Friday, December 30, 2005
We decided to celebrate our New Year earlier this year. Somebody suggested Manhill Restaurant in Pasir Panjang, so there we were....
 i havent heard of this restaurant...but it sure does ring a bell to some of my senior colleagues."oh, the one that use to be in cantonment road!"...yah, this restaurant has to make way for the new Pinnacle HDB flat.it is pretty old there, the cups and the tea pots they used looked like those we see in the 1960s.....some of them even has the 1960s' stain!! haha....but the food was good,we had chicken in paper bag, claypot noodles, fried rice, pork ribs, vege, bamboo shoot & mushroom and yi-ping-wo.....Now we are ready to usher in the new year!!
Monday, December 26, 2005
It has to be 1 BBQ i have been anticipating since october! we had wanted to book a chalet instead, but i just couldn't get the one we wanted, and we decided that we didnt want to settle for anything less then our expectations, so, finally, we opt for a simple BBQ.
Everybody needs to bring a food / item. 1) Jean - satay 2) Beng - bee hoon 3) eddie - log cake 4) HL and SX - Sushi 5) Siang - Pepsi 6) Dez - fruit salad 7) Jojo - Chicken wing & mashed potato 8) Nick - BBQ pit
Oh, of cos, plus the present to exchange!
Christine and sons dropped by to say hello. so sweet, it has been such a long time since we last met! 
I have to record this, it has to be a curse or somthing, but a few of us forgot some items on our way to west coast!1) I forgot my chicken wings!2) Ah siang forgot his christmas present!3) Ah beng forgot his satay!!!haha....wtf!!! anyway, we all went back home to take....the whole christmas celebration became extra meaningful when we savour the food we prepare together, and of cos the presents!! -- NICE.we left for jurong hill after midnight, to con't our 2nd round.played indian poker and 'guess the number', loser has to eat the left over bee hoon, sushi, and pepsi.....they r not gonna be in my lunch/dinner list for the next couple of days....haha....M E R R Y M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !!!!!!
 LOR-MEE in tiong bahru market early in the morning! sLurp!! Honestly, although i know there is a famous lor-mee in tiong bahru market, i dun really know which is the exact stall! alamak! there are so many lor-mee stalls in tiong bahru market now, how am i suppose to spot it!???
mommy and i squeezed thru the stalls selling women's clothings and accessories after breakfast, omigod, so many pple preparing for CNY now!! they are alrd blasting the CNY celebration songs on the radio!
we headed for chinatown and omigod, the CNY deco for most of the shops were alrd in place! and i thought it was x'mas eve!!???
it was a so bloody hot weather!!the dessert has to come! this is a small dessert house in people's park centre.mom had black sesame, and i had white fungus with red dates....yummy!
Miss Chay nearly knocked my head while saying 'EXCUSE ME, u realise the last time we met up, we exchanged x'mas presents too??" bloody hell, how could that be??? 12 mths since i last saw her??? ok ok, i bz, she also bz, but c'mon, this is the season for giving and sharing! and we did not forget each other! that makes up for everything isn't it!? haha....wise man always have his own reasons. we had a quality dinner at wheel lock place 'sun and moon' the sushi we ordered .... SUPER DELICIOUS!! my sukiyaki was like just so-so..
the best part must be the exchanging of presents of cos! i got a story book from sheryl, and sheryl got a lip balm from miss chay, and miss chay got an aussino inspire bedsheet from ME!! heh heh.... did i say this is a season of giving and sharing? :) it is so heart-warming!

