostrich meat...we are a bunch of terrible carnivorous (did i spell it correctly??) !!
 coffee for jus the two of us...wea else but west coast again.... =)nice cake livingstone chose tonite.oreo cheesecake!NICE.
 sipping our fav coffee, enjoying saturday's straits times, indulging in oreo cheesecakewat better ambience and food to enjoy our last bits of sunday nite....
these....from morning, noon, till nite.... they complete me.... =)
this is the nite that we or rather i anticipated...i guess it becos kenny is the first MAN in our group to tie the bloody knot. haha...and he is another good friend of mine... still so happy for him... =)we were the early birds at mt. faber, and we were also among the last group to leave the place.all for Kenny. =)he was soooo sporting! we created a wedding cocktail for him,ingrdients:- salt (lotsa of it!!!)- heineken- tiger- orange juice- chicken soup- chili sotong- red wineomigod, no 2nd bargain, kenny finish the whole cup!*clap clap*now, all of us are gonna be in trouble on our wedding day. haha!who ask us to set the trend....orh-bee-good...after the event, it was supper time at...supposingly Bark's cafe,but our dear ah beng lost his way, and we decided on bedok north market instead.yummy, nice century and pork porridge and satay!!
 yum yum....singapore ... wat a nice place... to have supper late at nite, in the presense of sooooo many singaporeans....it jus feels so much like home...no rush for dinner, no rush for supper, cos i noe, somewea out there.....there's always a 24hrs kopitiam and hawker centre!!not like ang-mor countries, we got to remember to take our dinner at a specific time, else, its either u dun get seats, or u dun get entry at all, cos its close.chey.....
Friday, June 24, 2005
it's my grandma's 100th day today.we went to her tomb to pray and .... hai.... i still miss her so much.... ='(anyway.... her life is over, she now lives in our heart...something worth mentioning, my parents and i tried a bean sauce fish head today at chinatown, and we liked it!! this is how it looked like: $13 only.... yum yum...after dinner, on our way home, my parents sat together in the bus, and i observe that they are sharing a conversation. oh ....well, it is a not-so-common scene to me, as both of them always bicker when they share a conversation. hmmm....but not this time....seriously, ONE of my wish (heh heh), is that both of them is able to live together in harmony, especially after i move out....seeing them arguing can be so hurting ... of cos i hope that moment last.... we'll see.... =)
how do u recover from a tiff?do u scold and swear (at nobody), and make sure ur partner hears u?do u scold and swear at ur partner?do u jus stare at each other?do u ?or do we all noe that the most logical thing to do is to cool down, forgive and forget, and kiss and make-up?how many of us noe how to react to situations with a sense of logic?i usually react differently....i guess it depends on what kind of topic that was involved in the quarrel...and of cos how serious the quarrel is. man can somtimes be very egoistic and challenging. My question next, can man be unreasonable and petty ... jus like a woman (or jus like some women) ?hmmmm.....i am very sure this kind of man do exist.it is definately not a matter of gender, it is jus human. yes, human.okay, my next question, if ur partner gives in, do u feel great and become angrier?do u ignore her and make sure she gets what u think she deserves?do u try and tell her who is the man in the relationship?or,do u kiss and make up?as a matter of fact, i suppose majority of the human cannot react in the way we, as third party thought they shld behave. third party, a.k.a the person who is not blind and the person not involved.hmmmm...'quarrel' ... of cos a term i hate, an act i wouldn't like to do and a 7-letter word i usually avoid. well, how many couples can avoid this anyway?livingstone say i do not practise apologising now. hmmm.....i guess i have to reflect.only i noe if this is true.the key to kiss and make up....1) tolerance2) soft3) patienceover the years, i have seen couples quarreling on the street. young couples and married couples. most of them have their anger written on their face. none of them looks eager to give in. both of them compete to be angrier. wat good does it get? *shrug* ...anyway....jus a thought....to share.... =)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
