Thursday, March 30, 2006
a few days ago, my mum called me while i was at work, and she frantically told me,"girl! ur bra gone missing agn!!..."holy shit !!! not the first time lor.i dunno which admirer that is, is it a bloody stupid pervert?or is it a poor girl that hasn't got enuf money to purchase her own bras?or is it some unknown enemy.I dunno.and i dun think i will noe.I will never noe.i hate this bastard.and it was 2 pcs that this bastard had took at 1 go this time.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
i finish combat.then i carry on with boxercise.and finally, i stay on for body-balance!There isn't much time for me to do something like dat in a week.3 classes in a row.It was super shiok.even though, i was tired,even though, ah bee is chanting for my return,even though, i noe its gonna be real late.but i noe My preseverance is right!!the after-feeling is fabulous!Now..... i think its all in my mind..... way to go!!!i pray for more moments like this..... =)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I say Thank You to My Parents...
For even though i seldom speak to my dad, he will still protect me and not let me get hurt...
For my mum will always ask if i wanna eat breakfast on saturday mornings, and still nag if i say "no, i dun wan..", cos she is afraid that i will starve to look good....
For my parents will always see my elder sister as a child who do not noe how to take care of herself, even when she has become a mother.
For my parents who refuse to eat good and expensive stuff because they are afraid we have not enuf to spend.
For my mother who felt bad when she sees me weep.... I say Thank You to My Sister...
For sharing the burdens with me....
For supporting my decisions most of the time..For sleeping with me for 20 over years, side by side..For tricking me into playing the 'sleeping game'.... "ok, let's play, and see who sleeps first..", when i pester her to play with me..For bringing Ryan boy to our family so that i have such a cute nephew to play with.... I say Thank You to Livingstone....For sometimes, i have to make livingstone make a u-turn to go to the place i wanna go or to pass me something that i forget to take with me when i alight.. but he still give me that smile..For sometimes, i have to make livingstone wait for 45mins in the carpark alone because i was still held up with my class..... yet he still give me the smile..For sometimes, I have to make livingstone accompany my family for family outings.... he would still smile..For alot of times, he tells me im not fat, but he will still play with the extra fat on my arms....he smiles....For all the time, he will arrange to spend time with me even though he has to be very busy...For alot of times, he will look at me while i talk, and smile from the bottom of his heart.I say Thank You to my Buddy....For faithfully accompanying me thru my most miserable days and my happiest days...For the listening ear....and now the eyes (on msn)......I say Thank You to ALL MY FRENS....For remembering me even though we dun meet regularly,For including me in your mailing list so that i get to enjoy all the wonderful sexy pictures, stories and video clips...For .....*********************************************************************************I give thanks to all my family, friends and relatives.I constantly remind myself to say thank you.Not because i wanna catch your attention,but because u do not owe me anything to be nice to me.and because it reminds me not to take things for granted.oh of cos, for the pple that have been nasty to me, of cos.....what comes around goes around...what goes up, must comes down....haha....we dun have to go into detail about that, do we?.... hee hee
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
the nite has come for me to bounce in this pair of SHOX. & i seriously can't wait any longer....
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
There is no need for fireworks, or flowers to celebrate D' Day. the more he try to surprise me, the more awkward he becomes, afterall, i prefer the usual him and the usual me...
a casual chat, a simple dinner, our favourite brownie with bailey's choc chip ice-cream... i might not wanna ask for more. =) afterall, how many weekdays can we share together to enjoy a meal and stroll together?
we visited Rochester for a recommended meal by Jill.
 @ North Borders Bar & Grill D' Restaurant before nite falls the unique cutlery, heavy wor. Oven baked chicken breast stuffed with brown rice baby back ribs...yummy.... enjoying my after-meal drink.... D' chat
 YES!! after meal dessert at the Daily Scoop!!!Our fav brownie and Bailey's Choc Chip!!wat more do i wanna ask for??? Me and my imaginary fren....hur hur hur can a fork kill?haha.... very creative huh.....(my reflection on a knife)we celebrate only 3 occassions a year.but i always felt that we celebrate valentines' day every weekend...spending our time together and with our families and frens....these are all considered valentines' day to me.im appreciative that we hv the luxury to spend time together.the cruel truth is, everybody is bz with their own things,it takes an exta effort to take out time in between their bz schedules to meet each other.I say thank you to livingstone for insisting on meeting me last nite to remember D' Day...=*)
Monday, March 20, 2006
4 yrs ago.... when a man loves a woman, the journey begins...
it was d day when livingstone came back from japan, in 2002. and we were suppose to meet up for our 1st date. yes, d first date. =)
we were both nervous and shy.. anticipating for the clock to strike 6pm. He was at home, and I am at work.
When i went downstairs to the lobby to meet him, I saw a nervous man standing there, smiling at me. it has to be d day we were anticipating for the past 1 mth....(he had flew to japan for a mth) although there were occassional emails from him, and we chatted on icq whenever we could, but we were still dying to meet each other. his smile at the lobby tells me that we were both relieved that the seperation was over.
today, its gonna be D' Day again. He will be waiting for me at the lobby again. i miss that smile....and im gonna see it tonite again....
cheerios!! =)
it's the wing tai carpark sale! how would i missed it?
did i ever mention that i have been wearing a pair of NIKE air for the past 7 years? the sole came off slightly for a few times, but i would use super glue to stick it back, and con't to body combat. the last straw came when the whole sole nearly dropped off while i was bz helping my bro to empty the shop. And my dad had to use a shoe lace to tie my feet to the shoe temporarily. so malu.
so i actually wanted to drop by queensway after wing tai, to buy another pair. but, i have to thank whoever is watching over me from above. haha, i spotted a pair of NIKE SHOX! at 79bucks! wat a steal !! the last pair somemore, and it was fortunately, MY SIZE! haha, everything happens with a purpose. Now i noe why i had to die die be at wing tai sale. the sale is suppose to close at 5pm, but we reach there at 4.30pm. la la la la la la... now i can't wait to wear my new pair of shoe! =)
 ryan is working hard. as instructed by shu shu. he has to carry my shox, and our clothings. haha....
everytime we pass by whampoa, we think of the fish head steamboat. but the long q always turn us away. mum suggested we go for it this time. so, her wish is my command. we'll wait. "50mins ar, must wait" the auntie say. "ok lor." i replied.
i can say, she can be a fortune teller, otherwise, she really calculate zhun zhun 50mins to serve us lor.

