Friday, December 18, 2009
I never know how a mother I wanted to be, until I became one myself....I thought I would be the rather non-fussy type. Gosh, I was totally wrong!Been a SAHM for a yr, I began to realise that I am very consecutive with bb food. no table food (yet), no sugar, no salt, no preserved food, selected dry food only, no canned food....that's a series of NO!i am a control freak. haha...anyway, i probably wanted to make myself useful in providing bbTara with wholesome natural food, that comes with an extra touch of love. =)As long as she is growing steady and healthy, those junks can come later.Along the way, livingstone and I wanted her to cultivate certain independent behaviour, we are still trying hard.She has as far successfully slp alone in her own room at nite since she was abt 8mths. And now, she likes to carry her own toy box when we allow her to bring it along.

My baby....she really keeps growing dun she.....(oops, she's gonna kill me when she grows up to see this foto, .... her hair! mummy forgot the hairclip!)Labels: bbfood, bbtara, discipline, Food, parenthood
Ever since I realised that OKTO airs Barney everyday, I recorded the show.(Becos the time coincides with her nap time....)So, everyday, after her lunch, I will play Barney, and u can tell she enjoys it...dancing, laughing, kissing, imitating...livingstone says, there is a curse on Barney shows, otherwise how come so many kids like an ugly purple brinjal....haha

Right after Barney, is my fav cartoon - Chuggington.....hiak hiak hiak.... =DLabels: barney, bbtara, chuggington, parenthood
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It was an impromptu meetup. And we had yummy steamboat for dinner at Ngern's residence! HL thought peggy's b'day was round the corner, so wanted to celebrate the nov babies special day together. But it was way over. Since there was a mood for celebration, why not!?So i quickly arranged for the agar agar to be delivered to me before the impromptu party...sorry folks, not like I wanted this design, but it was like 'take it or leave it' kind of agony. If i dun accept this ready made agar agar, we will have no agar agar, and it will be plain old b'day cake. =)
 three b'day candles for three nov babies!
 not bad, they became the mix & match family! haha...
 as we multiplied, there were now kids at our gatherings. Sometimes, I felt so aged...HAHApple, dun kill me! i noe im not the oldest... :pAnw, we are the mothers who will bring bb's toybox with us when we visit someone's hse.U rather they play quietly together then to ransack the hse for something they can play with isn't it?
Trust us, its more convenient this way. =)Labels: agar agar, bbfrens, bbtara, Birthday, dessert, party, steamboat, Surprise
Friday, December 04, 2009
It was so much fun that day! We went swimming at Anchorvale CC again, and if it doesn't rain, we had scheduled to go to Orchard for the 2009 x'mas lightings. =)
 she so enjoy the time even though she was only floating...
 it rained after 20mins, and we all shifted to the indoor 1.2m pool. No floats allowed, so livingstone became her man made float. Boy, she was cold! her jaws were shaking! but when i carried her out of the pool, she was screaming and her finger was pointing right at daddy inside the pool... u are right, i put her back then. =)
 what a coincident! we bumped into nicole and family at the fun pool! =D Made us stayed longer at the pool even though we were supposed to leave. By the time we reached home, it was 5pm, and bbTara was tired! fell asleep immediately when i tucked her nicely on her bed. So we decided to play by ear, if it doesnt rain at nite, we are so going to Orchard! =)
And we did! bb woke up at 7pm, had her dinner, and we were out by 8pm. Go Public! we were enjoying our train ride to town... hur hur hur We alighted at Orchard, strolled all the way to Plaza Singapura, and took the NEL back home agn (last train, hee...).
 fantastic light up at ION Orchard, inside the gigantic x'mas tree...it brought me back to Tioman, when i was there star gazing...truely beautiful.

I think she was amazed with the human crowd, large decorations and the colorful lightings!Each time she spotted a mascot, she will blow her kisses at them!
and we had bbTianle joining us at 9.30pm! haha...wat a late nite bbs outing.... =)Labels: bbfrens, bbtara, parenthood, x'mas