Tuesday, May 30, 2006

i almost couldn't wake up in time to go to huey's full mth party! slept at 5.30am last nite. woke up at 11am....rushed like hell. hee. but it was all worth it. :)
Huey is buddy's long awaited nephew. i need to be there to share her joy.
 so cute rite...it's really amazing how little kids grow in the arms.....Happi first month Huey.may ur future be 101% successfull and smooth sailing. ~blessings from aunty jo. :)
finally, this man is back from his safe-keeping trip. a trip to the gulf of iraq. he has craving for oyster egg, frog leg porridge.... ok, he will have his way tonite. i wonder why i forgot to snap the yummy frog leg !!!
aniwae....HL and SX made some oatmeal cookie...
 looks good huh...
that's the sand bottle eddie got for us from dubai.

after dinner, it is time for eddie to practise his vocal agn..... 4 mths alrd....he seriously needs some entertainment... LOL.
 that's the 3 of us with some hidden X-factor... hur hur hur.....
 we are suppose to make pig faces, but eddie looks more like puffer fish! LOL-LOL-LOL!!

ok, seriously, we do have some concert going on in this room.....hee...
 the farnie faces continues....
den, dez arrives at 12mn.....for he jus touched down in singapore.
 good effort dez!!!!
 that's all of us.... eddie is still so engross in his song wor..... hee...
now it becomes a tradition that we have to sing this song (hong qing ting) before we leave the room.

Den we will behave like small little kids.... standing tall on the sofa, shouting, jumping and dancing around.... :)

supper was at the tanjong pagar railway station....roti prata. there we made a hell out of jokes, almost couldn't stop ourselves from laughing..... :)
2.20am we wanted to drive in to sentosa, but the gateway was blocked. so, we proceeded to east coast, wanted to go for bowling. then, the tupid bowling centre closed at 2.30am. *faint* and we thought they were 24hrs.....

we were stucked at McDonalds.... ah siang came to join us when he came back from JB. Good effort!!! :) making jokes again....the 10 of us sat there, debating where we should go, and what we should do. there were sooooo many silly ideas. "let's go swimming!" "let's go mahjong!" "let's go play basketball, badminton..." "let's go to the white house!...." (siao...)
so we ended up going upstairs for pool.
 eddie wanted to stay for sunrise.but some young pple like HL cannot tahan alrd....hee....ironically, the old pple like us still can make it wor....hur hur hurit was 4.30am.
aiya, go home la....the next morning i still have to go for huey's full mth party!!
Monday, May 29, 2006
if it is shower time for ryan... Den u will see livingstone creeping behind him with my camera in his hands, hide behind his butt.
as soon as ah ma strips ryan and wet him, like a papparazi, livingstone snaps ...... his bird bird...
that doesn't happen successfully if ryan's mother bathes him. unfortunately, my sister was at work last saturday. hee...
oh, of cos im not publishing his bird bird here.... but look at his new hairstyle...

that's my Ryan....
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
We wanted to watch Da Vinci Code last nite. Wanted to watch it in the new Cathay cinema. But there were no more tickets for the 7pm slot. GV also sold out. what to do? We settled for Shaw Balestier. Not our first time there though.
 Recently, Dan Brown added another character into the book, didn't u hear abt that??? :p hee hee..
Aniwae, while we were happily seated in our seats, the advertisements and trailers started to come on screen. The show was supposed to start at 8.30pm. Then there was this 'duk duk duk duk duk duk' sound all the time on the sound system for all the adverts. Initially, we thought this might be some short term problem. I said 'hopefully when the show starts, the problem also goes away....'
My goodness, when Tom Hanks opens his mouth, nobody could figure out what he is talking abt! soon, many pple were walking out of the theatre. i assume they were making a complain.
Then, a man came in, wave his hands on the air, and say 'can all of u move to theatre 6, take back ur own seats.?'
well done.
We go lor. it was 9pm alrd.
Theatre 5 had Da Vinci Code playing halfway. When we enter the theatre, the person in charge turn on all the lights (like police comes for inspection like dat) and stop the movie. Then they play star wars theme song.*aiyo*
 while waiting for the movie to come online....We thought they would rewind the movie to the start of the show. But then they were playing all the way from the beginning!!! like from the first advert!!!! *faint* We watched silent hill trailer twice lor.
by the time, da vinci code comes on, it is 9.25pm alrd.
aniwae. its a nice show for me who have not read the book.
Monday, May 22, 2006
I saw a 100K diamond necklace yesterday at Larry's. omigod.... i can buy 2 lao-yao cars for that equal amount.
would someone really splurge on this luxury item? diamond....hmm....a girls' best friend.. but what abt cash??? cash is whose best friend???? haha....

this ring....is i think 20 over thousand. not bad i say.... makes a nice photo on my jiao-jiao fingers.....haha...
 i had the yaki udon from NOOCH in the afternoon.I remembered i use to enjoy my plate of udon very much.but this time round, the sauce was made too watery.yucks....yucki-udon it became...  but i had saba for the nite.yummy. a little bit too wet too though.but overall was good.the set cost $14.90 i think.comes with the usual prickled vege, water melon, chawamushi, sashimi, rice and miso soup.and this is at wisma's iciban.worth going back.:)
Livingstone brought me to Five Star Grill in Hougang finally.

