Friday, September 30, 2005
"Goodbye" is the hardest word to say...although i seldom tok to him in the office, but a tinge of sadness fell upon me when i realise today is his last day.anyway, to show that i appreciate his help all these while, we hurried to get him a souvenior and a card.we spent the next 2 hrs chatting with him before he leave.all the best to him, it was nice working together, once. :)
Thursday, September 29, 2005
there was an interesting topic today that caught my attention:"Why do men with beautiful partners still have affairs?"I asked my colleagues, and these are what i gathered:" cos the woman, talk too much.... nag nag nag..."" cos all men are cheap!"" I dunno..."" there is a saying, out of 10 men, 9 are bad, the tenth has extinct."" I really dunno..."" errrrr...."haha....all sorts of excuses.professional has a pc of advise for women: "Open your eyes and look carefully before making a commitment. If he doesn't share the same values as you do, there'll be problems later."ladies....open our eyes..... :)
I enjoyed my day in the office today. peaceful when it is suppose to be peaceful. noisy when it is suppose to be noisy. busy when it has to be and freedom comes when it should come. Am i sure today is not Friday? haha....
lunch was fantabulous. look at these:
the bloody nice coconut rice @ alexandra village / the bloody pure and natural strawberry milk also @ alexandra village
N I C E !!
but after that, rx 2 news that were not so encouraging afterall. 1) movement of manpower 2) family matters
i shake my head and i shake my head.....but can shaking my head help all these situation???
but i just feel that i shld make full use of my listening ear. i lend it to livingstone. and we had a good chat at westcoast. it was interesting and meaningful. here's how he explained the GST theory to me:

haha, clearly, the biggest coin represents the govt. wahahaha....
Monday, September 26, 2005
no govt day. boss left early in the morning, the coy is ours to mend. hee hee....
afterall, there isn't much mondays without blue. yay! GL made me fried tang-hoon with lotsa mushroom, fish cake, meat and super crunchy vegetable this morning! tell me how to hv monday blue today? hee... it was delicious! even the green chillie is home made. yum yum....
I had a meetup with adoh tonite. since coming 28th is her birthday, i decided that i shall have an advance celebration with her, afterall, the actual day is meant for the person she heart. :)
we were suppose to meet up at 6.30pm, but because she had to stay to see her colleagues fly some helicopter, our meetup was postphoned to 7.05pm.... so i had a chat with fanni in the office, and by the time i notice the minute hand clicking, it was quarter to seven!! RUN!!!! too late, i still had to catch a cab to reach there on time, anyway, i was called 'the pig' since i was still late. but so what if i am called "the pig"? afterall, she still has to pay for the dinner....wahahahah....
I think i had calzone at pasta mania for the 2nd time in like 4 days. but who cares, as long as it is nice. It reminds me of the 'scalsi' i had in Venice some yrs back.... yum yum yum.....
  the birthday has to come with a cake. She chose the strawberry short cake, hey! it was yummy! Good choice! i finish the cake for the birthday girl. wahaha....p/s: These fotos are taken specially for our dear christine.... :)Today is Fanni's 32nd week!We counting down to her EDD!!we are gonna see adelle very very soon......yay yay!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Wherever the location, whatever the food, as long as the companion is good, the trio will be fantabulous!! It is as simple as a plate of chicken rice. 5-star chicken rice at katong. with livingstone. yum yum yum
 5-star serves kampong chicken it claims. but who can verify that????
Each and everytime we drove past katong CMC confectionary, i mumbled, "the cakes are always sold out...." heh heh, though i did not offer prayers this morning, we managed to buy some swiss rolls and custard tart....yum yum...
 we had these together at KK children's emergency. ryan had to go there for a blood test since he was running a fever for the past 4 days. up and down, up and down. the GP finally decided that he needs a blood test.
My nephew was such a brave boy! we expected him to cry and tear down the building when the nurse pricked his finger and collected his blood. Listen hard! He didnt cry, nor did he express any pain thru his facial expression throughout the entire process! The only expression he had was, "how come got blood? how come this aunty need my blood? how come...."
anyway, the results tested negative for dengue, just a viral fever.
since his birthday is approaching. I decided to buy him some new clothes from FOX. we bought 4 tops and a pair of shorts. so macho and handsome! wahahahaha......

