Thursday, March 31, 2005
ya, finally chose nokia 6260...and ya again, it is wat i call the 'super-duper-giant-phone'...no other choices, this has most of the features in a 2005 phones now.but i got a free generic bluetooth headset. that's quite a deal i must say......i skipped gym tonite.reason: i got recalled abt what happen 2 wks ago...wea i spent quality time with my mum and her mum ....well....i decided to skip gym though i brought all my barang barangs....and spent more quality time with my mum alone... especially since im meeting sean and bud tml nite for dinner...
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Im getting myself a new phone tml.yippie!!!it's been 3 yrs since i chg a talking partner.headache, now dunno wat phone to choose...nokia is my first choicebluetooth, mp3, radio are my criteria...6260 is the only one that fits my requirement....except for the super duper size...7270 looks stylish, but omigod, how come it is so expensive even though the features are not all-rounded!!??panasonic x800....hmmm....looks sleek.... i wonder how's the performance....
Monday, March 28, 2005
....got back to work today...it's a long break.life still goes on...the earth still revolves...and the water still flows...
Thursday, March 24, 2005
sad miss tired cry recall no appetite ...
sad day,.... i miss my grandma .... was so tired last nite after the sai gong's prayers and the burning of the big hse.... cry uncontrollably when i recall the times i visited grandma... i had no appetite for dinner at all....
my heart gets so messy when i see the pple lowered grandma's coffin into the deep soil... however, it was a very calm scene, we were expecting all of us to cry... it was all very calming... probably because grandma's body is still intact... cremation will be terrible, govt purposely tekan familes, make the coffin trolley move so slowly that we were so sad during my grandpa's cremation last yr....
grandaunt called after dinner ... crying... she miss her sister...she say tears come by itself... mum say if grandma miss grandaunt in the other world, grandaunt will cry... is it really that amazing? both mum and i lie down together and miss grandma....i can see her eyes turning red...but i noe she is strong....she is trying hard not to cry... but she tell me her heart feels terrible...we are missing the same person... i can feel the kind of heart pain... i can't accept that she's gone too... i jus had dinner with her on sat...how can she be gone on sunday...less than 24hrs....this is not fair.... =(
i keep recalling the last words she told me on saturday before i left the hospital... her words keep coming back to me...
i really miss her....so much so much....
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
many pple turn up today.special thanks to livingstone's family, sean, mabel, stanley and my dear bud.... thank you for turning up and paying ur last respects to my grandma ...to peggy, serene, may, adoh and kenny....ur well wishes and contribution are greatly appreciated.... it's day no.3, tml is the nite where we will be praying and burning grandma's newly bought hse...im really missing her.....my lost is a greater lost to my mum....i wonder who can she talk to now that her mum is gone..... =(they have been sharing gossips and secrets all these while....i hope she can cope well with the lost....
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
In Remembrance....... (1924~2005) 
this was abt a yr ago...

grandma and me at her old stall in redhill...
Monday, March 21, 2005
8:30am - wake up, got ready to go to grandma's wake9.30am - fold incense paper for grandma, it was said that it can relive her pain and sin and have a good last journey...10.30am - fold incense paper11.30am - walk to the market and buy grandma lunch...it was a painful task, i used to buy meals for her, meals where she can physically eat them....today, i have to offer the meal on the table for her....how could life be so vulnerable....12pm - bud came....thank u so much for being there....2.30pm - burn incense paper3.30pm - fold incense paper4.30pm - fold incense paper5.30pm - fold incense paper6.30pm - fold incense paper7.30pm - fold incense paper, help out at tables..8.30pm - dinner...curry chicken...9.30pm - fold incense paper10.30pm - fold incense paper11.30pm - head home to rest for tml agn....tired....
