Thursday, January 26, 2006
I have a major project coming up this year, and so, i need to watch what goes into my mouth.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Why are Rice and Alternatives foods important?These foods provide complex carbohydrates (starches), which are important sources of energy, especially in low-fat diets.They also provide vitamins, minerals, and fibre. The Healthy Diet Pyramid suggests 5 to 7 servings of these foods a day.Aren't starchy foods fattening?No. It's what you add to these foods or cook with them that adds most of the calories. For example: margarine or butter on bread, oil in frying rice or noodles, and the extra fat used in making roti.Why are fruits important?Fruit and pure fruit juices provide important amounts of vitamins A and C and potassium. They are low in fat and sodium. The Healthy Diet Pyramid suggests 2 servings of fruits a day.»Choose fresh fruits, fruit juices and canned or dried fruit. Pass on fruit canned in heavy syrups and sweetened fruit juices unless you need the extra calories.»Eat whole fruits more often - they are higher in fibre than fruit juices.»Have citrus and yellow-orange flesh fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, papaya, and mango regularly. They are rich in vitamin C.»Count only 100 percent fruit juice as fruit. Punches, "ades", and most fruit drinks contain only a little juice and lots of added sugars. Grape and orange sodas do not count as fruit juice.-------------------------------------------------------------------------wow....that's a lot of knowledge to digest....
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Have wanted to have a picnic and enjoy kite-flying on sunday, but the tupid rain came the moment we parked our car. anyhow, we still enjoy our game of bowling...

and a sumptuos meal....heh heh

it was a surprise for me at the buffet, bcos i didnt noe that now they have crabs there!and they are live crabs!!we needa kill it ourselves!live prawns too!bestest of all is, there is herbs for the soup.......yumyum...except for the bbq smell and the occasional oil splash from the bbq plate...GOOD AR!
Everybody's changing. Everybody's growing. we were once so young kids hanging around my granny's hse... he call me 'jie jie'... i see him grew up from a baby, to now, a young man. my cousin, turned 21 years old this year.... it only means all of us have aged. especially, my mother, our aunties, our uncles....
Friday, January 20, 2006
Livingstone has a farnie way of describing the characters in the channel 8, 9pm show to me last nite:1) the black gay = alex toh2) the eye sharp sharp girl = jacelyn tay3) the hongkonger who has a mole on her forehead = xue jia yen4) the alot of hair guy = zhu hou renhere he goes, "the eye sharp sharp girl told the black gay already....and the hongkonger who has a mole on her forehead tell the alot of hair guy that shotgun marriage is very common now..."for 1 min, i think i laughed so loud behind the bustop at orchard youth park....very amusing.... :D
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Ever since i left my job at alexandra, i dun remember going back to this hawker centre.Just as I was cracking my head, thinking of another new place to bring my mom for dinner on sunday nite,this place came to my mind.So, we went.In fact this place was hidden by the circle line barriers and cannot be seen from the main road anymore. And i thought it was closed.Pasir Panjang food centre la.the seafood place.SEE-HUM! hee hee...since i got my hep-a and hep-b jab. it's time for me to attack them lor.haha...yummilicious!   photos: see-hum, steam fish in bean sauce, oyster egg
 i almost forgot that i dropped by The Food Republic for this wonderful plate of fried prawn noodle last saturday.It was really yummy!Not to be missed if you happen to be there!while taking the escalator down to the cktang-wisma underpass, a girl behind me tapped me on my shoulder,i turned, and she pointed her finger towards the top, where many pple are walking behind the glass...And it was my brother and nieces up there waving.haha, for a moment, he must have forgotten abt the mobile phone technology...we met up at the basement, and went for lunch together.ryan was so damn happi to see his cousins, and all of them jumped and yelled asking for ice-cream.ok, we surrender, swensens we go. for earthquake.....
Monday, January 16, 2006
i wanted to surrender after combat and boxercise, but buddy tempted me with yet another 50mins class.....arghhhh....hungry and tired....i have to recover from the sleep i lost for the past few days.now i need to recover from the upper cut and hooks...haha...
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
this has never happen before....let me recall hard..... hmmmmmm....No. i confirm, it never did.For so many sessions in cfc. I dun rem walking out of the class, the crippled style. I dun rem walking out of the class, feeling my mucles ache immediately.Everytime I resume gym, after skipping it for a while, My muscles will only ache like 24 hrs after my workout. BUT, tonite, after the boxercise class, i walked out of the class, walking the crippled style, and omigod, i felt my mucles aching immediately, i couldn't stretch my leg properly. And my tee was so damp....well, its either, i did not do enuf stretching, or the boxcercise was really good.Anyway, it was my first attempt on this class.SHIONGZ.but,SHIOKZ.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
oooh, i love holidays!i dun have to wake up @6.55am.yabadabaDoooooooooooooooo!!livingstone decided to buy one more pair of shoe for THE wedding this friday.So....we agreed that we shall shop shop shop today!why wun i agree? hur hur hur...He was extra nice today, cos he initiated to pay for my skincare,u see, i have 40bucks of tangs voucher in my wallet for the past 3mths.and it had turned, from a wrinkle-free voucher, to a worse-than-salted-vegetable pc of paper!I had to use it. (does it sound like an excuse??....errr....)But,.....upon hearing the price of the product i chose today....he goes....."HUH!???"u see, i had to replenish my source therapie since i finished it like a mth ago....and i notice i am prone to scars ever since my age increases!like when i use to knock onto drawers or slit myself accidently, my wound would have recovered!, but now!, it doesn't!!, the scar stays there even after it peeled!i got to do something!and so....i chose the line peel.I dunno how good it is, but my sister swears by it.i'll try.$110 for 50ml.it better works.