the meat is truly tender. but the gravy is too saltish. no good.
We had a meeting with diana to punggol, (she is my desired ID for now.) and she's trying to show me a house she has done. well done. We liked the house. the design, layout and the materials. and the paint job was good.
We then brought her to our actual coris site, since we still had time. The whole thing was really farnie. She pretended to be my sister when we were brought up to a showflat by one of the ah peh contractors downstairs. and the whole visit was
'zeh, this wan quite nice hor, can do.' 'eh, girl, u like this wan rite, can ask Mr Goh (the contractor) to do one for u also...?'
haha..... laughing session. really wayang lor we all...
Right after the hse visiting, we had a date with the guys for a swim. Experts say no high carbo food after a good swim. but we are not telling the experts. hee....
 My mushroom soup....
 My fav roll n butter...
 My fish and chips...
heh heh....these 3 items above completes my dinner at 9.30pm. wahahahaha.......
 Dez's pan-fried lamb chop
 HL's pork ribs.
 stealing a kiss before dinner.
 threatening my MC.
 hai....livingstone always got this problem when he handles my camera.the picture always blur.but he insists that heng was the wan shaking in the picture, that's why the picture blurs.*faint*oh, btw, this is Jacob's Cafe at changi village. :)
We went to meet the Minister of our constituency on friday nite for some requests. There were many volunteers doing crowd control, writing of letters, giving out queue numbers, and doing the first filtering. We were there at 6pm to get a queue number, and already, we were given a queue of 30plus. no difference from seeing doctor Ho. Aniwae, it wasn't a really long wait la.
When we went in for the interview with the minister, honestly, i was quite surprise with the amount of pple inside the room with him. There were 3 persons next to him, taking down notes, well, they look like they are trying to learn and pickup some skills. Then there were like 4 ladies seated in front of some computers, typing letters to the relevant authority, and these are done like immediately after the ministers meet the pple. Highly efficient. Then there were abt another 4 person in the room to usher the pple in and out.
Either these pple are too kind, or they are too free..... :) I jus put it that they are kind la. but come to think of it....this meet the pple session is somewhat comparable to pple queuing up to meet the god isn't it?those chinese tiao-dung kind of session?haha.....u also go there to request for something? donch u? haha.... jus something that comes to my mind during my wait there....haha....
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I was happily leaving my office for boxercise last evening, and i called livingstone for a short chat."mmmm....when are u free for a date with me huh?""for what?" i asked."err.....watched movie la""errrrr......watch wat movie huh?""MI:3..."oooooh, can can. MI:3 can.hee hee...once in a while i have to follow livingstone's wish la.wait he say my gym is more impt than him, then i can forget abt extending my membership.wahaha.....then he got another request."I only want to watch MI:3 digital...."and what time is that slot?7.35pm!aiyo.....worse then gym lor....cannot relak...must rush home and quickly get my free ticket redemption coupon.when we reached cathay cineleisure, it was alrd 7.15pm.lucky still got good seats. phew!i don want to have late dinner.so we smuggle burger king into the theatre. heh hehas we were happily muching our fries and burger away, the show started...and our mouth stopped.U see, it was very challenging to have our heart in our throat when tom cruise want to die but haven die.how to swallow our burger u tell me?and so our usual mushroom swiss burger turn out to be tasteless lor.But the show is fantastic!worth my sacrifice of boxcercise.
Monday, May 15, 2006
i remember when i was very young, i would have to visit this polyclinic for immunisation. for flu, for cough, for fever.....etc...
the impression and memory i had over the clinic, surprisingly, did not change much physically. I was there this morning, and the childhood memories came flowing back naturally....
 the usual wait, the usual sound system, the old queue display system, even the old nurses... my mom recognised the nurse that took our files when we go for our immunisation!!! haha....
i heard the govt is going to demolish this polyclinic soon. hmm....there goes the history for me agn...
then, my mom pointed out an interesting sight.

haha, many pple must have missed this room 14!!!
since i took leave today, i went shopping with mommy. and had lunch at food republic. man, i like this fried prawn noodle man!!

beverage at the toast box.
 no monday blues....i had a good session of body combat tonite!lalalalalalalalala....
ryan and my sista were at Bangkok for mother's day, so we decided to have home cook food ! yummy, i LOVE home cook food!! but, my poor mom had aged, and she no longer has the stamina to juggle between looking after ryan and preparing dinner for us in the evenings. so most of the time, we eat out.
aniwae, once in a while, i will still pester her for some yummy soup...
 i can jus have 1 bowl, oh. no, to be exact, it is 1+1+1 bowl of such pork rib soup, be it carrot, or sze chuan vege, or even sweet corn, or lotus root, whatever la...as long as its this kind of pork rib soup, prepared by my mom, jus top it up with a bowl of rice......i can feed myself nice and full.no need other dishes....heh hehMom prepared vege too.but she didnt wan to fry, so we had it steam.healthy choice.
 another healthy choice!! herbal chicken,easy to prepare, yummy to eat, and healthy to us! couldn't ask for more!!!!!
 Mom, Livingstone and me...we finish the dinner with a stereo burrrrrrp..... haha....