Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I countdown to this morning since last saturday.... it is like i am going to ICU to visit my fren, the 'doctor' say, 'u can view ur fren from this window...' then he con't, 'after the scanning, only 95% recovery...' my fingers run thru the window, as if stroking my fren and giving him some comfort fingers.... i asked, 'when can my fren be discharged?' the doctor said, 'tml morning shld be ok.'
tml then..... in case u have not figured out, .... that was what happened i visited my fren, Harddisk, this morning...
Monday, December 25, 2006
As many are informed, my 2 months old hard disk crash on me on friday afternoon.I am now in the midst of recovering my old data, if possible.....i hope so....I need to settle down with my new hard disk before i can blog peacefully agn....=(
Friday, December 22, 2006
I CAN! I CAN!!i can definately smell the party favour! :)
The little man in our house.

he was quite quiet during the wedding. look at this well captured picture...
caption: "what is every aunties doing here? I don wan to sleep, why are they insisting me to carry the pillow??"
Thursday, December 21, 2006
this was before i march down for the solemnization at rasa on that eventful day...I like.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
After 2 months.... the fotos are finally ready :) fantastic shots, those pictures all has a story to tell. When we first engage Ron's service, we told him that he doesn't have to take traditional shots for us. no need to take group shots. not that group shots are not important. they are impt....! but, we prefer to ask ron to take something more then that.... :) u hv to put the right resource at the right field, dun u agree?Im glad we made that decision. Now, while we flip thru the 300 fotos, we see not jus me and livingstone's pictures, not jus the table fotos, not jus the group fotos, ... we now see MORE things, MORE details, MORE stories..... more enthusiam, more blessings from our friends. very nicely taken. thank u ron! :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
As I was saying, I was away. I went to Brisbane for a short work trip. Had been there a few times, so there's nothing for me to rave about. But i did go back to Dash for a cup of my fav hot coco, and yes, with 2 mash mallows.
 and i always likes to eat AZ's focassia, maybe its the combination of the avocado, the chicken and the vege....dono....but its some kind of a chemistry i have, with...well...this bunch of bread. :)

its the holiday season, air ticket and accomodations are difficult to book. so we have to stay at F1 motel. anyway, its only for a few nites.
 that's the room. good for 3 pple. but there was only 1 for the nites. ME. and just ME.

1 of the nites we had steak for dinner. that's the soup.
 and my medium-rare steak.
we had our dinner at 10pm that nite. haha...lucky enuf, still got food for us to eat lo!and lucky we had this, the GPS, my colleague bought it, and it becomes so easy,no more flipping thru pages of a street directory!! yeah!!i hate the maps.

I came back earlier then expected.supposed to touch down on sat, but i managed to catch the earlier flight, and got back here by friday 8pm.i didnt call livingstone to pick me.had wanted to give him a sweet surprise.well, when i touched down, i sms him to ask him to log onto msn to talk to me, while i lied that i was at brisbane airport. then after he logged on, i 'ding dong' appear by the door.I hope i gave him a pleasant and sweet surprise..... heh heh....
Sunday, December 10, 2006
For the 1st time, i have decided to prepare a healthy meal at home. A Steam Meal.
Steam Egg, Steam Fish and boiled vegetables.

 not very tasty la, but we'll try agn!! :) (and this meal was prepared the nite before i fly.)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I'll be away from 6th of Dec till 9th of Dec.....Cya....and im gonna miss my home... :)
Monday, December 04, 2006
today is the day where the UK frens gathered again... eras changed, from students, to husband and wife, and finally to father and mother, this is a very interesting gathering for livingstone and frens. so this morning, we got up early, and made brownies, that will be our dessert, and of cos, with ice-cream! :)
 that's gareth, the handsome new kid on the block!indeed a very sporting and cheerful kid! Just like his parents!!any applicants to be his gf? haha...
 so romantic huh, lying on the bed, like looking at stars....haha...."darling, can u see the sparkling stars?"
 we told them to come empty handed, but they still brought us something....from the bottom of our hearts....thank u sooooo much!!!! :)
 and not forgetting the bloody late comer!thank u for ur fly-from-germany coffee maker, and lavazza coffee powder!!can u see how excited livingstone is!??? haha...
 we had steamboat for dinner! yah....i can hear it....'again???'heh heh....but then again, its a different crowd!i jus hope u guys had enjoyed it!!
 the nite wraps up with us saying goodbye to everybody, and especially to the would-be bride and groom, See u next sunday Lawrence and Joanne!!and we shall meet again for house visiting in 07's CNY Kravitz, jennifer and gareth!and for simon, since u bought the kopi-maker, pls come up and burn some espresso for livingstone lo....:)