Friday, November 28, 2008
bbTara is 27days old now. Tomorrow, we will be celebrating her fullmonth. In chinese customary, girls celebrate fullmonth earlier then boys. So, bbTara is doing hers abt 2 days earlier. For friends who asked if we are throwing a party for bbTara, im sorry guys, we dun intend to organise any big scale party :p Im sure u noe why.... =)As usual, like our hsewarming, we will be inviting you in groups to our place for gathering, and to see bbTara. As for tml, we will be bringing bbTara to both grandparent's home for prayers. More updates after the event tml.
 And here's bbTara lying on the rocker that godma generously bought for her. She was staring at the sunset outside the window, occassionally dozing off.... heh heh
Thank you for the sweet smile bb, u are really our sunshine!Labels: bbtara, full month, parenthood, party
There are a few ways to burp the bb, we chose the conventional stroke-down method, and also the swinging method. While I swing her, she was still sleeping....
 ....then she finally open her eyes, and waved 'Hello World!!"
 haha....she's adorable in our eyes.... =)Labels: bbtara, parenthood
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It is a everyday routine, feed her-burp her.And everytime as she & I get ready for the burp-session, I love to stop everything, and just stare at her.....she is the cutest at that instant. Why? because, she is mostly asleep during the session, and when i try to shift her for the burp, she give me all sorts of expressions....here's the example...

we love her so much! =)Labels: bbtara, parenthood
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
....who made us smile when we see her sleep,....who occassionally made us butter fingers when we hear her scream,....who made us happy when we see her smile,....whose frown will tickle us,....whom we call our precious lil darling....
Labels: bbtara, parenthood
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Everytime I carry her in my arms, I will ..... smell her.....hur hur hur....especially when she yawn, i will smell her mouth!or, when she salivate, i will 'hop' her saliva, and smell....LOL, i know it sounds disgusting...I might be sick. LOL.but seriously, before I become a mother, I always say, I dunno how I will manage to wipe my child's bottom when they poo.Now, it looks like a natural thing to do, the poo is of cos smelly, but i dun find myself running away or felt any sign of puking. It is just a natural thing now....just like my own poo.... haha...
parenthood is incredible....
Labels: bbtara, parenthood
Monday, November 24, 2008
Just last nite, livingstone and I were lying on the bed, waiting for bbTara to wake up for her last feed for the nite, we were recalling our birth experience three weeks ago.Incredible....both of us had different experiences...He saw how his princess emerged, while I went thru the pain and brought our bb to this world...I wished I could see what he saw!!
This was taken at our hospital ward hours after bbTara was born. Back then, she was smaller in size. It has been three weeks....she has definitely grown. Now when I breastfeed her, I recalled the days in the hospital when the nurse will push her to me during the nites, every three hourly for breastfeeding.... she could easily rest in my arms. Now, I realise she has outgrown the circumference of my loop arms.... Of cos it felt much better to hold her now. More sturdy.... =)More milestones to come.... =)Labels: bbtara, parenthood
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Livingstone has been rather bz at work ever since bbTara arrives. But, during the nite when he's home, he will initiate to give bbTara her evening wash, while I sit beside them and enjoy watching....other then that, he also helps to wash and sterilise the bottles, making bbTara to sleep and bits and pieces of the house chores...Now, my short term goal is to countdown to evenings, and weekends, where bbTara and me will see more of livingstone... =) Labels: bbtara, livingstone, parenthood
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The other nite, we were feeding bbTara some baby drops to get rid of her stomach wind, and she shut her lips so tightly that she refuse to open her mouth for any milk or water for a while, then she screamed....omigod.....my heart aches....and i cried with her. Budd say I am a rookie mommy, and that I was too emo... Maybe... but it happened to me naturally..... =pLabels: bbtara, parenthood
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"Bang! Lift up ur hands and surrender!"
heh heh....As a parent now, we find ourselves wanting to detour to bbTara's room once in a while to see if she's sleeping right, to make sure that her mittens are still there, her pillows and blanket are in place, in actual fact, I like to stand by her cot and admire my little angel. =)Even while she is asleep, she never fails to show me what she is capable of now - facial expressions. Now, when there is loud thunder, when my neighbour is drilling the wall, I will walk into her room to make sure she is not startled. How amazing, I have become a mother.....Labels: bbtara, thoughts
Monday, November 17, 2008
These are simple expressions that we see everywhere, but bbTara's made us, parents, very happy when she learnt how to made hers.
These are now our simple pleasure.... =)Labels: appreciative, bbtara, parenthood
Every child is pretty in the parent's vision.Livingstone always look at bbTara and say she is a pretty baby. It's only for bbTara's and my ears la.... =)Afterall, pretty or not, is subjective to individual. But yes, she's pretty in our vision. =) It's her third wk now, and she has became more alert, more facial expressions, and has grown longer in length. Her lullaby is 'jingle bells',.... hee....feels like bringing her for christmas shopping everytime i hum her this song.... =p
Labels: bbtara, christmas
Friday, November 14, 2008
Some pple asked if we are mentally prepared for having a baby in our life.I guessed, u hv to be in there to noe wat's in store next, to know if you are prepared.It is a survivial skill.If you have a helper, good for u. If not, let's just say we have to be prepared to sleep less and work more.... =)It is not impossible, but it needs us to adjust accordingly.Livingstone is very helpful in this aspect. He tries to help in the things I asked him to, from sterilizing the accessories, change of diapers, cleaning bbtara at nite, making her to sleep....as long as he is home, he helps. I am appreciative for this husband. =)
"BbTara, Daddy and Mommy will hold ur hand and walk with you as long as we live...."Next, we are looking really forward to bbTara's full month. And my freedom to do almost anything.... hiak hiak hiak.... =)Labels: appreciative, bbtara, livingstone, voices
Thursday, November 13, 2008
She don't need to be a beauty, she's our angel and sunshine...
