Friday, October 28, 2005I am on my way to bangkok!
Tones of Pink |
![]() I M AWAY!!!Friday, October 28, 2005I am on my way to bangkok! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!! 2 more days....Wednesday, October 26, 2005while poking onto a fishball.... Ryan Boy: "ah yee eat!" Me: "DUN WAN!" Ryan Boy: "eat la!!" wah, 2 yrs old....tsk tsk... And he is now declared a true singaporean....for the use of "la", "lor" and "hor".... and one more vocab to his dictionary... "garna sai" wahaha.... no la, not i teach one. But god knows wea he pick up from. No wonder experts say a child's brain is like a sponge.....can absorb so much. im now counting down to my holiday..... yay! The last weekend before I fly again....Monday, October 24, 2005Updates on Coris development. ![]() photos: Coris phase 1 & 2 We dropped by and this is the latest we saw for both coris phase 1 and 2. Phase 1 looks like almost completed. Gone were the massive barriers. Now, it is a more gentler barrier, though public is still not allowed to go in. But at least u can see the walkways underneathe the blocks. I guess it is because there is Walk-in-selection right now for these block of flats, so it became kind of open, good for those who dropped by to view the houses, well, at least exterior. heh heh We bought Ryan a new tricycle. Good for my parents. So that they dun have to struggle while carrying him. This boy, u can't imagine how much he struggles to set himself free so that he can run around the pavilion while waiting for his parents to pick him up. ![]() Now they only have to push him while doing their marketing. Hopefully he sits still. I can totally imagine how livingstone play with his own kids. ![]() This is not the only game. He snatches toys with ryan boy, and pretend to cry when ryan refuse to share his toys with him. And we saw a ride that can contain both of them. haha.... We wanted to try melvin's recommendation at Joo Chiat, but i guess we went too late, most of the parking lots are fully taken up. So we decided to come back another time. While we dropped by the bak kut teh shop nearby. ![]() ![]() ![]() Photos: Yum Yum Pork Liver / Bak Kut Teh /Prawn Paste Chicken This is the "24hrs only close on Monday" stall.... I say the menu is so-so, but it is rather crowded. Won't be in town for the next 2 weekends, so....this makes up for it... Settlers Cafe is so soo fun!!!!Sunday, October 23, 2005Oh-bloody-uber-shit! I jus realised i missed my dad's 6-mth check-up! well done, a call to check what is the next available date for Dr Philip Wong, "I am afraid, it will be next yr..." is the reply i get from the other side of the phone. Ok, i noe it is my fault. I remembered the wrong mth, I tot it was gonna be Nov...... wat a muddle head..... Looks like if i wan my dad to be seen this yr, it has to be Dr Wong's assistant.... So early saturday morning, I have to bring dad for blood test, it is the usual routine for him, 2 wks before he sees the doctor, he gets his blood tested, so that the doctor can advise the condition when he sees him 2 wks later. It has been going on for years since I brought him back to NHC for outpatient treatment. Many would have know that my dad had a severe heart attack like some 4 yrs ago. It was so critical that we thought it would be the last we would see him. He pulled the hard time, and it is all over now. Looking back, it was really scary.... Anyway, i was anticipating the meetup at night !! I arranged to meet my bunch of friends in Settlers Cafe! Have been wanting to try a game or two in the cafe ever since i strolled past it a couple of times. Finally, we made it the night. Sad to say, among the 8 that promise to turn up, only 4 of us did. And they were 30min late. While waiting inside the car, I called the cafe to release my table. I thought none of them would turn up. But livingstone and I decided to extend our threshold 30mins more. Lucky we did, Ah-siang and eddie turned up. And we decided to go ahead for the game. "Im sorry, u called to release the table jus now, Now we are fully booked." WELL DONE. We walked out, trying to decide wea to settle our dinner, when settler's staff ran after us some 150m away from the cafe. while panting, "Excuse me, we have a table for u, one table jus left, do u wanna take it?" WOW! why not!! heh heh.....so there we were: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: Mouse over the pictures for the description! It was so so fun! We played 4 games in 2 hrs and 30 mins. i love the dragon delta game! there are strategy to be followed, sabotage of players allowed and it is super fun! I had so much laughter with them! Half of the time, Eddie was poking on his PDA. !