Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Nice show!3 thumbs up!!!Mumble is sooooooooooo cute.Well....afterall, i seldom watch animations, but this is one particular one that i insisted on watching. I was attracted to the way the peguins sing and dance on the trailers. haha.... some memorable quotes:Ramón: I hear somebody wanting something... ME! Leopard Seal: Come here you sausage. I take you with ketchup Latin Penguins: But first you must catch up! [hahaha] Ramón: You did everything penguinly possible. it cheers my tuesday nite! :)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
We took turns to visit each other. Rather interesting huh. She is a fren, now she becomes a neighbour. haha....
 Ryan boy wants to help to setup too,the menu on sunday nite was Steamboat.Again, thanks to our good frens we got us the steamboat stuff !!they were superb pple!! :)and we now put it to VERY good use! heh heh heh the spread...
 and a group foto with them before they left.I like steamboats, it is like one of the type of meals where everybody then comes together, sit down, get a pair of chopsticks and spoon, and viola, u can sit there for hours.chit chit eat eat chat chat eat eat.....and it is so easy to prepare.thanks to my sis who came too !guess who is coming to our hse next? haha...
Monday, November 27, 2006
so poor thing, now then 27th years old officially.... like 1 mth later, he has to be 28th.... HAHAHAHHAHA.... Its been a long time since we celebrate birthdays,think we have to re-do this culture in 2007.we had steamboat at Golden Mile.Super crowded.

they call it the prawn ball.
these 2 men suddenly get very engrossed, the topic was X-genes and Y-genes.haha....they say the Y-genes got no stamina but can run very fast. so u have to stay in the position for a while after the session, so that it can swim to the finishing line. haha... do u get what they are trying to discuss? haha.... the birthday tiramisu was bought at concourse starbucks.NO CANDLES!!!???? so, eddie say, use paper lo, fold into candle shape and light.*faintz*
then, we realised peggy is a nov baby too!too bad lo, now then we noe, so they hv to share the cake.haha...
 BLOW...."blow what??" The group on sat nite.Now we have to get down to planning a trip on New Year Day!
heh heh.... sorry lo, its not with livingstone. it was with lao-shu instead.
I woke up early in the morning, to go to the market. intended to prepare steak, but the market never sell beef!!! then i was lazy to go compass point. so, i decided, the chicken has to die. hee...

 he gave me some good rating! haha, "not very saltish, not tough, the chicken breast is tender wor!" haha... THANKS BRO!!! :) :) we had a great romantic lunch together at my place.had so much talks abt the trip he had to japan and germany.those snow storm pictures he took were really nice in my eyes.the topic went to automobile after a while, (weird, how did i get engage into issues of such in the 1st place!!??)and i had to go down and test the mit. colt plus!
 indeed! a VERY nice car!now i can even control the opening of the car boot, the winding up of the car windows and the folding of those side view mirrors, ALL WITH THE CAR's REMOTE CONTROL KEY lo!i am usually not very exposed to such high tech stuff in automobile industry.so it does makes me a bit of u noe, the....moutain tortise.haha...Cool. Very Cool to me.haha.....but, true la, too many electronics stuff also very difficult to maintain....good to have la such features.mai pai lo. wait headache.He say i can drive it anytime.la la la la la la la.......
Sunday, November 26, 2006
an EXTREMELY early x'mas dinner I had with Jody and Sheryl! We went to Spaggadies.

 and that's my fren, Jody, its so lovely of her, she gave me a taka voucher, bcos she could not come to my wedding dinner.... so sweet! thank u sooooo much jody! :) (btw, they are single!!! :p)
here's our menu:

 U won't believe this.... we went to BALCONY after dinner.... and this is what i drank....
 haha, i think i will be laughed at lo... but i dun care la.... i underage, can't take any liqour, wait police catch.
Balcony is not a comfortable place to us anyway..... hee the chairs are too low, the tables are also low....sit until back pain. U won't believe this, we decided to do a super early x'mas present exchange too!!!haha....x'mas in Nov! well done!
 sheryl got the leather storage box that i bought. I got the nike shoebag that jody bought, and then, both me and jody got a lip gloss and blusher from sheryl! haha.... tupid sheryl forgot the rules, and bought 2 presents instead of 1. nvm, we tan-dio. lol..... We moved to Rocky Master for another better drink at 11pm.
 This is a very nice citrus drink. I like.Its been so long since we last met,and we chit chit chat chat until 1am. haha...livingstone was so nice.He volunteer to come pick me.1st time in the record!!!hee....Well, he normally doesn't do this, and I normally don't ask him to pick me unneccessarily.hmmmm....anyway....i think its a sweet gesture once in a while. :)
The girls decided to form a uniform group on friday....
hee....ALL in bermudas! :)
Friday, November 24, 2006
this is the new sky i wake up to every morning.New, Fresh, Peaceful and lovely.Well, there's no birds.So the saying 'birds dun lay eggs here' might still be valid.haha....
It took us a while to decide.... budget leh... this yr like too many we went....
but then agn..... i think we will regret if we dun do it.... so....Let's do it then....

