Thursday, August 31, 2006
yeah!!! after 3 yrs of wait....
 i woke up at 6.45am, our appt is 8.10am. our queue number, 2001.attended by a friendly indian lady, she starts work at 8am, and we are her first 'customer'!haha...it was a smooth and quick session since not many pple at such early hours...heng ar.... finally,.... 17 keys.... right into our hands....go buy 4d then straight to coris!! the prayers begins.... we have to pray to every corners of the hse and throw 2 coins, then sprinkle salt and rice.then Kee helps to sprinkle 'holy water' around the hse and use a hammer to agar agar knock the place....we can start reno anytime! yay!! livingstone. all satisfied with our love hut.... the wind was pretty strong last afternoon, see how my hair flies nicely, hahai hope there is no afternoon sun.but kee said, if there is afternoon sun, 2 yrs later, when quartz (the condo opp me) completes itself, they will get the sun instead of us....hee.....but that is provided they are taller then me lo....hahahahahaha...vivian came and help to guide us to check the defects.lucky she came, she helped to check the master bedroom's timber flooring..haha....siongz u noe, using the 1dollar coin to knock on every strip....*faint*then she said, 'now is wait for ur water supply and chk for water leakage, then wait for the sky to rain, to check if the windows leaks....'not long after, it rains!haha, i call it the perfect rain... checked checked....heng ar....the major defects looks like is the flooring....expected. ok, till friday, we shall come back agn to wait for the water supply.we quickly went to select some of our electrical applicances,and took the measurements so that we can pass these information to diana.guess what, we are meeting diana to select materials!haha....all in 1 day....how efficient. hohoho....(think i need the humble pie...haha...ok ok)the materials discussion took us 3hrs.its interesting to know how we click with diana, every session we had with her...will stomach ache wan.haha....we packed one more thing into our schedule.dono why we didnt take fotos, but we met up with dez. one of our emcee for the wedding.had a simple dinner at henderson market, catching session..... ;)at the same time, it was huiling's birthday.happi birthday.....may all ur wishes come true....(pls wish that i grow pretty...haha)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
tomorrow is the day....we be collecting the keys to our love hut....finally....its an amazing feel.... truely it is.Witnessing our love hut slowly built on a pc of empty field.going thru the balloting excercise, the selection, the waiting process, the chasing after showflats in our estate (hee hee), ...etc.... its amazing...it is altogether a 3 yrs wait for the love hut...more info after we collect the keys tml... :)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Very farnie. i thought it shld be the other way round. shouldn't it be Mom bringing me to the KFC? .... like in the good old days, like i was still 7 yrs old??
haha.... for a change, i suggested going to the KFC, i think mom hadn't had it for like a hundred years. she is not those kind who would have cravings for fast food. she prefers chinese 365 days a year.
Only i can agitate her tastebuds. haha.... So, i suggested, she agreed, livingstone agreed, and there we are!

i teased her while she was tucked into her burger....haha...Well, she is not totally daring in terms of her appetite, but for the recent years, she has tried to be open-minded.At least, now she eats pizza, japanese, pasta, cheese, abit of mayo, ....etcand of cos, after our nagging sessions...haha....she said the burger was good, the cheese fries ok, normal fries better, and that the whipped potato is too saltish.hur hur hur.....
rem i said i collected the jewellery from fairys? i also said i can't show u the items? hee...hee... pardon me... let me keep some suspense.... hee....
but i love the boxes that the fairys designed...
this box very nice.... (inside also very nice...hee)i like. :) the pair of earring is in there!! blink blink!! hee...then, livingstone also bought me something today....i finished mine long ago, but didnt wan to splurge on it anymore, too expensive la...33bucks for 250ML.....hmm....set me thinking hard whether to continue using or not...but i do like the texture and the smell of this body care...we left the shop, with me saying, 'let's come back when there's a promotion....'then, i stopped halfway, and ran back to the sales girl, 'err, is there any promotion with any credit cards now?'heh heh.....unfortunately to livingstone, fortunately to me.... ...got lo...'HSBC enjoys 10% off normal price'hee hee.....fated....