Sunday, March 20, 2005
this is the total cruel and sad truth...my grandmother was admitted to hospital again last friday...heart attack...pelvis pain....leg pain.....old age....she did not pull thru this time....08:27:43am, i received a call from the hospital "pls come to the hospital now, ur grandmother is in critical condition..." i was half awake....she did not wait...."girl, ah ma is gone..."by the time i reached the hospital, she had left....her stomache was bloated...her whole body was bloating....the doctor told us that they were trying to save her, and they pump in oxygen and gave her injection....everybody was in tears....my grandaunt was shouting for her to wake up...my mum was telling her that my aunty will take care of her fav son....my uncle...all of us wanted her to leave in peace....no one wants her to carry worries in her last journey...the rest of the day was logistics matters and ritual proceedings....everything happens with a purpose....now i understand why i had a late meeting on thursday nite, that kris had to suggest skipping gym,....it gave me a chance to buy my grandma her fav fried fish rice for dinner....my last consolation had to be my last chance to buy her dinner last nite and gaving her the last massage on her painful leg before i left the hospital...may u rest in peace grandma....it has been nice being ur grand-daughter.....we will meet agn someday....
Thursday, March 17, 2005
"feels like heaven"...hur hur hur....i jus applied the source therapie mask from biotherm....(using my finger to poke my cheeks) now my face goes do-oink do-oink do-oink....feels so hydrated!hahahahathis is a reason for me to smILe... =)i skipped gym tonite..reason: had a bloody long and draggy meeting from 4pm till 7pm.it is the long awaited thursday nite, the only nite wea i can go for pump and combat together. the nite i have been waiting for every week......poor bud, doze off in the office while waiting for me to call her......went to my grandma's hse instead. Anyhow, it was still a quality nite spent with my mum and her mum. another reason for me to smILe.... =)
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
It's mid week. =)This morning's topic on class95 was interesting to me. somthing like "can ur partner wear skimpy and sexy clothing? let others see? u mind?" haha....honestly, if i am the bf/husband, and if my gf/wife has the perfect figure, go ahead and flaunt it! keep it sexy but simple. I'll be proud of her. c'mon, if u are not wearing it now, then when and wea do u think u can show off ur figure???buddy and i went for retail therapy tonite. Went to Tangs, Paragon, Taka and wisma. heh heh, walk into sooooooooooooo many shops, .... BUT WE BOUGHT NOTHING! unbelivable... =(it's ok, everything will be alright....cos im gonna save my energy, save my money, and chiong to bkk next wk for intensive retail therapy. la la la la la la
Monday, March 14, 2005
Good news! bludder Lam is planning for a house. Wedding bells are shaking !!! yeah yeah.... it's exciting to see frens tieing their knot one by one....it's one of the many happy events that can happen to a person in their whole life... and it makes a difference to themselves, their family and the life after that.....
Many frens have also been asking when is my turn? hahaha....ok, my same answer to everyone "wait for house la, but prepare my angpow now...hahaha"
When i was younger, say in pri school, many girls like to sit together during our free lesson, and discuss what the adults like to discuss....hee hee, our ideal age for the vow, how many children we want, and will we become a housewife like our mother? haha~, yah, stop laughing at me, haven u gone thru this stage before?? ... i still rem my answers though. I said i wanna get hitch at 24-25, 3 kids and i wanna be a housewife. hahahaha....day dreaming was free anyway. and kids' talk are usually rubbish...hahaha....anyway, i have pass that age. so those are crap now.
when ryan can chat, my first few questions to him is, "when are u getting married?" hahahhaa....will see how he answer....
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Sunday, the last of my weekend. A day i love and hate becos it means family day, yet it also means i have to work all over again tml !!
Yes, it was a fruitful day. We make full use of our time to keep company my family, livingstone's family and finally our own time after 9pm... what a wonderful world when everything seems just so in place. =)
I touched down sat early morning at 4am. Gosh, it was a dreadful flight. Turbulance was frequent, and the flight was almost full. I requested for an eye shade as usual, and the "pls-do-not-disturb" sticker before i turn on on my krisflyer entertainment. No disturb. No meals. No drinks. No conversation. Me need to rest on this red eye flight. Fortunately, i woke up half an hour before the flight landed. but omigod, my neck was soooo tired.... =(
i dunno who to thank....but i am really blessed. For my every trip, livingstone sends me and picks me up no matter what time i leave and touch down....i touched down at 4am, and there he was, picking me up as usual.... =) =)
Mum was surprise i got home earlier, cos i told her i would come back only on sunday...hahahaha.....im a liar ... i always like to lie to her abt my itenary....hahahaha....give her some surprise to make her life more exciting! hahahaha~ =p
grandma's condition is still awful. She is starting to distribute whatever she has to her children...she always say "i tell ah gong to make me recover, else, bring me along with him..." gosh....i have to tear when i hear this.....she is literally thinking of giving up the fight against OLD-AGE. She is 81. She has a weak heart now, and weak limbs....she sleeps in pain everynight alone in her hse. Mum plays her part and be with her as long as she can make it, buys her lunch, dinner and talks to her everyday....it pains us to see what she is going thru....the only thing i can ask for is for her to be optimistic and see all of us grow up...older....
