The sunset
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
that's the beautiful sunset at west coast last friday.
Couldn't have been any better....
Tones of Pink |
![]() The sunsetTuesday, November 29, 2005![]() that's the beautiful sunset at west coast last friday. Couldn't have been any better.... it's so heavyMonday, November 28, 2005I could have so much to tok abt for things that happen since friday. But I am so tired. Mentally strained. Totally wiped out. I found myself having insomnia these days. I toss and turn for a while until I finally fall asleep. When my sister took over my bag that I carry everyday to work, she says, "aiyoh, how come so heavy???" yah, it striked me that my burden that i carry is so heavy.... Blood is thicker than waterSaturday, November 26, 2005My sister and I can sleep a little better tonite..... finally.... Adelle's LimelightThursday, November 24, 2005![]() She's sleeping so soundly. Isn't she cute? Ladies and Gentleman, this is Adelle, the new arrival, the bundle of joy. Proudly manufactured by Fanni and Ian. ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: the aunties and adelle / the fantastic 4s! / me hugging adelle babies, the potential genius of the future. it's so amazing how they grow in the mommy's stomach, for 10 whole months.... and listening to the mother's experience in giving birth!!! omigod, i must have heard like....20 over birth experiences!!!!!!! P A I N !!!!!! be good to mothers, will U? p/s: be good to fathers too....cos they are often scratch while the wife is giving birth...haha Eat Eat and Eat....burp...Sunday, November 20, 2005Been always wanted to visit the new Food Haven in Botanical Garden. So, we ask mum not to hv lunch, and we'll make it there today. It sux. We couldn't find the place initially. And when we did, we left without having anything. The place is so old, so empty, so not delicious. Maybe I expected too much out of it. I assumed it would be a very green foodcourt, where diners can enjoy their food with the flowers and trees, and basically, nature. ................more concept then what it shld be. Anyway, it was utter disappointment. More like canteen style. But, everything happens with a purpose. We went to Serangoon Gardens instead. Instead of Chomp Chomp, we went to the other spacious food centre. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: fish and chips / guo tie / choco cake / tao hway We were attracted to a signboard that says "Aussie's best fish and chip, money back gurantee." So, livingstone ordered one. I didnt order my share as I had my reserves, i notice they are also selling pastries. So, out of curiosity, I asked the stall aunty, "which one is ur speciality? ur fish and chips? or ur cakes?" haha... "huh, both la...." ok, so, we ordered a banana cake and a chocolate delight cake. They were awful. I think except for my sotong mee, the rest of the food here isn't so fantastic. My mum has the same sentiments. Magaret Drive Fried Chicken RiceSaturday, November 19, 2005Everytime I visit Doctor Ho, Magaret Drive Fried Chicken Rice will come to my mind. ![]() the rice is so fragrant. Better then the chicken itself if i were to compare. haha.... A Good Rest DayFriday, November 18, 2005Actually I havent got the bestest mood to blog tonite. But part of me still wanted to. Because I went to Kembangan again for the liver soup mee sua for dinner, and i jus wanna share it with you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photo: liver and kidney mee sua / vege / otah / steam threadfin / minced pork toufu / the place Mum and i enjoyed a Yum Yum dinner. When everybody asks the same questionThursday, November 17, 2005Almost every friends has been asking me the same question these days. almost.... the big question: " when are u exactly getting married?" there might be many reasons why they asked, so co-incidentally together I must say. It's either, I am too old to stay single, too old to give birth if i dun start to press the panick button, or, they are afraid i can't keep my bf to marry me..... note: there could be more reasons.... hahahaha..... even the aunties whom i buy fruit juice from everyday, ask me this question today! I am not joking. and yes, even my facial therapist too.... Is it my face? I wonder if it is the lines on my face that tells them to start getting worried for me.. ha.. Age .... really can't hide... Anyway, not that i am annoyed by these attention, In fact, I appreciate how concern my friends are. Some are eager to attend my celebration. Yes, I am sure those who ask are invited! so dun hide from me when the time comes...... Pushy SalesWednesday, November 16, 2005I know it is not easy doing sales, I know you might have a sales target to meet. Your boss will call u before you knock off, jus to find out how much sales you have made today. but, honestly, does it mean you can push sales anyhow you like it? You should have at least check my profile in your cabinet before asking me to renew my package! Pardon Me, I was so rather pissed off with this sales person when I went for my facial tonite. She took the chance to sell me their masks when I was waiting for my room to be made. I gave her the chance to finish her sales talk, before I said "No". Yet, she persisted with "how abt renewing your package?" "RENEWING?? I HAVE JUST RENEW MY PACKAGE NOT TOO LONG AGO!! I THINK YOU NEED TO CHECK MY PROFILE BEFORE YOU OFFER ME ANYTHING." this was how i replied her. totally pissed off. she then walked away to retreive my profile card, and she still has the cheek to show me my card and say "oh, you