yeah.....i get smooth skin for the next few mths....hee...got to use sparingly.... :)
I haven't been talking to my mom for a while. there were some misunderstandings between us lately. some tensions going on, its the usual family matters...
i reminded myself that im getting married soon, and i dun wan the last few wks in the hse to be unpleasant. So...i initiated to bring her out for a meal. Of cos, she's my mom, u would say its my duty to give in. well...u win.
aniwae, i brought her to far east for the jap food i discovered recently..
 rem this place? i had it not too long ago,
 while waiting for the food, the customers opposite us left, and we quickly snap a reflection shot before the next customers fill up the space.
 that's the chor-lor chef.
 i give this chawamushi 5/5! comparing it to the others i had, this wan has alot more ingredients, see, there is prawn, and there is many mushrooms in there!! mom said nice too!
 tis is mom's chicken and egg rice.
 and what else would i have??? saba la! my fav.
 ending off with watermelon. All these at jus 24bucks. mom gave praises all the way, saying its nice and cheap. she considered this valur for money. heh heh. cheng gong!!!
We had very good chat while waiting for the bus, for our food, and while walking... something that we hadn't done for the longest time.
 and there is a very nice background for me to take reflections shot. heh heh...
We proceeded to fairy's for my collection!!! FINALLY!! the pendant that my mom bought for me is finally ready!!! and the earrings that buddy is buying for me! hurray!!
 while waiting for the fairy to wrap the items for me, we took some shots agn, haha..

this is one of the fairys in the shop. lovely evelyn. my pendant is beautiful! i can't show u now. good things goes to those who wait.... be patient.... :)
we dropped mom at yishun to meet my aunty while they go chasing after those 'goh-tai' aniwae she only can do this like once a yr...
we went to a new place for dinner:
Astons @ East Coast Road, Opposite Katong Mall.We reached there with 2 pax queuing in front of us, and was told that there will be a wait of 30mins.Since we were not that hungry, and i really wanted to try the steak, we decided to compromise and wait.it was a small restaurant. think aston started off in a coffeeshop...we placed our order at the counter and and waited outside. the interim receipt says 'guy in red' hee....that's my livingstone. i wanted to try this IBC root beer.$2.20 per bottle.ok la, nothing really special. the man in red. i am sipping my root beer. that's mine!my prime ribeye with pasta salad and mashed potato. livingstone's black pepper steak with coleslaw and mashed potato. our medium rare steak.i love the color! our ratings?this picture tells it all!i dun get tired chewing the beef,the grilled taste is jus nice.the gravy is tasty.and the sides are yummy!!and they are not expensive!!we spent $26 altogether.do not expect a extra large portion like Hog's Breathe Cafe though.u pay for what u get, u noe?I will be back.livingstone complain the portion is abit little for him,so he bought some muffin when we passed by baker's well.Nice muffin.blueberry chocolate, white chocolate and oreo muffin, for $3.
i love my saturday.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
"Winter spring summer or fall,all ya have to do is call...and i be there ..eh.....u've got a fren...."to a fren who is vexed, and thought i was stressed. haha...Many stuffs in life are not what we expected them to be, so let's be cool, and face those challenges. :)and rem to smILe...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
two mornings we receive happi email and happy call.all with good news.HDB has approved our loan!!!yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!that's something both livingstone and I have been worrying abt for the past 1 mth.now, that means keys are coming to us real soon!!!' dun be complacent, there are more things to handle after this...' my inner voice is whispering to me..thanks to the pple who have helped...father of Livingstone, my Mom, daniel, doreen, Hanita, Mr Lim, Miss Chee (HDB), Robert Tan & May (Lawyer's office), Mr Baey (MP of Tangjong Pagar)....THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
livingstone's parents suggested sentosa today. and i guessed we have to tag along. after all, they are going in because we made the decision to celebrate our matrimony there. and they wanted to go in and 'familiarise' themselves with the area.
This island is really crowded with pple on sunday! im glad it was sunny. but im without shades!!!!
u will send me straight to the gym if u noe where we brought the folks to after the tour.

hee.... TDS wor.
the folks usually dine and hang out in the east. so since we happen to be at this area, i might as well suggest bringing them to our fav hangout place huh? rem i said, we have to share secret receipes with good pple?? haha... aniwae, i suppose the folks enjoyed their waffle with their durian and chendol ice-cream. while...we enjoy our tiramisu and rum and raisin, and of cos.....the yummilicious brownie! throw me in the brownie plate anytime man!!!
Now, i have a small promo and increment announced last friday. so, i need to treat my mom to a dinner. hee.. i missed this recently....
 Zhi Yan!the yum yum chicken!ho..... heaven....simply neat dinner, filled our stomach and we had a good chat,among the table, the three of us were sipping our tea, enjoying every bit of time we will spend together....