Thursday, April 27, 2006
Morning: 1 lady pissed me off totally
have u watched the muppet babies before? u noe there is this female pig inside, whatever the name is, this lady looks jus like her. with thick lips, curly hair, plump, short, proud, and AN ACNE FACE!!!!! budd is rite. what comes around goes around. she'll have her karma.
Afternoon: Was at customer site. And I was looking forward to my gym at nite.
It was mainly becos i have missed my boxercise on Monday. and there is a urgent need for me to destress.
Just when I was almost done with the session on site. it rained. It rained CATS and DOGS. No umbrella. No raincoat. and my gym stuff are in the office. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... bad day.
Evening: I decided to join livingstone for dinner since i was near his office.
echo: everything happens with a purpose.....
I was waiting waiting for him to finish his last prints....when my mobile rang. 'Alo, this is David Loh....' the rest of the conversations were covered by my scream. 'DAVIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! u finally called.
Now for those who donch noe who is David Loh, he is apperently the most popular JP for wedding solemnizations. And we have already booked him for our outdoor wedding since March 2006. Faxed and chopped confirmed.
2 days ago, ROM centre called livingstone and told him that Mr David Loh has resigned, and would not be able to solemnize our wedding. Hence, ROM centre will assign us another JP.
wtf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We were very bz for the next few hours. I logged on to the forum, asking for recommendations of jovial JPs. Livingstone called David. (No answer) Livingstone called Chan Kai Yu (another JP, but stern) I called David. (mobile was directed to voicemail) I sms David.
I got to mark this down. 26th April 2006, 7.35pm, Mr David Loh finally called me.
I was so excited yet so worried that he might be calling to say sorry.
Thank u so much for whoever is watching over us!!!!!
"I can still be ur solemnizer for ur wedding. Dun worry. The minister called me this morning and was very angry that the ROM centre made the decision without consulting us. He received a lot of letters of appeal from the couples. Im retiring only in yr 2007. so this yr's couples will not be affected. Dun worry. Do me a favour and go onto the forum and tell all the couples that i have confirm to stop worrying. I received ur sms and I am very touched that u all are so supportive of me. I am now in Cambodia, but I am calling to assure u that I can still be ur solemnizer.."
He is a very nice man. Livingstone jumped in joy while i was talking to David.
U see the purpose? I can't go to the gym becos i have to be in livingstone's office and wait for David's call, and we have to receive the bloody good news together. =D
Livingstone knows that I was so disappointed when ROM centre called....
hip hip hurray!!! hip hip hurray!!! this calls for a celebration!
and so, we had a nice dinner at plaza singapura:

this restaurant was never in my desired list. But anyway, we'll give it a try.
 this is the soup - seafood chowder
I was expecting to see a white base soup. hee hee
 Yummy prawns!!! mini grilled calamaries the whole grilled animals in a pan. Livingstone with a nice wall.Overall, i think i prefer Fish & Co. hee hee....

It's a simple chat, @ a simple restaurant. nice food, and nice companions, accompany with the juiciest gossips. haha.... now, who says men can't gossips. hee hee arghhhhhhhhhh.....stanley's italy fotos makes me miss those places.......we have been very lenient with our stomach that nite....age must be catching up....cannot eat too much before bed time.... wahahahaha....
Monday, April 24, 2006
 we brought our ring-bearer for our un-finised ring fitting the other day.see how cute the he is.....i like this composition.
I have decided to change my diet a little. I love rice. I think that rice is neccessary to give me energy, and I die die have to eat rice. Well, basically becos im an asian i guess. However, i also realise that it will turn into fats very easily if i dun maintain my workouts. So, i have decided.... I will eat rice, but only once a week. And it will be on Sunday, with my mum.
We went to Hup Choon at Binjai Park last nite. and while waiting for the food, mum and i took many shots. we took shots with fingers that shows 1 -5. haha, this is '2'.

and this is '5' a.k.a no-face-to-see-pple.... hur hur hur my mum sporty hor. =)

Now the food arrives. this is sambal kingkong, err, i beg ur pardon, this is sambal kangkong. $5. nice.

that's my beloved livingstone. trying to put the kangkong down. :)

this is coffee spare ribs. $8. the coffee taste is not very strong. but i will still order this if i go back to this stall again.

seafood toufu. $12. we think this is not saltish enuf. but then again, it depends on individual's threshold of saltiness. but my mom says the seafood are very fresh.
 yummy prawn paste bird. $8this is yummilicious.

the total meal cost us $33.90 without drinks.mom says this tze char is nice and cheap.it will be one which we will patronise often then.
Mum had this, carrot cake and oyster cake. both fried. i didnt try, cos it looks too fried! hur hur hur