even though we just had it on sat, but we crave for it today.... ......hur hur hur...we were back at crawford tonite. livingstone tried the chicken breast stuffed with cheese and ham. yummy. and i had the bbq pork ribs. yummylicious!
Monday, January 09, 2006
 what did i do to deserve this?yummy good food, with chatterbox companion...heavenly matched.well done. thank god!heavy recommendation!! this western food at crawford (near army market), is doublicious!cheap, and big serving.got to try to believe.the ribs u see up there, is $5.50! :)yum yum....
Sunday, January 08, 2006
what happens when u value the importance of family, while the others dun?I suppose many of such incidents happen.every family has its story to tell.i gone thru a few stages in life with my family.i was a baby, a toddler, a kindergarthen kid, a primary sch girl, a secondary teenager, a poly young adult, a working adult ...etc....we spent many festivals together.and the one festival that i value most together, is the chinese new year.and of cos, prior to that, the day that holds the most significance to me, is the reunion dinner.i make sure i stayed home for dinner, on every CNY eve,getting the yu-sheng, preparing the steamboat, enjoying the dinner together as a total family, the clearing up process...etc...it just makes the whole nite extra warm.I dun wanna contradict myself.i sometimes tell myself, reunion dinner might not neccessary happens once a year.as long as we are happi, any day can be a reunion day.as long as the total family can sit together once in a while and enjoy a simple dinner, a simple meal...my sister jus confirms that she won't be joining us for dinner this yr.
Friday, January 06, 2006
a count of fingers......gosh, i have skipped combat classes for the past 3 wks!!!my schedule went back to normal last nite (finallY!!), and i was back to my usual fantastic-thursday-nite.buddy and i reached the gym earlier, and we managed to squeeze into the yoga class!so we had 3 classes in a row! shiok!but it was rather embarressing, there were so many postures that i can't maintain...haha...the workouts were really good.i couldn't help but felt so sinful each time when i had to skip it for some other dinner appt or some other commitments.but then again, i only have 14hrs per day for outdoor activities, and 9hrs are dedicated to work every week days.that leaves me with another 5hrs until 11pm for my other commitments before i head home for rest..and i chose to workout as much as i could during the week days, so that i could fully concentrate on other commitments in the weekends...after minusing the transport time from one place to another and the wrap up time between transiting from one task to another.....24hrs really not enuf lor...(and im now talking abt working out only....wat abt my other commitments????)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Im gonna have so many backlogs to clear!! hur hur hur....
my boss suddenly declare "today off work at 5pm..." chey....1 hr difference, but then again, betta then nothing la.. BUT THEN, im suppose to meet livingstone and family only at 7.30pm!!! wtf....it makes no difference to me lor.

food was good tat nite. there were good meat, good soup and good companion... the talk was ultra interesting, haha, abt livingstone's grandparents who passed away and came back to their hse to visit them....wahaha....
we had a good meal at FISH&CO! just the 2 of us :) maybe we are really getting old, i couldn't imagine myself squeezing in between the crowd now... initially wanted to go witness the fireworks, but argh..... my body jus won't move. haha.... yah la, excuse.

the seafood platter was soooo goooood! see we empty the whole pan? yummy!!
Happi happi new year!!! there were plans for dinner and ktv tonite, but sky no eye, rain for no reason. and ah siang could not join us for dinner since he would be driving his bike. but we have a special guest appearance. haha....KENNY! it was june 25th 2005 when we last saw him on his ROM ceromony! 6 whole solid months! how could he be so bz!?? anyhow, we excuse him. heh heh, WE are the kindest soul in the world wor. :D

steamboat porridge! yummy! ktv was next, that's wea the rest could join us for a party! 
we had so much fun, and we went so crazy!jumping on the sofa, shouting the songs, haha...we went to shenton way for supper. had roti prata.im sorry i did, but i puke after the supper.i had cramps in my stomach immediately after the plain and egg prata.but i didnt want to spoil the nite since we were chatting so happily.there came the final moment when i really couldn't tahan anymore.I straighten my back and say "my stomach very pain leh..."and so, we left.I stood up, took a few steps, and wala....i puke.omigod.im not sure, but could it be the awful prata? the teh tarik? or the smell of the coffeeshop?or was it me?heh heh....how i noe?