Friday, July 28, 2006
Last year, I had ikea sent him a chair i bought, and the man assembled the chair right before him. This year, he was expecting another delivery....
err....im very creative wan lo....i wun repeat surprises lo.... la la la la
he asked, 'u got write the wrong address for the delivery man or not?', 'did u remember that i moved office? not 1st flr anymore u noe?'
haha.....im not stupid.
He picked me up at 6.45pm. I took over the wheels, and made him close his eyes. But i guessed curiosity almost killed him. He has no idea where we are going, and he doesn't know what to expect for his birthday present.
As we were approaching Mandai exit, he said, ' i know where we are going alrd la....to the zoo right?' and i said, 'so clever....i made a reservation with the ah meng, we'll have dinner with him at 7.30pm sharp.'
He must have took it for real....until i turned into Mandai Orchid Garden instead. hee....

yesh, his birthday dinner will be at Vanilla Pod. He was surprised. yeah! i win! haha....

So, the suspense for the location is over, nex, will be the present. He kept asking, 'what is the present?' 'orh, i noe...u must have bought MEtoYou figurine for me.'
And i said, 'so clever....'

So he assumed I bought the teddybear figurine.
Then, we saw another guest in the house.
 hahahaha!!! kermit!!!

He was hoping that he can open up the present immediately, but i said, No, it has to be after our soup.
la la la la la la....
We were hungry.....and we thought this could whet our appetite....hee...

Here comes the toasted french loaf...

smells so nice! taste even betta! must have been too hungry to judge an ordinary bread...
Ok, here comes our mushroom soup!

for a moment, we were stunned. this looks more like or-bee-buey hee....
ok, i tell u, it tasted betta! the look is indeed deceiving. aniwae, the white thing is not coconut, it's cream. with bits of mushroom and potatoe, niceeeeeeeeee. 10bucks for that.
We were actually seated at the al fresco area, and there were no other diners, except us. I looked out of the sliding window, and i thought, the whole scene is so serene. I picture Orchard road, very bz, with tons of pple crossing the roads, and underpass, walking in and out of the malls, .... and there we were, in the ulu part of singapore island, enjoying our dinner with the fresh orchids, and kermit..... it's so quiet and peaceful....
 that was what is happening outside.
Then, i cue for him to open the present after our soup.
 He was already expecting the teddy bear rem??? so look at picture 6, i suppose he was elated! haha.... yup! i bought him STAR WARS!!! and it is YODA! hee....
 This is not a toy, this is an adult collectible. It is a bust.
swee hor?....hee....the price also swee..... :9
 ok, that's me, acting proud, with our yoda....
Then, the food came, and the kind lady offered to take a picture for us.

The menu:
 carbonara for him
 angel's hair for me with scallop...yum yum!!
 that's me and my pasta and our yoda. hee...
The pasta is yummy yummy yummy! im gonna say it was served al dente and the scallop is marinated jus nice!! really nice! The taste still lingers in me now u noe! and for a start, i thought my pasta looks like wan tan mee....haha....
Now, i have to compliment the malay lady who served us all nite. She is patient, polite and always ready to smile and chat with us. I didnt tell her that we are celebrating a birthday here when i reserved the table. Yet, she observed that there is a present on the table, and she prepared a chocolate truffle for him even before i asked them too!

 and looked, she specially asked the chef to decorate the simple cake.
the cake is nice! and it was complimentary by the restaurant.
more photos with the hao lian yoda.
(livingstone covers his eyes behind yoda...haha) this yoda got certificate wan ok....limited edition wor... cannot help it, he too hao lian.....haha....we left Vanilla Pod feeling so satisfy, for the food, the ambience, the service, well....that's what we will need for a perfect birthday celebration for ur beloved, isn't it?Happi birthday My Dear....u deserved a treat!At the same time, it was fanni's birthday, Happy Happy Birthday!!! :)
Thursday, July 27, 2006
yesh,it's my livingstone's birthday today.pictures and details coming up tml.... hee.... :p
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
We all think we have done enuf.enuf to please our beloved.enuf to make ends meet.enuf to create laughter.....but, there are times when pple think what we did, wasn't enuf....
Monday, July 24, 2006
I slept at 2am. And Changi Airport Arrival details says the flight will touched down at 5.05am. *faint* how much time do i have to catch my sleep??
sleep la. i'll wake up at 4.30am.
I logon again, only to find that the flight will reach at 4.45am now. *faint again*
rush lor. and jus when i needed to rush, i was stucked at the first 3 traffic lights. #$^&*( i want to cheong faster, but scare summon. and i had to keep my eyes wide awake ECP. anyway, i arrived before they came out. phew....
the brothers unloaded their loot immed when they reach home. livingstone bought me some surprises wor!! haha.... u see, he seldom gets me anything when he travels. he always dono what to get for me.... but this time, he got me this beautiful visor cap!!
 nice! i like it so much! thanks dear!!
and i also like what was printed on the tag.
 surprise after surprise, he even got me 2 tops!! haha.....he's beginning to learn to give me surprises......yeah!!!!! haha.... (there are no perfect man.....but there are man who tries..... hee hee )
and of cos, he bought himself many things too la. china wor! his idol originates from there lor.