this is the first time we are eating this.NICE.24 bucks for 3 person's share.warning: Do not attempt to wait if u have skipped ur lunch.
this is a day to remember,The pregnant Alice join us for the first time, for a chat after our dinner @ sPizza.Had a nice session while we chat, though we hardly see each other.And fyi, Alice is Sean's wife.... hur hur hur....too bad, i forgot to snap a pic of her....too bz chatting..... =)
Friday, March 17, 2006
it's all in the mind. isn't it?we say our new year resolution is to lose weight, to be nicer to parents, to save up, to work harder, to workout, to gossip lesser, to .....how many times exactly does all these or rather, any of these happen?All these are determined by the mind, wun u agree?if our mind is weak, we follow the schedule a day or two, and gets weaken by the lazy mind again.Yet, if we are govern by a strong mind, we follow the resolution, and hold a good discipline.its easier said then done, how do we cultivate a strong mind?how do we control our head, such that we take control of our lives rather then the other way round?does it voice down to self-control ?the self-control to turn down temptations, the self-control to become a better person.But, I noe, we take charge of our own lives, and we are responisble for it,nobody can gurantee to standby us for the rest of our lives, accident and tomorrow, which one comes first?we dun hv time to lose.the above is only my own opinion. dun challenge me. hur hur hur.....there's no need to... =)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
i had a dream....IT WAS A NITEMARE!!!!i dreamt that livingstone and I went on a cruise, on a bloody crowded cruise. (dunno cruise to wea...)and i kept my camera inside his camera bag, and i sling it across my body.after a while,i tried to take out my camera, but it was not in the bag!!!i frantically searched the entire bag, although the bag has got only 1 compartment!but its still no wea to be found!i dreamt that i cried."my fav camera.....my fav possession.....wooo WooOOOO"i dreamt that i wanted to buy a new camera, ..... after which i woke up.at 4am, i woke up, i reach out for the camera that i placed next to my bed everynight.thank god!....it was there.believe me, it took me a while to realise that it was a dream.and i was so relieved.i laughed it off,had a smile,and went back to sleep..... =)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
"The world is a book, and for those who do not travel, they only read a page...."
Sunday, March 05, 2006
enjoyable ktv session! hokkien, chinese, english, cantonese....haha...multi-lingo, not bad at all!

Saturday, March 04, 2006
that was the topic for the opening ceremony in KMSPKS today.
"Gratitude is the feeling of being grateful and appreciative of the kindness shown by others....Being grateful takes acknowleding kindess as its prerequisite and repayment as its form; this is called repaying kindness. So, in order to repay kindness, one has to acknowledge kindness and identify the benefactor first." - extracted from the commemorative book distributed to VIPs and Invited Guests today.
i totally agree. nobody owes me anything, and if somebody show me kindness, i need to repay them.

fotos: woman in prayers / the unveiling of the curtain by the abbot and Mr Goh Chok Tong
Buddy dropped by my hse today. Ryan almost couldn't recognise her. Or-B.

cute, isn't it? =)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
the little ones went back home.i came home last nite with a clean and tidy room.no mattresses on the floor, no books, no pens, no bags....i began to miss them.I wonder if alyssa passed her chinese test yesterday afternoon,I wonder if ah bee completes the assesment i bought for her,I wonder if they have slept early, and I wonder if they have breakfast for tomorrow morning.I kind of enjoy the company when they were in my room.It happens, we complain when they are with us, that they are too noisy, too troublesome, too naughty, blar blar blar....now that they are gone, the house seems so quiet and empty.Home is where they find their warmth, and where they truely belong.being back to their mommy's arms has to be the best place on earth for them.I'll still be here if the angels needs me again.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
it was ah bee's birthday, and ryan boy decided to be extra nice to her, ... well....jus for that particular nite...

so ah bee be nice too, and gave ryan boy a hug....

isn't that cute?
time to make a wish and blow the candles....
 happi birthday my dearest ah bee...i hope u grow up bright and grow up wise.someday u will see this blog and noe how much i love u.....