Wednesday, August 31, 2005
each and everytime i pass by katong, i will say, "hey, this is the shop i wanna come for their traditional cakes!!" each and everytime.... i think livingstone would have hear this more than a thousand times..... but, why the hell didnt we stop to sip that cup of teh then???
anyway, finally, we managed to remember this shop last sunday. So, when mum crave for teh-O, livingstone suggested the-shop-with-the traditional-cakes-u-always-wanna-eat. by the time we reach the shop, it was half-past four. all the cakes were gone under the glass counter. I dun remember spotting any bread crumbs. Still, the shop was packed with pple, sipping kopi and teh, eating half-boil eggs and munching on the charcoal toasted, home-made kaya-butter bread.
Since there were just the 3 of us, i naturally thought we shld only order 3 eggs, 3 teh or kopi and 3 bread. It was a pre-dinner snack wat... then....wat appear on the table some 3 mins later, was: 1 teh, 1 teh-o, 1 kopi, 3 bread and 4 eggs. when i ask livingstone, "how come 4 eggs??" he goes, "ooor, 1 for spare." "........."
it was the C.M.C confectionary at Katong. Someday, I really have to go there very early to try their swiss rolls and traditional cakes....
for the first time, finally... we tried Singapore's version of secret receipe for dinner. this was wat i had:
 The award winning Lamb Stew.not really that fantastic though.Maybe Malaysia's version better.

spinning was hell of a fun-and-tough session for me last nite.I put in my effort and perspire hard enuf to call it a nite.i reached home at 10pm and my mum walk out of her rm and say,"there's bee hoon and soup, u wan to eat? i make for u..."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo.... not after i have put in my strength and stamina at gym, and come home for supper!I was struggling, and I said, "dun wan dun wan, i come home for no bee hoon, no rice, and strictly no supper pls!"oh oh...i think i pissed my mum off.she says, "be kind to u, u like dat, forget it, if u wan to eat, make urself, *bang*"....oh oh....i pissed the dowager off....The crucial thing is to realise fast.I knoe i reacted in the wrong way.Thank god, i have another weapon on hand.I managed to find the apple-cider-vinegar-with-honey stuff she was waiting for...so....after i rest my bag and stuff, i went in to her rm, with the bottle on my hand,as if i am promoting the beverage.she was lying there reading her newspaper."see what i have got here?"with that, she reluctantly looked up,"oh, u got it....."the next thing she did while i was bathing, is to make hot the bowl of homemade soup for me...yah, u see the picture up there, u noe it is bloody fattening, BUT, it was bloody nice lor.my fav carrot-potato-bak-kut-soup, best in tanglin halt.. :)
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
dun be,...it's just another change of look....change of feel.....:)
Monday, August 29, 2005
wah, early in the morning, i got buttered.here's the kaya and jam of the sms:"wah, u only mentioned in your blog you got to meet your dear fanni, no dear cole!Humph! I ang wee! :p"wahaha...our princess ang wee...apologies to our princess...of cos i was thrilled to see u and fanni! and the upcoming adelle!!and we noe there are more more more more more more more to come!!!:)
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Everybody has their special someone in their life, whether now or later. to share their inner most secrets, to be with them during the good times and suffer with them during their down times. i think they are angels. Me, I have livingstone. The urge of me blogging abt him, comes when i notice, how ready he is, everytime i needed him. even for simple things like getting me a cup of fruit punch. haha....it sounds ridiculous...but sometimes it is really really really that simple.he dun have to be a cassanova.he dun have to be a rich man.he dun have to be a hunk.he only needs to be the kind angel in my life....and he makes me and my family smile....:)
 this is for sheryl.for missing ryan.... :)ain't I sweet? haha

it has been a long time since i last met this bunch of friends.we met on my first job after i graduated.It has been like 6yrs...We witness job-changing, marriage, hse-warming, baby full-mth in each other's life....it was a fun life-sharing experience. (though i only shared job-changing exp up till now la. haha)it is warm, to have most of us once in a while gathering together in a cosy place, sipping the cup of fruit punch, talking about how we are and what went on these days...I must say i really enjoyed such gatherings.especially today, i finally get to see my dear fanni.this was ever since she shared that she was pregnant!and her EDD is like 2 mths later!!how can us be so bz and not meet up at all for the past 8 mths???!!!shld slap ourselves hard hard man!! 1 slap each for the four of us!after we left joyce's hse, i coincidently met fanni and ian at parkway parade... this was after like 5hrs apart.....tok abt not meeting...haha....