photos: ryan knocking his mommy / changing direction, knocking some sense into livingstone so cute....
Saturday, September 24, 2005
We are suppose to chill out at wala wala tonite. but due to some last min adhoc ideas, we changed our plans.
   I had meals at Thai Express for the thousand times! but, i must say, they have still kept their standard, esp for my fav soft shell crab curried rice.
photos: thai express / appetiser: mango salad / my fav curry soft shell crab
We also ordered olive rice, pineapple fried rice, tom yam seafood, tom yam prawn and fried chicken wings. yummy.....
WP insisted that we try out the cake at Gastronomia. So, there we were,
photos: praline chocolates @ 20bucks, red wine for the BIG4 ($30), the 4 ladies (worthless!, oooops, i mean priceless....), the only man is holding the camera! / mint chocolate mousse i think the pralines are not fantastic. I still prefers the one we bought at the Cologne Chocolate factory. Very expensive, but reeeeeeeeeeeeally so nice. One bite, and the liquid chocolate flows out, right into my mouth. Bitter and sweet.....heaven....I can't even compare it with GODIVA!! Absolutely no fight!the wine is not for me. It's for the 3 ladies and 1 man. hee hee...I was drinking the grapfruit sparkling juice.Unfortunately, the choc moouse and green tea cheese cake was so yuckie.......waste money....
Ryan learns to take photographs of himself..... err....or rather his feet only....
   he snaps the picture and giggle at himself when he hears the click....
Friday, September 23, 2005
I am recently addicted to fruit juices.carrot + orangedragon fruit + water chestnutstarfruit + orangecarrot + applestarfruit + appletoday, im going to try beetroot + dragon fruit + water chestnutdetox detox....:)
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"One Hour of spinning = Perfect Body"
sounds cool huh....but....for so many hours, how come i still dun have a perfect body.... err...... because my session is always 45mins la..... heh hehI grew to love spinning and I love the way i work out with that thumping music playing in the background (it actually pumps me to perform better!)Ok, now the benefits of Spinning:i. Spinning makes your heart pump at 80% of its capacity as opposed to 50% to 65% normally. This improves all your metabolic functions like digestion, repair, etc. ii. A one hour spinning session can burn anything between 800 to 1,200 calories per session. This doesn't mean you gorge on food and then spin four hours a day. Remember, the body can't take more than one hour of spinning a day. I use to be a person who doesn't perspire! Im serious.well, at least I do perspire now after the many workouts for the past 1 yr+...haha.....at least I enjoy seeing my red face and wet body after those group excercise!:)
Monday, September 19, 2005
 Tickets to Snow.Wolf.Lake / Pre show dinner @ Old Airport Road, nice plates / close up to my seafood pastaFinally, after holding the concert tickets for like 1 mth? it's the day for the much awaited show....at least for me.how was the show? Good, Good, Good.that's how i shld comment.good songs, good dance, good stage, good lighting. good applause.something worth mentioning here, we had dinner at old airport road before we proceeded to the indoor stadium.I happen to passby this "Pasta Manna" store. and decided to try their pasta.Being an italian food lover, i rather try all, then to miss it!haha....i give credit to the plates they used in a hawker centre.It sure does look appetising, doesn't it?I had seafood pasta.The amount of seafood they gave was miserable.But, i thought it was well spent for a $4 pasta. in a hawker centre.Apart from Beach Road Market, this is the 2nd hawker centre i found with italian menu.thumbs up!i think, more of such concept dining should show up in the neighbourhood hawker centres.it will be fun and exciting! Yum Yum!!!
  Ryan Boy / Hakka Yong Tau Foo @ Ghim MohRyan and family jus came back from their trip, so we all went out for an early breakfast gathering at Ghim Moh Food Centre....
there was a joke that my sista told us: Ryan boy likes to hide in between those clothings in shopping centres. So....to teach him a lesson, my sista and BIL decided to hide themselves, of cos still able to peep at their son la. (btw, this happens in one of those shopping centres at Hongkong) and, after a while, ryan boy finally realise that daddy and mummy is nowhere to be found. heh heh.... he, still being very calm, stood there and hunted for his parents with his bare eyes. Finally, he shouted, "Maureen.....MAUReeeeen,..... DeaRRRRR.... Dearrrrr!"
let me explain, my BIL calls my sista by the name of "Maureen", and my sista calls my BIL by the name, "Dear". Now u get the picture?
haha....this joke sets me laughing so hard!!! question....why didnt he just shouted, "daddy, mummy" instead??? and to answer ur query now, ryan boy is close to 2 yrs old as of 2005.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Good food comes with good companion. even when im eating a $4 nasi lemak at holland village, it can taste like a $40 indonesian meal... all becos i have some good companions...

I was invited to another dinner though, could be a more expensive dinner and a more happening nite, but i dun think the company was right. So, ... i decided to choose the happier way out for me. :)
  Photos from top (left to right): Buckets of beer / my root beer / mooncake from east ocean sponsored by May / pig in the cage from May / All the remains of the beer and wine...All these at Biopolis.Like we said, its nice to catch up once in a while.laid back on the comfortable chair, in a serene outdoor place, we said cheers to each other, reminiscing our usual luncheons at work,mocking at one another, laughing at all our jokes...these are wat i call angels...i had a nite in the angels' paradise....:)
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
 I can explain. Many have thought that I was the one ready for the ROM last nite. (wat??????)
heh heh....it wasn't mine la. It was DT and JA's. I was just one of the preparation force for the romantic night under the stars.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
i think we are ready for the day..... almost....