yes, the day we are anticipating for.... this is it! 22 June 2005... Engelbert Humperdinck World Tour Concert 2005 "Engelbert Humperdinck is a legend in the music industry, selling well over 130 million records, including 64 gold and 23 platinum. Celebrating 35 years in the business this year, with 4 Grammy nominations, a Golden Globe award and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he has recorded everything from the most romantic ballads to movie theme songs, disco and rock. His unique voice and sense of humor have endeared him to millions of fans around the globe.The essence of Engelbert, and what made him a true worldwide superstar, is that you know he is singing directly to you. No matter the lyric, or the subject matter, he has always possessed a singular talent for inhabiting a song and making it his own. From "Release Me" to "There Goes My Everything" to "The Last Waltz" to "A Man Without Love" his soul hung tough as his poor heart was broken over and over and over again. Humperdinck sang of how life turns round and round, its message ultimately being "appreciate what you've got while you've got it." Finally...a gleeful Humperdinck hit! But optimism could only last so long, so it was back to the tried-and-true with "The Way It Used To Be" another solid smash for the crooner on a newly-developing radio format called "Adult Contemporary"." hmmm....sounds like a sad man.... anyway, im really looking so forward to this show! question: do u like avocado? i think i am beginning to fall in love with it.... from the making of sandwiches to juices....nice. and its healthy, good for complexion too! but beware, it can be quite expensive to consume....  my avocado juice from alexandra village NICE.
Monday, June 20, 2005
im sick... no, its not because of Monday. ryan boy is sick buddy is sick mummy is sick colleagues are sick wtf????maybe my immune system decided to follow the recent trend. "wat's the big deal, let's do wat every BODY is doing....let's get sick!"are these wat i heard from jojo's-immune-system? anyway, it is jus the throat thing. no big deal. i have antidote for that. i was bloody tired in the office, and i started to ask my colleague, "im not feeling well, if i still go workout tonite, will i die?" there are so many cases i read that says "man collaspe after jogging...." scare.... anyway, i went along, cos i noe im gonna miss 1 session coming thursday.....ya, my fav workout nite.... =( BUT! OMIGOD..!!! somebody up there must have heard me!! there is a 2hr combat today! and OMIGOD, i manage to catch the last hr!!! 7.40pm PUMP ! alrite! al-my-bloody-rite!!! this is the nite! im gonna sweat it out! haha~ i perspire tonite! so much so much of it!!! it's the kind of feeling that makes me so satisfied, so feel like staying there and upper cut more! haha....
weekends are usually bz for me.... saturday: combat + spinning + banana = healthy jojo ooooh, i love the combination! the session ended at abt late afternoon before i meet livingstone. oh look! Look at who is standing outside orchard cfc?  wat a cool hunk! =) and i didnt noe there was this japanese fast food store in singapore. looks nice, but i was looking for something good for taking away....for a driving distance...  got to head for Burger King.... heh heh, i bought a kids meal and had this 3cpo figurine. i was surprise the workmanship was quite good! now i regretted not collecting all.....  look! no hands!  omigod....there it goes.....down on the table.... like the kallang case????  no worries....back in 1 pc.... haha  ever wonder wat happens if 3cpo goes without pants?? haha... (ooops, sorry....got to use livingstone's namecard as props.) Sunday:fathers' day.....usually family day. will have breakfast/lunch/dinner with family....a good day for bonding.... nite: cuppa cino at mccafe.....another bonding.....with livingstone.... but tonite was different....slightly different, we had new friends from china joining us.... a whole 2.5 hrs of chit chat.... which was a good session... overall, i like my weekends. it was all fulfilling and so much entertaining.... it is like i work hard for the week days to enjoy the fruits at weekends... that reminds me.....it's monday tml.... =)
Saturday, June 18, 2005
it's cool, it's blue, it's supersonic, and it has nothing to do with my title.... this makes up my new blog-look... =D
Thursday, June 16, 2005
did i mention that i stock up on my yogurt again?haha, losta flavour this time....after my workout tonite, one cup of ski divine wild strawberry yogurt, less than 20seconds, im done. and the cup is bloody empty....satisfied.... YUM YUM.... yum yum
ever since i left M1, i have stopped making my own sandwiches before i head for work... dun ask me why? it jus doesnt happen anymore...