#$%^&*() BTW, can u see an artificial drumstick in picture 3 above? yah, it was the work of eddie. super disturb. For us that turned up, we had a fun night didnt we? and for u who didnt turn up, u missed out the fun for whatever reason.... Another time then.... :) bEn & jeRRy's !!Friday, October 21, 2005![]() photo: Ben & Jerry's @ Suntec City Finally....there's a B&J's store in Singapore. Yum Yum!! It's a breakFast parTy!!Wednesday, October 19, 2005![]() Kind souls will be rewarded...... eventually... so I have decided to reward my kind colleagues this morning, with ermmm......my home made "many-vege-with-tuna-and-egg-sandwich-plus-100g of love". haha....not that my sandwich is too nice. But.....at least they are made with me preparing the ingredients the nite before, and waking up earlier then usual to prepare, wrap them nicely and packed individually... this is effort wor..... :p Seeing them eating and telling me, "em, nice", "wah, so many many vege. so nice" "oooh, i love tomatoes" "wah, nicer then the ones sold outside" "so healthy breakfast, no oil" u see..... this is what i mean by kind colleagues. always telling me nice things. haha..... WHY!! Why did it have to rain the whole day!??Monday, October 17, 2005We wanted to explore the tree-top walk today. but it rained. And it rained the bloody whole day! I got up early to prepare the sandwiches, waiting for the rain to stop, while livingstone was happily watching the jackie chan's old movie.... finally we had to eat them at home. !#$()&*($%& photo: tuna & egg mayo, with tomato and butterhead I dozed off.Until livingstone said, "why dun we go shopping?" I rolled my eyes, pretending to be so tired, but nodded my head aggressively, grining. hahaha.... he tot i was faking the sleep! "wea shall we go?" he asked. I kept silent. still closing my eyes, and thinking of a place to go. "how abt suntec?" he asked. OMIGOD! I truely think he can hear my inner voice. hey, this is not the first time. He could hear me!! I had already decided on Suntec actually.., however, i kept quiet, maybe i wanted to hear wea he wanted to go. I can compromise. heh heh. well, suntec it is then. la la la la... photo: my new baby. It was still raining when we went out. Lucky all the Shopping centres are linked now. Sheltered to make life easy. well done. We linked from suntec, to marina to millenia. had our dinner at Carl's Jr. ![]() Been wanting to try this fast food. But i was quite surprise with the price. close to $10 for a individual meal! that's like a price i pay for a fast food in europe! I wonder wat is so nice abt it....
Pardon me, but i dun think this burger is fantastic. I will choose BK if i crave for fast food the next time. $18 for 2 combo meals.....hmm..... Did i mention my mum is not in town? So, it means i have to wash my own clothes, oh, plus my dad's.... tough..... very tough..... the good news is.....my mum is coming back on tuesday!! hurray!!! Home made dinnerSunday, October 16, 2005Saturday: It was challenging. I am preparing dinner for the 2 men in my life. My dad and Livingstone. ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: chicken with mushroom / golden mushroom / the dinner on table Since i left gym late, i didn't have much time preparing the dinner let alone any marinating... so, i decided to go simple and made eggs, mushroom and chicken. i think the vege was good. But the chicken didnt taste as satisfying. Not very fragrant... Anyway, it was a good try for a 1.5hrs job. Both of them ate the food without much complains. (or was it they didnt dare to complain?) Livingstone used to tell me, if i cook, he will wash up.. BUT, last nite, while i was the one preparing, he was watching the tv. when we are done with the dinner, i was washing up, he was watching the tv. He was watching the TV. HE WAS WATCHING THE BLOODY TV. heh heh.....no la, im not angry (yet). sometimes its good to do it myself. At least i dun have to expect him to perform a certain cleanliness standard, avoid disagreements. I'll do it. until im tired of it. la la la la la..... FoUrtEeN oKtObeR tWo oH Oh fiVeSaturday, October 15, 2005it's a continuos celebration, my colleagues gathered to enjoy a dinner, gelato and tea session together tonite. We had pork, sea cucumber, yam, vege, XO fish head bee hoon, and rojak.... just enuf to make room for the earthquake at swensens! ! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: Sweet & Sour Pork / XO Fish Head Bee Hoon / Sea Cucumber with braised Duck / @Swensens / The GIANT Group / The REGULAR group / My rose bud tea Can u imagine 9 of us squeezing into a mazda premacy !!?? oh, we did. amazing. as a matter of fact, i think we helped to load test the car for ccw. haha.... we were sipping our tea at Essential Brew, laughing at jill's actual life experiences of her clumsy fall from the bus, etc, until we realise it's 15mins to 12mn! ! oh boy, many of us are going to miss the last bus/train! ! RUN !!!!! heh heh.... I am wearing the heart-chain Annie bought for me..... ![]() it is beautiful. But i have to forsake livingstone's chain to make way for this today. He was nagging when i told him abt it.... He was saying "how could u leave my chain at home? " yah, it was actually the first time i chose to wear something else other then the chain he bought for me .... But, im gonna be smarter the next time. How 'bout me wearing his chain but annie's pendent then? la la la la.... THIRTHEEN OKTObER tWo oH oH fiVeThursday, October 13, 2005Happy birthday to MYSELF!!! I got up early in the morning, washed and dressed up ready to enjoy the beautiful day!! My mum is enjoying herself in China, so there was no one to give me red packet. haha... Met up with buddy and Sean for lunch this afternoon, a culture.....bud will buy me flowers....haha so sweet issit? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: while waiting for the late-comers / buddy, flower and me in the reflection / me and my 2nd flower / buddy with me / me and my cake and a man call sean I shld have another gift from bud. but.....nevermind abt that....i think that project failed. haha.... My colleague gave me a wonderful surprise! There was a DHL packet on my desk after the DHL man left the office this morning. So,....I tot it was from a partner from India, and so.....as usual, I opened it, mumbling "who sent me this? is it the switching board from india?" OMIGOD! it was the skirt that i saw in one of the shops in BM last wk!! i was casually complaining that it was too expensive, but beautiful.... and so i didnt get it. When i went back the next day, the skirt was gone, i didnt even have the chance to show jill! SO! they bought it.... for ME. Thank you guys! You are WONDERFUL(s)!! I love the skirt! I put it on just to show them! ![]() photo: the beautiful pleated skirt, with a lime green band (thanks to WP who couldn't get a clr picture) Kevin gave me a little lamb. A talking lamb. ![]() It was pre-recorded with kevin's voice saying "happy birthday, zu ni sheng ri kwai le" He gave me an option to delete it and re-record something else. But, why shld I???? that was a macho voice! haha.... I was anticipating for my dinner with livingstone tonite! and left my stomach empty on purpose, just for the dinner wor!! haha... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: approaching the OLIVE / The OLIVE / ME (no steady hand to capture a clear picture!) / the nice ambience / the torch behind me / starter - seafood platter / our mocktails / my linguine scampi / livingstone / fetuccine carbonara / me and my birthday tiramisu! Overall, i rate the restaurant 8/10 for the ambience, the food 6/10, the tira 8/10! haha... yum yum... i enjoyed 30% off the bill (citibank promo) ! ! and im not the only one there celebrating tonite! haha.... Thank you to my friends who sent me wishes via sms, msn, calls and the beautiful gifts! It is what you guys have done that made my day so0000 special! T H A N K Y O U (s) !!! Counting: 1 trip, 2 flower, 16 sms, 4 cards, 3 presents, 11 wishes on msn, 3 cakes, heh heh, this was my msn heading today..... and for u who forgot my birthday... u are gonna get it....soon.... |