now i have to start reading my christmas story book....
23-12-2005: we have decided to celebrate 2005's x'mas with a special way this year in our office.we forgo the traditional idea of ordering from 1 caterer,we forgo the traditional way of exchanging presents, according to our wish lists.we forgo the most boring way of just eating and and opening presents.and, we have decided to:1) order xing-zhou-bee-hoon, mee-goreng and fried rice from HK street.2) order turkey, lamb and pies from NTUC.3) buy finger food from old chang kee,4) prepare our own salad,5) buy 22 prizes for 3 games, 2 teams and 15 members,6) play 3 fun games,7) play x'mas carollings,we had so much fun!and we played charade, dress-up santa clause and passing polo.there were 2 teams, the chicken little team and the mickey mouse team.the losing team would have to be punished after 3 games.and since i was in the mickey mouse team, chicken little team has to lose! wahaha....and they had to dance the CHICKEN LITTLE dance as pre-decided by the comittee.they were quite a sport i must say. they finished the dance gracefully!!the video i took was super hilarious!!check out the fotos!! Had to rush for part 2 celebration!! :d
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ho Ho Ho!!! X'mas shopping i had last nite! with my loved ones.... how happi...We shopped till 10pm, choosing presents for our nieces. By the time we wanted to head home, the q at the takashimaya taxi stand was long enuf to form a gigantic dragon! i waited for 20mins, but the damn q wasn't moving fast enuf. And the number of taxis coming in are miserable!Many pple started to dial for a cab. Including me....i waited on the line for another 20mins, and by the time the cab came, it was like 10.50pm!! ...Ryan mumbled 'neh neh' (milk milk), ....poor thing...he was hungry during the wait.... :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
because my sista is able to meet us for christmas shopping tonite.Me, mommy, sista and ryan...to orchard road, to feel the crowd.to feel the lightings.hip hip hurray!!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
this is a very special skirt to me.Ya, i made it myself.of cos with the help of a teacher la...im wearing it today.my heart is so warm...what a sweet present from Me to Myself.Thank you Me.
Monday, December 19, 2005
shop shop shop!! in fact this is suppose to be the best time of the year to shop, with shops opened until midnight! the crowd in the malls, and the christmas carollings in the background. plus the thought of friends and families smiling gratefully at the presents you bought... isn't it so so wonderful.....
suddenly.... we were craving for the hotdog bun we had in london few years back.... and so, we made it...
something is missing.... the mustard. :)
i wonder how come he can gossip with us on friday nights. no need to go home accompany wife. no need to go home eat dinner. no need to go home wash the clothes. no need to go home fold the clothes.... the bestest of ALL is, he gossips like the women. AND HE IS A MAN.
he is like our sister. wahaha....
we had dinner at yoshinoya this time, yum yum.... it was like donkey yrs before, we had our the same in the plaza singapura branch, where we were still studying there... we still rem how we sprinkled the chilli pepper powder onto sean's rice, that we almost finished the whole bottle!! haha..... and he can still eat it so happily.....
  we decided we should chill out in macdonalds with a cup of diet coke, haha, cheapo huh...TCC close as early as 10pm.so of cos we choose the better option...cheap and good!!haha...
Friday, December 16, 2005
i would never have imagine myself watching KING KONG (KK).when there are KK posters all over orchard road, i told livingstone i will never wanna watch, and i pretended to miss those poster when we walked past any of them....so that he will not ask me for the show again....haha,....how mean.but then, as the days draws nearer, he asked me everyday,"we go watch kk, ok?"until one fine day, he said,"i give u one hundred dollars, u go and watch kk with me ok?"haha....NAH,....of cos i didnt accept the offer la.but i had to skip my thurs gym, jus to watch kk!!!as the chinese sayings goes, 'ren suan bu ru tian suan'......that was the last thing i would ever imagine myself sacrificing for....but .... sometimes it happens...how would i ever bear to reject livingstone when he asked,'shall we watch kk tonite?'hai.....'ok lor' i said.i took a glance at my gym bag and forced back my tears....To be honest, it was not a bad show after all.3 whole hours.the kk fought with the dino and the other creatures, omigod, he is such a hero.haha...esp when he tries to show attitude to Ann...it was so farnie.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I have always wanted Ryan to meet Beckie. But I wasn't sure if it will be a good idea after all. Will Beckie be unfriendly? What if Ryan cries when they shake hands?

No need to worry la, look at them. like long lost friends. Ryan hugs Beckie like how he hugs Barney. he pokes Beckie's nose, pull her ears, and scratches her. aiyo, maybe he thought Beckie is a soft toy!!!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Ah ma chose ryan's x'mas present this year. stylo huh?...
We gave him the present wrapped, he opened the wrapper slowly, and when he saw the purple color fur, he shouted "Barney!!"
haha.... so cute.

Merry Christmas Ryan!!
i dunno wat's wrong with my bf, but he suddenly took out all his army shoes, and started snapping away. after that, he gave me a weird smile, and a laugh.

We went to see coris on Saturday. Buddy say , "u guys like ka-pat-lah, keep going to the site..."
haha.... excited to see the hse mah.... hey, that's like the biggest sum of money i ever use to purchase something in my entire life. haha.... $170++K ok.... la la la la la la

Mel recommended this place for dinner. BLISS @ Punggol Park, dine by the lake.It's an interesting place, with a beautiful lake, and quite a crowd.But.....the food....maybe we ordered the wrong food.the pics looks like they were delicious...but well....they are not...we actually requested to chg the pasta, becos it was too watery and blend when it first came.and to be honest, i nearly vomitted....wahaha...i had to surrender and say, i can't finish them...anyway, we left the restaurant a comment on paper.maybe the rest of the dishes were better, we sway lor...
Brought my mum to food republic at wisma, after all the ravings she heard from my aunty: " the toast is tat-kong ar!!, the place so big, so crowded, they have all the food we wanna eat!" Anyway, the toast is not really that fantastic to me la. but the view from the food court is pretty interesting...
Friday, December 09, 2005
I started this blog remembering that I shld spread the smile,because i think, the smile, is contagious.yet, i jus realise that i have since smiled lesser at home, nah, i have my reasons for that,or shld i say, i have my excuses for that.everybody does things for a reason, and this reason could jus be regarded as an excuse to somebody.anyway....it takes 2 hands to clap.....
Monday, December 05, 2005
Was getting so busy with Daniel's wedding montage these days.listening to songs, fotos, creating the effect.have been involved in his preparation for a while.there are soooo many things to prepare for the big day.counting down to 5 more weeks ....then we can all enjoy the fruit of our labour.....
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I say THANK YOU to many friends who drop me an sms, call me, msn me and even offer to lunch with me when they know i was really down for the week....A BIG THANK YOU(s) !!Im slowly recovering.Financially, Emotionally and Mentally.I have to stop feeling sorry for myself.Hopefully we will survive the ordeal.May tomorrow be a better day.....