but! im remaking history, haha~ i bought all the neccessary ingredients again, and im ready to create my own sandwich. darn it! there was no ham station in bugis's cold storage, so i had to buy these shaved smoke ham....
 shaved smoked ham
... this needs to be a healthy diet, so we have to go light. yes, even the cheese....
and the bread has to be healthy too. oh yes, even the butter....i bought a french brand, that says 70% lighter..... la la la la
 hi calcium milk bread
im done...doesn't look appetising here, but i like it, taste good, taste light, simply irresistable...haha
 my breakfast
wat shall be on my breakfast menu nex wk?? =)
Monday, June 13, 2005
at the end of our weekend, we like to sip a cuppa cino and chat abt matters that have came up over the week, and matters that will come up the next wk...we do this most of the sunday nites, it was really a fabulous session.we reminded ourselves that we shld maintain this session.for it will help us to grow old together.... a cuppa cino and a brownie ...
wow! look at the power of nokia 3230!nice quality!this is at the gym...thank god, i did not capture any naked gymmates.... =p at the gym
Saturday, June 11, 2005
wow, how long have i last shop at bugis?it must have been long, ....ever since the major chg in the pasar malam....tonite is the first time i lay my feet there.thank god, it is not as stuffy as ever, and there are more walking space now.no more pushing and waiting for human traffic to pass....phew!after the last stop, budd and i search for a place to rest our legs.As usual, we tok abt my family, her family, her office, my office, my bf, her bf, my future, her future, my frens, her frens, my....hers....my....hers....haha~all under ah chew's dessert roof. =)it is satisfying to know tt we still hv that familiar hwee-ling after so many yrs of chatting sessions....13yrs....that is a pretty long period to stay close to this woman...gimme a smile.... =)
Thursday, June 09, 2005
thank u thank u so much!its friday again!! yay!!!im gonna have an appt with physician Teo, we are going for another round of retail theraphy...haha~
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
i have always mention how wonderful pump class is....this is the class in action.... the pump class..
haha, yes, it is the news of my fren tieing the knot...congrats congrats congrats!!!black horse too...i never expected him to end his singlehood at this stage.still...im really happy for him and his wife-to-be.having him sharing his news with me lights up my morning immediately, and im jumping up and down after i hang up the phone. haha~im really happy for him...will countdown to his wedding day....at mt faber....cool
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
i wanted to complain today.was so pissed off, but i guess i cooled down.harmful to complexion, harmful to health. stay away from anger.i guess today's spinning class helped.i was sweaty, sticky and tired after the hr class. no more mood to get pissed by some old man.my defination of old man: old, think they too senior to noe things that i might not noe. chey...but i think i ended up having the last laugh... hahayay!! my 6 mths long project is coming to an end soon...a reason to celebrate! =)
Saturday, June 04, 2005
yay!!last minute late nite shopping for me and bud!!i bought 1 pair of earrings, 3 skirts, 1 top and 2 shoes in .... 2.5hrs....wat a productive nite for me! =)it's been a long time since we indulge in such a therapy together, doing it all over again makes my friday nite nice. yay!! we are planning for the next one soon....maybe next friday.... =pi can hear livingstone screaming now...haha....dun care, no therapy no talk. haha~
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
my dad is going to china tml.to re-visit his relatives in china.his home ground....teochew....that was wea he was born.he came to singapore at the age of 7, in a sampan he say.....it's 50 yrs since he last saw his aunties and uncles...he must have been very excited now. maybe cannot sleep...hur hur hur....