Suddenly, we have cravings for karaoke. just the two of us.
from 4pm - 8pm. No need to queue for the mic, no need to queue for the remote, no need to wait....haha either i sing, or livingstone sing. sing until run-voice also not embarressed. how nice. :)
second cravings: looks like it has been a while since we last have Bark's cafe's popular chicken wings, and plum soda drink...

 it looks appeitising enuf on ur monitor!how can we resist them!!a well-spent saturday again. :)
I kind of like to read accounts of individuals or families who go thru the odds and become a useful person..well, at least how that someone becomes independent enuf to take care of themselves for their basic needs,and how the family stick to each other thru thick and thin...it does takes alot of courage and strength to get over their mishaps or sometimes, call fate if you like it....the odds at that particular time, the remarks they get, the truth that they have to face from then on, and etc, etc, etc.... i read, with sympathy to every accounts published in this book.My Dear Aunty Annie shared this book with me,I know i can't do much or almost, nothing, to help these pple, or families.But, I have to say, they have done the bestest deed, to tell their stories, i have learnt how hard pple struggle to live today. I have to make use of what I am blessed,...and be good....
Saturday, August 27, 2005
 This is a nite to re-collect the past and update the current... It has been like close to 6mths since i last saw DC and Monkey Tan. :) The fortunate DC is now living happily ever after...and im so proud of her that she overcome the extracting of her 5 teeth at one go, for the braces mission. WELL DONE! way to go!!! :)It was a cosy nite at Changing Appetite talking abt our ex-colleagues, the current affairs and the plannings ahead...that's wat fridays are for! A pity we had to leave early though.... but the nite was short yet quality enuf to share most of our thingy...p/s: the food weren't that great to me tonite...
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
i skipped spinning.for a series of good cause.Initially going to ikea to buy some more things for DT's wedding preparation.then, postphoned, so....i helped WP with her video shoot.and for another good cause,i had dinner at home with mummy.AND, for the last good cause,i rest my legs, from spinning, hahahahaha!the dinner menu tonite,homemade maggie mee, with roast duck and greens.(that's explains today's foto)long time never eat my own maggie mee, haha....yum yum....my dear sister called while i was enjoying my own mee."can u meet me up at cktangs tml?""ur BIL needs to buy a new suit, and the promoter tell me i can get additional 10% off if i have a citibank card."me: "............................"hur hur hur, being the nice little girl,OF COS....... I WHINE FIRST, then i will help....wahahahhaIm suppose to meet livingstone and DT to ikea,but i guess i have to meet my sister, before i head to ikea.everybody noes how bloody early cktangs shut their door. !~#$%^&*and my sister jus sms me to thank me for my help.hmmm....small case, also can make her so touched?hmmm....this is what i call LOVE.let's smile together, shall we? :)

I say im a fortunate girl...im pampered with .... FOOD!homemade food.self-prepared fruits.wahaha....Monday, GL steamed us cup cakes....durian flavour. Tuesday, Annie bought us dim sum from tiong bahru market...how not to have my fats intake shoot up?u teach me.they are nice to me. and i hope i have shared the same to them...wat goes around comes around, what goes up must come down.we are kind, and we are rewarded by LOVE from all.....err....correction, ....fromGOOD PPLE only. (hur hur hur)