 these are jus a few....and there were propaganda paintings, more stones, maps.....etc....i think our hse will have a small history museum....
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I was very tired this morning, but i had to drag myself outta bed, when my sista arrives home. ryan came to my room, and shouted, 'xiao yee, wake up alrd. going out. wake up. c'mon...' i had to wake up. it's my dowager's birthday. we promised to accompany her for brunch, lunch and dinner. more like an excursion i have planned.
we started off by going to tekka, for my mom's fren recommended her this braised duck stall.

 indeed, u can smell the herbal gravy while approaching the stall. but the after taste was a thirsty and oily feel. the meat were cut in chunky sizes. i would rate the gravy good, but would be better if it is not so oily.
we all know little india is infamous for traffic jam. so we had to do some self-entertaining...

we all look into the mirror, and snap! my sista must have been bz-ing with ryan's stuff at the back.
 ryan found livingstone's shaver, and used it as a handphone camera. he pretended to snap picture of me and later used it to 'call' his everybody and asked for their whereabouts.
guessed where i brought them to!??

jurong hill! haha... we had fun there, jumping around and taking pictures.
then it must have been me agn who suggested visiting CORIS site. again. haha... Mom gave very good feedback on the estate now. she said 'nice env', which i thought was encouraging. cos she initially hasn't been too positive or happy abt us getting a flat there. aniwae, i hope things turned out good.

ryan enjoyed the playground there, haha...its clean for now at least. and he was posing next to our letterbox. hee....
Dinner was what mom had requested, Curry fish head at Hup Choon.