Labels: bbtara
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Daddy caught bbTara's first sign, as she joins us in the delivery ward on day 1....
 It's not a pleasant sign....but daddy seems proud.... =) (She was also wearing her first dress provided by the hospital.)Labels: bbtara
Monday, November 10, 2008
bbTara, who looks so damn satisfying after a good 2ounce of breast milk..... =) Labels: bbtara
Sunday, November 09, 2008
For most of you who alrd rx the news, livingstone and I had successfully delivered bbTara to this earth last Saturday, 1st Nov 2008. =)It's been a week, and we are still adjusting to life with our newborn. Lack of sleep, checking and changing diapers, cleaning her, making her to sleep, feeding her, feeding her and still feeding her....are common things we do for the past few days. It looked short on the calendar, but it was quite taxing, the fact that we need to wake up every other hour in the wee hours to feed her, can be quite traumatising. We have decided to give her breastmilk, so that explains the frequent feeding. And as she is a big bb weighing 3.675kg at birth, she now demands more milk from me. However, as my supply is not enuf for her demand, we have turned to formula milk for the nite. So that, livingstone and I can rest longer (hopefully). I do feel guilty when i feed her with formula milk, cos total breastfeeding was wat we desired, but well....livingstone is right, we hv to be flexible, until my milk supply comes full swing.I salute mothers who breastfeed exclusively for months and years. The cracked and bleeding nipples caused by breastfeeding can be very demoralising. However, on the other hand, when u see ur baby latching on and sucking like there is no tml (sometimes smiling when sucking)....brings satisfaction and encouragement to mothers. Breastfeeding is not easy. For my experience during delivery, my water bag burst on halloween nite, after we had our dinner with our frens. I admitted into the hospital and the contractions started at 12.30am, all the way to 7.30am. I remember livingstone was so cold in the delivery ward, while i felt hot. The contractions came every 1-2 mins close to 4am, and my back was so aching that I tried all ways to overcome it (obviously to no avail). When the midwife came to check how i was dilating, I was so sad and disappointed to hear that I was only dilated 1cm for that bloody painful 7hrs! That makes it a total of only 4cm (I admitted with 3cm dilated). I gave up at that point, and asked for epidural. The good news was, i dilated fully (at 10cm) after the jab. And when my gynae arrives, he said i was ready to push. bbTara arrives on the morning of 1st Nov 2008. And I first breastfeed her in the delivery ward with the help of my midwife. From the time we conceive, the 38 wks, till D-Day (wea livingstone witness the entire delivery process, and also cut the umbilical cord), it was an amazing and awesome journey for both livingstone and I.....Now, back to the little new member in our house, we are trying to work out a schedule soon, so that all things will be in place.For more updates and bbTara's pictures, you can refer to my fren's blogs who have came to visited us during our stay in the hospital: - Nerdybabe- Iroiro- Dreamver- Verybubbly- CarelessandforgetfulFor now, I wouldn't have the time to edit the tons of pictures ..... bear with me.... =)Labels: bbtara, experience, pregnancy
Sunday, November 02, 2008
I went for the scan on the 29th October 2008. I was hoping and praying that bbTara will not grow too big (like she did for the past few wks...) Although I knew I alrd had trouble carrying her in my tummy. My right butt hurts when I walk. Anyway, the gynae measured and told me, 'wow, ur baby is beyond the formula alrd, look the number of weeks is asterix against ur bb weight now' and the truth is, bbTara weighs 3.8kg on my 38wks. The irony thing is, I did not put on any weight during the last two weeks, yet, bbTara put on 800gms. I panicked....Look, if we are to wait till full term, she might put on somemore fats, and there is a high chance that she will pass the 4kg mark. SO, gynae say, 'well, let's induce u if u are ok', and I asked, 'when', so, he said, 'tonite.' HOW CAN???? first of all, we are not prepared, bbTara is in no danger (I am), and I have an impt meeting the next morning. So, we said, 'can we do it on 31st October instead?' 'Up to u' he said, so he wrote the conclusion on my hospital admission form '1.11.08' The arrangement was for me to admit on the 31st Oct, 12mn, where a tablet will be inserted to soften my cervix, and then, the next day 8am-9am, I shall be on drip to be induced.Period. That's it. On the other hand, we are giving bbTara 2 days grace to surrender herself (naturally).
Now, we have a date. For the positive side, we know we can settle our unfinished stuff before I go into labour. The next two days, we had dinner on our way at Brewbakers agn, and also met up with my MIL to do some last min shopping for bbTara's home clothings and had dinner at the Soup Restaurant.
I also had 1 session of coconut juice at East Coast hawker centre.
 I am not sure if it helps to 'clean up' bbTara when she's born, but anyway,.....no harm trying.=)
The countdown begins.....
Labels: bbtara, pregnancy