sunday, instead of wrapping the nite with livingstone alone, we have company. buddy and max joined us. for a brain-storming session.
we have to put on our thinking caps, for: some serious thoughts, some really serious thoughtss, some really really serious thoughtsss.... hmmm...
Friday, August 19, 2005
I had a date with livingstone tonite. Worth recording down, because i usually dun see him on weekdays. He is bz with work, and Im bz with my own activities. So, since monkey tan and miss chan postphone our dinner tonite, I dated livingstone. wahaha...
we went back to adam road for nasi lemak. But, this time, we tried the 2nd stall (next to the No.1 stall) There was a longer queue than the first stall tonite. Anyway, I think I personally still prefer the first stall... heh heh
I suggested to go to Biopolis after dinner. Have been reading about how fantabulous this place is, Tonite is a good nite to check out the place.
I second whatever good comments given to this singapore govt building. the architecture, the security, the facilities, even the toilets are worth a praise. since we were there at nite, the lights are lit. And it looked beautiful under the full moon tonite. we took pictures of the place, even the toilets. wahaha.... they have a super hygenic toilet cubicle. No hands, u just need to place ur palm close to a sensor, and the toilet seat which is already wrapped with a kind of plastic, rotates itself, to change a new layer of plastic. cool huh! but still no fight to japan's toilet though haha.. there were some very nice restaurants and chill out place too... well, we were happily taking pictures of the skybridges, until a security guard came up to us and ask,
"did u park ur car near the kerb along the road? ooops, yes, it was us.
"and, btw, u are not suppose to take pictures in this area..." ooops, yes, it was us again...
no signs to tell me that i can't take photos wat... how i noe.
so we aplogise and walk towards the car. then, we saw another security guard standing near the car in a i-think-it-is-senang-diri position.... he must be waiting for us.... as we approach him, he gave us a smile, like we have won a lucky draw. My next instinct, has he alrd clamp the car? and is waiting for us to pay him before he unclamp the car?? hur hur hur.... that's my imagination la.... He was waiting for us, to take our particulars, since we were taking pictures. haha...
"sorry ar, this is a govt building, so the security is extremely tight here..." a very friendly guy.
he needs us to give him our name and particulars, so he can state that some1 was there to take some pictures on 19th august two oh oh five. We are good citizens, of cos we oblige....
guess wea is this place?
40th storey...the lift is fast...the wind is strong...the niteview is nice....make a guess.....
Everytime I come home by the front door, I will peep and listen to see if ryan is still at home. Sometimes, i catch him if i am early, otherwise, i only see an empty hall.
Kids at 2yrs old, are most adorable to me. they mumble words, and i am anticipating him to give me a proper sentence, jus "ah-yee, bye bye"....i think i will be thrilled!
but, this eat-in-crawl-out baby, i think he likes his shu-shu (livingstone) more then he likes me. as long as shu-shu is here, yee-yee can stand one side.
 see? this is when we are about to go out, and he can't follow.he jus hug shu-shu tight tight, and dun wan to let go.yee-yee take foto can alrd.ryan no hue.chey...
Monday, August 15, 2005
We decided to head for Adam's No.1 Nasi Lemak... yum yum yum...  ya, i noe many pple have been telling me that i blog too much abt food. heh heh, but that's wat i like to do, EAT! u see my size, u noe. wat's there to hide?
Sunday, August 14, 2005
"ah yee...ah yee" (bom bom bom) early in the morning, ryan boy came knocking on my door... why has it be this cute little nephew of mine disturbing my precious saturday morning sleep! heng ar....my mum came to my rescue and told him, "ah yee sleeping, come, ah ma bring u to the market to mum mum..." haha~ now i can enjoy my dreams agn... but,.....it's only another 60mins before i have to wake up and prepare for gym.... arghhhhhhhhhh I was half way dead after 15mins of spinning... i think i lost my stamina after going to body balance and body combat straight in a row that day. and i only ate 1 siew-toh, and 2 mini bananas ( that measures to abt 10cm in total...) i was so hungry half-way thru my spinning class, and all i could think of, was, MASHED Potato... Selene ( the instructor) was telling us to work harder, and all i could think of was, "More mashed potato! MORE! MORE!!" finally, ... it's time for my feasting nite... i choose Cafe Cartel at Tampines Mall. And to beat the bloody long queue during the normal dinner peak hour, we decided to have ours earlier, make it 6pm.  our starters as usual...  my main course, sirloin steak (medium rare) with linguine... it was suppose to be yum yum, but the chef must be sleeping, while preparing for my steak, because the steak was pretty tough!  our dessert time! yes! my fav ice-cream! forget abt the calories and fats for once.... im going to tuck in! Do u noe STRESSED is DESSERT spelt backwards? haha~ it is.
Commonwealth is done!yay yay!! This was taken on Friday. And it is already operational on Sunday, heh heh...yay yay, no more jam!!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
tonesofpink is undergoing major revamp...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
I went to the market early in the morning to get milk for my preparation of Carbonara. Guess wat, the market was jam packed with pple! Maybe i tot everybody will be as lazy as me, and didnt wan to wake up early at all. HAHA...
I enjoyed the crowd though. It was scenes of family sitting around the breakfast table, enjoying their breakfast. It was scenes of friends sitting around the breakfast table, enjoying their breakfast. It was scenes of man and wife only, sitting around the breakfast table, enjoying their breakfast. This can't be boring at all. It is the companion that matters. How early also never mind. :)
I came back to prepare my ingredients for my carbonara. It was a meal I promised Livingstone.
 That's my linguine, with lotsa mushrooms, bacon and ham. Can make it or not? heh heh...
Later in the afternoon, Livingstone also had to fulfil his promise. haha... There were many times, we passed by a road, that has a brown signage and wrote "Reflections at Bukit Chandu"... Now, today is the day, we drove in and find out what exactly is this place.