Mom especially loved the curry fish head there. she enjoys herself thoroughly with jus d dish, the rest are jus to occupy her teeth spaces. but im gonna tell u this, the yam ring is fantabulous! really! it was the first time we ordered this there, and we loved it so much!
we filled ourselves soooo full that we could hardly walked an inch. i needed some digestive tea! but ryan boy more powderful, he requested for Mac!!!
so we went. King Albert Park Branch.  see the similar shoes they had?? it's amazing that he still remembers that i have to bring him to mac.u see, before dinner, we made a pact.that if he can finish his dinner, i'll bring him to mac.to think he indeed still rem the agreement after the very full dinner.wow, its late.i got to catch some sleep.livingstone is touching down soon, and i have to pick him up!ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friday will always be my fav weekday. should be considered a weekend though. I like to dress up for friday. I will wake up and decide to be happier for friday. ....Just for friday. :)
The programme for the nite, is to try out the complimentary facial @ AngelSky with budd. Ok, so, i've been there, done that. I have an existing package with Haach. So my objective at AngelSky, is to try out their products, their service, and to see their ambience. Haach kind of set my standard for a facial parlour. and so, AngelSky did not get to earn my money tonite. I shall not criticise them here though. For the products, the service, the ambience did not supersede Haach, at least for the moment. But AngleiSky has quite an interesting toilet bowl... hee... something like what i saw in japan.... 
The next destination on the list, is to bring budd to TDS!! she has heard me rave abt this ice cream parlour every now and then... i think she must have heard enuf. haha... 
so there she goes with her rum and raisin and home baked brownie. im glad she finished the whole pc. haha.... my baileys and brownie was yummylicious too!
it was supper after the sweet surrender.
 but i guess i had the ice-cream too fast. was empty stomach when i had it. and just when i was abt to indulge in my late-nite-dinner-but-early-supper, my stomach got pain. eeeeeeeeeeeek. and i had to rush to the toilet to detox before i come back for my fav bee hoon. @#$%^&*We later drove to dempsey road, rochalie road, ridley park, greenwood ave and evans road, for a spin la....haha....we were chatting while driving,and we decided we shall have to look for the meaning of EGO and PRIDE.EGO - 1) The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves. 2) In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality. 3) An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit. 4) Appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem. PRIDE - 1) A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect. 2) An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceitwe were wondering what is the term difference between these two words...
Ryan boy: "Xiao Yee, where is shu shu?" that was the first question he asked me on the wednesday nite when he got up into his usual seat at the back. Me: "Shu Shu under the car seat" that was what i told him. And i think he took it for real. Becos before he get off the car at his house, he went underneath the car seat and say 'Bye Bye shu shu!' haha...... Livingstone went outstation, and I get to keep the car for the next few days.
 I used to like this fried fish soup very much. the one at china square. It is like 1-2 yrs since i last had it again. Mmmm....i think the standard dropped. The eggs is still nice. but the soup is a little blend. My mom dun like it....and i think she must have hated me for bringing her there.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Livingstone leaves for Shanghai last nite. and this was what he did to my handyplastered finger.
 cute hor? hee....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
it is like the topic of the week for me.the discussion & comparison of buying a unit in mature estate, or buying a unit in those "birds-dun-lay-eggs-places" a.k.a Punggol / Sengkang.I asked many, and of cos, it generates many opinions, concerns and debates.my objective here is not to prove who is right or who is wrong,rather, to see how the 'market' really view this issue.the hdb is selling the houses in mature estates in such sky-high prices.there are pple who love it, and pple who hate it.the interest for the housing loan, can be as high as 90k++ for a loan amt of 140k and for a 30yrs repayment period.putting together the interest, the cost of the hse, the renovation, ....what is then the selling price the owners are looking at after 5 yrs or so?and im talking abt a unit that would cost at an avg of 270k. And what abt those units bought at a price higher then this?one fren told me, we only have 24hours a day in our lives, it is not worth it, if he has to spend like 3hrs on the road travelling to work and home. So, these are the pple who tell me all is worth it.yet on the other hand, pple like me and livingstone, who got a shelter in those ''birds-dun-lay-eggs-places" might think otherwise.staying out of the town area might be a better choice for us.like i always complain that i avoid going to town during weekends.i prefer looking for a dining area that is out of town, secluded, and not so crowded.i enjoy going for some retail therapy outside orchard.the amount we paid for the hse is pretty low. at 176k for a 4-rm unit.for a loan repayment period of 15 yrs, we shall target to redeem the hse in 10 yrs time.we do not want to be a slave to our house.many pple wants to travel to other countries where the living pace is slower.even retire there.at times, when we drove into the birds-dun-lay-eggs-places, I immediately felt a slower pace of living compared to my current estate, (which happens to be a mature mature and mature estate), maybe that means that will be a good place to retire? hmm....? we'll see....well....like i say, there are many ways to look at certain things.im a libra.and i typically like to look at things in all ways i can covered.therefore, i like to ask and listen to different pple, giving me different opinions.judgment of this topic is subjective.may i repeat, 'u either love it or hate it'....just don hate me.of cos, i will have to move in to buangkok to appreciate it even more.afterall, i made a decision to love that place alrd.hee......
I can't recall when i started craving for these freddos! No, I can't find them in Singapore. U might have seen a similar freddo in NTUC or some hypermart locally, but, no, they are not these kind of diary milk freddo.those u saw are white top, which, i donch like. it was Jason.he brought it back for me from sydney!cos he knows i love them!yeah!!! thanks so much!! *dancing with my freddos*
Sunday, July 16, 2006
although i hate to enter orchard during weekends, i had to oblidge today. livingstone's mom requested for us to buy the jewellery before the 7th mth, otherwise it will be after 7th mth.....
so we went hopping from shops to shops, trying to find the perfect bracelet.... aniwae, it didnt happen.
then i got steven lim jumping out from nowhere while we were walking past cktang. he asked me to do eyebrow shaping! *faint*
we made a discovery today though:
 can u see there is actually a basketball court above cktangs?
 close up.
heh heh.....
aniwae, since livingstone is gonna be outstation for next week, which he will miss my mom's birthday, we decided that he has to eat early with my mom. :)
 it was back to zhi yan for the perfect chicken.the fried beancurd prawn is another must try if u go....simply irresistable!yum!
It is a must have for me and livingstone everytime we decided to go Bark Cafe. It comes like the first picture,then when u stir, it becomes bloody red.yum yum!it was jus a nite for the four of us.sx, hl, livingstone and me.we had a long chat.and.....we dig out some of our secrets. interesting....
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A new member arrives in sean and alice's family on 10th of July 2006, Monday. Amelia Ang.
Adorable girl. with a pair of double eyelid eyes, and a round face like her father, im sure her parents are so proud of her....

babies. they are really a bundle of joy.just observing their various expressions when they sleep, they can make us go, 'eeee, look......haha...... see see.....sayang.....oooorh.....ooooorh.....'congratulations my fren.i wish u loads of happiness day after day,and may amelia bring u joy, laughter and be a good good daughter now and forever....cheerios!!!