Friday, March 11, 2005
yeah yeah....im on my way back to singapore from canberra to melbourne, and from melbourne to Sinapore....See u singapore.... =)
Friday, March 04, 2005
Headlines! Headlines!!Jojo's trip to canberra is postphone! to when? unknown....But, it's the best weekend present for her today.... =)
Thursday, March 03, 2005
My air ticket to canberra is cut for this sat.fortunately, managed to chg nathan's mind, into going ONLY Canberra...In-Sha-Alahquite a few frens going overseas recently -- buddy going to Perth on sat too, Fanni too going to Perth this sat, haha, same flight as bud, wat a coincidence...Jody is in New Jersey...kelvin going HK on fri... is this a travelling wk or wat? =)No govt in office this wk, cos govt not in town, heh heh, .... =)
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
I noe my nieces and nephew will be waiting for me at home tonite.... After the hug-hug we always give each other, we had our dinner together.... Aftere which, it was playtime in ah-ma's rm...ryan boy was so happy to be surrounded by all of us. We had a bolster fight... hahaha... ryan boy was our target. Wen, ah bee and i goes "1...2....3...FIRE!" ...that was fun... =)
Until i asked ah bee...."ah bee, u noe the meaning of fire?" she nodded her head and say "huo lor" heh heh....then i go, "can u spell FIRE?", this is wat she say:
ah bee: cannot, i dunno how to spell FIRE me: u cannot ar, then wat word can u spell? ah bee: P.H.E.O.B.E (her name)
hahahaha, my sista and i are so humoured with her answer...and she was so shy when she reply me.... she literally can only spell her own name...hahaha...i fully agree, kids are so straight, so plain and so simple by nature.
Do u noe it can be a fun conversation to chat with a kid between 4-7 yrs old. The answer they give, can be quite a hit.
((btw, jojo has been listening to Carpenters for the past 5 days....)
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
My triceps and abs are crying in pain after WaiHan's class last nite...anyhow, hopefully they are effective.
The teos force me to into using 9kg for my squats tonite. Darn it, now i have to stick to it. =pThe Bukit Merah Library was re-opened last friday. I attended the opening ceremony on behalf of nathan, saw Temasek Poly's ex-principle, Varapassad who initiate the opening together with the MP for BukitMerah, Mr Khoo. Haha, Varapassad reminds me of my tertiary days. I rem we always like to make fun of his moustache. He still kept it till today! I think it has become his trademark anyway. =p I helped to clear the BM library when it was closed for renovation last yr....now it re-opened with our competitor's system....i think most of my colleagues are saddened with the reality......hai....wat to do.... Mum told me a funny incident today: Ryan boy brought his fav gigantic tennis ball to ah ma's hse this morning. Ah Bee, seeing the cute ball, wants to play with it too. Ryan boy saw ah bee touching his tennis balls, he walks over and slap ah bee. He slap and slap and got very happy. Ah bee wanted to return him one slap, but ah ma stopped her, and say, ah ma: ah bee, cannot beat ryan boy. U are zhek-zhek, ryan boy still dunno how to tok ah bee: cry cry cry ah ma: nmind ah bee, later when da-gu call, u complain to da-gu, ok later in the afternoon, my sista called. Ah bee: (cry)...dagu.....ryan boy beat me.... da-gu: ok, ask ah ma to beat ryan boy ah bee: ooorh ah ma: beat him he also wun listen wan la.... ah bee became the victim. ah ma: ok, later when da-gu come back, ask da-gu to beat ryan boy in front of u ok? ah bee: (cry and nod head) ok hahahaha, this is the bb riot @ tanglin Halt. =)