Guess wat! It is actually a musuem! And, we are bloody lucky, becos, today is National Day, so the entrance is free for today!! yay!! anyway, we only saved 4bucks. chey.

OK, let me officially recommend this place. I like this musuem. Tucked away from the touristy sites. It has a theatre that plays 3-D movies based on the Japanese Occupation. Headphones are provided to give us a more realistic feel. Sound Effect and Visual Effect are both taken care of. I felt I was transported back to the tough times, with the bomb warnings and siren, pple shouting and crying over the lost of their loved ones.... I almost teared when i heard an account from a victim (Mr Chia), about how he saw his family being killed by the japanese soldiers on CNY.... Cruel....
"If we do not remember our heroes, we will produce no heroes..." That was said by BG(NS) Mr George Yeo, at the official launch of "The Price of Peace" on 21st June 1997. Now u can see this statement at the entrance of the musuem.
Reflections at Bukit Chandu 31K Pepys Road S(118458), Opening Hours: 9am - 5pm, Tuesday - Sunday
We also happen to stumble upon a Canopy walk at The Kent Ridge Park.
 Another tree top walk, much easier to climb as compared to the McRitchie one. Only 3 mins away from the carpark.
Have u heard of the Garden of Fame? heh heh... We took a ride and follow the road to Jurong Island, and ended up at Jurong Hill Park. haha.... There, we stumble yet on another interesting site, The Garden of Fame, where illustrious visitors such as England's Queen Elizabeth II, Japan's Crown Prince Akihito, Indonesia's President Suharto and Singapore's own President Benjamin Henry Sheares have planted trees. A unique feature of the Jurong Hill Park is its spiral lookout tower with a 360-degree view of Jurong.
This is one of the trees ....What a fruitful day.... =)
I enjoy holiday eve(s). Especially CNY's eve. No fish, prawn also can, National Day Eve also can be fun. =)
The work day was a good one. Everybody already in holiday mood. After all, it's a holi, holiday....
Livingstone dated me out for a show. 7 swords. I am not really into such sword fighting movies. But, if livingstone must watch, then i shall watch with him.
Err....heh heh, is someone up there too kind to me? haha, by the time we arrive at Great World, there were no more showtimes for 7 swords. Even The Maid has to be on 12.20am. So we decided to join Daniel for fireworks at marina. But then again, we think it is gonna be jam packed, with no parking lots especially, so... we decided to head for McCafe, followed by fireworks @ Mt Faber.
yum yum cuppa-cino fireworks @ Mt. Faber.It was too far to see and experience the favor though.But there were already many pple waiting anxiously for the show when we reach the peak at 11.46pm.Anway, like i say, no fish, prawn also can....
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Looked so forward to saturnite! Livingstone promised me that there will be shopping and good food that nite in JB.
we drove into JB in the early afternoon. so lucky, no jam at all... :) Shopping in JB was so fun, haha... at least still can divide by 2 and it still sounds reasonable or sometimes, cheap.... that is of cos, as compared to places like europe, australia and japan.... :<The dinner is the best part of the entire day i must say!we were invited to Chia's hse, for an italian nite.we were fed with honey mustard salad, steak, pasta, mashed potato and pork loin!(hey, they were all home made ok!) To end it all, we had home made thick thick chocolate cake with world class chocolate ice-cream from baskin robins....omigod....
 that's doreen and me trying to get the first bite on the secret reciepe's chocolate banana cake! yummy~!

 the greens...
 the main course... my medium rare steak... mashed potato and bloody nice pasta.... :)
sinful and sweet indulgence for one night....yum yum.... yum yum somemore.....
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Visited 18 countries (8%)The world is so huge...when can i ever complete the journey?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Monday is usually blue for me.(typical worker...heh heh)but,....there are some little things that managed to turn things for the better for me yesterday.sister lan offer me a special bowl of homemade mushroom soup and avocado chicken sandwich..yum yum...kevin brought me some goodies from china, that cannot be found in singapore...SATAY BEEF JERKY.. yum yum....buddy brought me home-fried cuttlefish balls to be consumed in the gym after our combat...yum yum...i was so well-fed....the stuff was so good, and it made me feel so good.....thank u guys!!! :)