mean this issit?" while pointing at my new and unused facial treatments that I jus bought. I wished I replied "ah-boh-then?" but i kept my cool and said , "yes, exactly." i expected her to apologise and say something nicer, but yet, she pretended to study my card, gave a few nods, and quietly walk away. When another customer came out from her treatment room, she push the sales for the face mask again. I pity her. She jus revealed how desperate she is for new sales. But i won't help her. my next 2 hrs in my treatment room was a make-up of that-pissed-me-off-incident. I understand from my therapist that this woman has got many complaints from customers, and she apparently isn't very popular among the colleagues either. how to become a successful sales person like this???? Ryan boy learns co-ordinationTuesday, November 15, 2005![]() ![]() Ryan boy is starting to learn co-ordination, this is our sing-along-session with ryan boy: me and my sista: Popeye the sailor man, ryan: Boo Boo ! me and my sister: I am Popeye the sailor man, ryan: Boo Boo ! me and my sister: I am Popeye the sailor, I am Popeye the sailor, I am Popeye the sailor man! ryan: ..... Boo Boo la ! haha... so impatient. ![]() We brought him to West Coast Park on Sunday, co-incidentally, there was a NPark Carnival, and ryan gets to ride the chu chu train for free! This is a happi boy.... the endorphines i release is unbelievable!!Monday, November 14, 2005I stopped working out for a complete 7 days! and i thought i might not be able to catch my breathe for spinning tonite. Fortunately, my stamina did not fail me, THANK GOD!! The endorphines i release tonite is unbelievable!! It significantly releases my stress! Well done babe! ;) Are u planning for x'mas? cos i la la la la... The term "Luxury"Sunday, November 06, 2005the word 'luxury' appears to me as, "sleeping at home right now, on my wonderful bed, with my soft pillows and comfortable quilt, while chatting with livingstone" this is what i have been doing everynight, this might sound absurd to u. But i swear this is true. It is so tiring travelling for work. I enjoyed staying in singapore spending time with my family, my loved ones. Well, Im now in the airport waiting for boarding.... cya.... Super-Happi-Belated-Birthday-Buddy!Friday, November 04, 2005Her birthday -- 25th October. But we could only gathered this evening to celebrate for her. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: 3 of us at TCC / My share of dessert - Strawberry short cake, Yummy! / she, pretending to make a wish..haha / The octobians / My fav bag now from bkk All of us came with presents to exchange this evening. Buddy and I jus came back from BKK (seperately) and Sean jus came back from taiwan. Haha, how nice. like an early x'mas ! ! The newborn !Thursday, November 03, 2005Garethe arrived last nite. Yes, Garethe the newborn. (i hope i spelt the name correctly...heh heh) The husband was promoted to the father overnight. and he is obviously a 24hrs father. Looking at the way he talks to his son, well, even though his son is ignoring him, becos he is happily sleeping after the breastfeeding, we can all tell he misses him for the past 10 mths.... haha... ![]() ![]() ![]() photos: the newborn / the exhibition begins / father burping the son IamBACK!Back from our holidays. Back from our shopping from morning till midnight. Back from our daily dosage of massage. Back from our thai meals. Back from my fav dunkin donuts. Back from our fav JJ market. Back from everything.... Back TO REALITY! I say, we spent a better trip than the last: 1) We stayed again in Novotel, now refurbished and newer than the last. 2) We went to Suan Lum night market after hearing abt it so many times, but the last when we were there, it was not open yet... 3) We met up with Dez (the bz man), who always couldn't find time to meet us in singapore. We had dinner at Chinatown and chatted for like 3 hrs... 4) We had dinner at the Cabbages & Condom restaurant. 5) I had manicure and pedicure there. 6) We saw how they celebrated Halloween there. 7) We bought some home deco stuff for our new hse. 8) We had studio fotos taken again, but this time in a reality studio. 9) We had lunch at Ban Kun Mae before we headed for the airport. 10) and of cos, for the obvious, i stocked up my lingeries again! But the bestest thing was, livingstone walked the trip with me, with no mention of vacabularies like: "hot", "stuffy", "let's get out of here", "tired", "aiyo, dun think so long", "quick", "hungry", "thirsty", "let's go back to the hotel"...... Instead, he told me things like "wanna buy somemore?", "buy la", "go there see somemore", "buy more la", "this is nice", "be careful dear", "u like then buy lor", ...... There were absolutely no complaints from him at all. And for the trip, he only bought a tee, some dvds and a soviet union stone. I am so uber proud of him. Of cos, in recognition of these, I took time out for us to go for massage and good dinners everyday. Before, i would spend no time in massages, I will chiong all the way for shopping at Siam Square, and spend my last thai baht, jus before i got into that taxi and headed for the airport. Let's imagine, on the 2nd night, we had dinner at Suan Lum only at 11.30pm. migod, i think i dun even have appeitite after the long and tired day. We only had breakfast in novotel, no lunch, but lotsa water at JJ, and only dinner at suan lum, our last stop for the day. Livingstone enjoyed his dinner while i felt like sleeping, haha.... Ain't he so uber nice? .... photo: that's us before we took off from singapore. |