I was with mom in orchard road on Wednesday, and I realise....X'mas is here!!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
She's the one. the person who made our hse beautiful....in our eyes.
A very capable and young lady.We clicked very well when we worked together.This was taken last nite when she brought her customer to our hse for viewing.Not that our hse is very designer, cos we didnt spend alot of money pasting on the walls, hee...but becos the customer is our neighbour, and they like the concept of our kitchen. :)I like my humble kitchen too....thanks to diana who gave me fantastic space planning....SHE ROX !!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Im sorry I have to do this. but somethings i have to do, means i have to do.
U see, i brought my mom to the much raved abt jap restaurant, the one at tampines swimming complex. i was quite wow by the concept and the interior look. this is how it works. the open concept kitchen is in the middle of the restaurant. the dining place will be around the kitchen then. at every station where the chefs cook, there will be a basket of ice-cream sticks, next to it, will be the picture of the food. So, the crew doesn't take order from u, u need to go to the kitchen area, browse thru the 'menus' and pick up the ice-cream sticks. finally, place the sticks in to the basket on ur table, and the crew will come and collect. thereafter, ur food will be prepared and served to u.
this is the place.
 the ice-cream sticks, with the food name pasted on it. drop them into the bsket on our table. Mom and me...

Now, DO NOT be fooled.all the above pictures u see above, looks mouth watering kind.but, i tell u, we eat until we want to vomit.i kid u not.the grilled stuff are too saltish and dry.the oyaku don and curry don sux.the sashimo a.k.a pregnant fish is YUCKY!!!and their green tea, at 80cents+++ per cup, is not refillable!this it the worst jap restaurant that livingstone and i ever went to.food is poor. damn jia lat.and the damage was $70/-.hai....not worth any single cent....We didnt finish our share anyway, can't swallow.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I lurvvvvvvvvvve FRIDAYS!

having fun in the office...and that's meow's bodyshop 2-way cake casing.i like the metallic look. and she's jus behind me... haha
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Budd has taken up a new commitment, and i will see very less of her in gym now. in other words, i will go to gym by myself. its been a while.. and today particularly, i began to miss her badly. hee...
We use to go to steps and combat class together every thursday. before the class starts, we will talk and talk until the class commence. Now, its alone, then, I will stare and stare until the class commence.haha...its farnie how things in our life change rapidly, but i think its a matter of adapting to the changes huh... :)and jus as i was thinking of budd while i walk to the train station,the phone rang, and it was her, haha...maybe that's what the encylopedia meant abt telepathy.LOL...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
every night, we see a rose on our ceiling.
i compromise this with a chandelier light.hee hee, at least maintenance easier.... :)
Monday, November 13, 2006
tonite the host prepared a dinner for 2 more lab rats. and she decided to polish her skills for the sauteed pork dish.
the lab rats = kenneth and doreen hee...
 dessert for the nite, something like THE DAILY SCOOP.sorry guys, of cos ur brownie is still the best!mine is only for fun. :)there were honey, yakult and pepsi for the beverage list.I hope they were well entertained! =)
there is an advantage of choosing an unit where there are no objects in front of our unit, and we will have total privacy, well, unless someone uses a good telescope to peep at us of cos.
abit of R(A) here, but when i shower, i like to leave my bathroom door open, and have a good view, a park view, that is. well of cos, that is when no one else is at home, or i would have to lock my bedroom door, bcos, we dun have a lock for our master bedroom toilet door. hee...
and i like to keep my bathroom dry. as dry as possible. not even a drop of water on my vanity top. hee.... and our bathroom smells very nice. :) cosy....
check out my nite view. (jus imagine, if u can't see...haha) wait till i have the mood to catch a day view to show u too... hee... 
inspired by ritz carlton view.... lol