dinner @ sakae
finally arranged to meet sean tonight after trying to meetup for like ...4wks??
we are the kind pple...haha...
so instead of heading town or anywhere else, we always settle for WTC,
bcos he would have NE line to take after our dismissal.
it's so comforting to noe that there are kind souls living on planet earth....isn't it? ~
Tonight's dinner is on sean.
who ask him to get promote for no reason.
ooops,...not true la.
no quality how to promote?
well,...unless the boss is half blind.
ho ho ho....ooops.... =p
buddy insisted on japanese, so we proceeded to sakae.
they have changed their menu, and we see that they have more items now.
well done.

sean, with his trademark cocky stare.

miss teo - caught almost unaware..heh heh

me- most steady. haha
cos i was holding the camera, so no one caught me unaware. WAHAHA!

at macdonald, using the hot spot.

look how cute this pic is...

do a comparison! haha...so cute.

haha, sean had a perfect smile here...
rare smile rare smile.
we are the kind pple...haha...
so instead of heading town or anywhere else, we always settle for WTC,
bcos he would have NE line to take after our dismissal.
it's so comforting to noe that there are kind souls living on planet earth....isn't it? ~
Tonight's dinner is on sean.
who ask him to get promote for no reason.
ooops,...not true la.
no quality how to promote?
well,...unless the boss is half blind.
ho ho ho....ooops.... =p
buddy insisted on japanese, so we proceeded to sakae.
they have changed their menu, and we see that they have more items now.
well done.

sean, with his trademark cocky stare.

miss teo - caught almost unaware..heh heh

me- most steady. haha
cos i was holding the camera, so no one caught me unaware. WAHAHA!

at macdonald, using the hot spot.

look how cute this pic is...

do a comparison! haha...so cute.

haha, sean had a perfect smile here...
rare smile rare smile.