Sista and I decided to try this wan tan mee. it was a long queue, but we saw how the aunty chop her char siew behind her stall, and the number of wantans she gave to each customer, we decided to give it a try.
 to be fair, the noodles looks very nice isn't it? (pictures can be decieving...)thick and generous charsiew.i didnt take the wantans, forget la, was too hungry.haha...but sad to say, the noodles were yucky.too sticky, basically i think it is becos the aunty didnt soak the noodles in cold water, and she didnt change her water that she used to cook the noodles.we can see that there is already little water left to cook her noodles, but she continue her cooking and only top up the water after our orders. but still, there are many customers who appreciates her noodles.My sista finished her noodles, while i can't ..... :p
I have never been to this place. I know it is a tourist attraction now. I heard of the history, but everytime i thought of dropping by, the temple would be close by then.
Lucky today, we were early, we went to Amoy street for lunch, and so it finally gave me the chance to pay the Gods a visit....

the busy ryan was walking and running all around the place.

there were many many gods in the temple. ryan followed me throughout my tour of the place, but he did not put his water bottle down to pray, until he saw... the Confucious. haha... how clever. he noes studying is the worst part of his life very very soon. so he is now asking for mercy!!! haha... notice where is place his pink water bottle. maybe he purposely put it there, and then pray, and then drink the holy water. wahahahahha....so clever... =)

then while waiting for ah ma to finish her toilet business, he decided to sit outside the confucious altar, and do some palm reading... hee hee....

While on our way to Amoy to meet my sister, ryan saw some imaginary frens, and he high-fived them...
Ever since ryan learns how to do the victory sign,he has been doing it everytime i snap a picture of him.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
As i was saying, Im reading John Gray's book now.And it mentioned that men and women live by 2 different philosophies.Men - the win/lose philosophy"I want to win, and i dun care if u lose...."Women - the lose/win philosophy"I will lose, so that u can win...."I tends to agree to the statement to a certain extend. Dun challenge me, but i do think that a handful of men do have a bigger than big ego.so some women would rather lose to let them win.afterall, winning is not our (women's) focus...haha..
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
sometimes, its just happens. or rather, everything happens for a reason. For, if i have the excellent appetite, the week of feasting would have made me gain at least another 2 kg. My flu made me taste only how crispy, saltish and hot the food is. I can't tell if the food is fragrant. not at all. My most used line for the weekend was, "i can taste it is really salty, the food must have been quite nice. got standard issit?" arghhhhhhh....
thursday nite: Werner's Oven Friday morning: hot cross buns Friday nite: Le Viet Saturday nite: Werner's Oven Sunday nite: noble house
not fair. i can't even smell the strong cinnamon smell on the hotcross buns. but, the only consolation is, i weigh the same as the previous week on the scale. lalalalalalalalalala
 in the lift, waiting for the rest.
 the chopsticks. branding wor.
 the first dish. peking duck. yummy ba? shld be.
 i think this is crab.
 the shark's fin. i was eating and blowing my nose away at the same time. how pathetic.

the champange cock fish, err...i beg ur pardon, i mean cod fish. :p i would have rejected this dish if i can taste the alcohol. im allergic to alcohol u noe. haha. but doreen told me the champange taste was so strong. and it happens that i can't taste it. thank god.

i dunn really noe what this is. but i think its the peking duck leftover we had earlier. very saltish though.

i think i left this noodle untouched on my plate. too full. no more space.

the sick lady and the strong man.p/s: i suspect i got the virus from this man here.
I have to recover soon.
15th April 2006. Saturday. Weather: Good. Venue: Werner's Oven Attendees:

We made the annoucement for the most important event of me and livingstone's lives. Thank you guys for being there. Thank you guys for the support u'll be giving us. and Thank you guys for not complaining abt the venue for the event. =)
We had a noisy dinner at Werner's Oven, the other diners must have hated us for being so rowdy. haha...
We decided to be nicer and left for Gelare. there open-air, we can be noisier. wahaha....
then, beng found a book that says so much of his men-hood. haha....


this feet needs some vitamin E...

great time we had, talking, sharing and laughing. sometimes, life can be as simple as a nite like this.

to prove that we are not old, and still hv the stamina to tahan thru the nite, we challenge ourselves for a movie at 2am.
The 5 crazy survivors for the nite.

Watched the 'FIREWALL'. lucky its a trailer. otherwise, most of us would be asleep. haha...
 livingstone had this, the expensive canned drink. $4.50!he almost couldn't swallow this.haha....the show finished at 4am.and we made it thru!yeah!!! we are still young at heart.haha...but the next day was a killer.....slept and wasted the whole morning....arghhhhhhh....
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
he never fails to amuse me.

This thing looks like an E.T,but it is not.We made it look liked one.I tell u 1 mimi, Livingstone is VERY good in entertaining me with these kind of stuff toys!and he does it when the traffic lights turned red.very amusing.... =)p/s: the entertainment comes in both actions and voices. HAHAHAHA
Monday, April 17, 2006
Seriously, after the Merlion has been moved, I haven had the proper chance to take picture with it wor. heh heh...
The place was so bloody croweded, with tourists, and with pple like livingstone, who suddenly wants to take singapore's skyscraper.
 that's livingstone and our skyscraper...quite a nice pc of structure isn't it? and in this crowded area, who do u think we will approach to take a picture for us?haha, none other than those who hold super big and bulky manual cameras lor. wahahahahaha.....well, at least i noe the picture will hv some standard.haha...