The Last of Warsaw...
The last morning in Warsaw,
we strolled along the streets, a part of us was enjoying the quiet winter, while the other was grumbling why mr weatherman had to be so harsh.....arghhhh.
As we walked past a shop selling dumplings, some words hanging on the menu caught my attention:
"Keep the hunger away, have some dumplings everyday!"
haha, interesting.....the comfort food of Poland. =)
cute! Is that a lollipop or a balloon!??
Someone's watching me! hur hur hur
got to find breakfast!
This salad cost 8zl.
Toffi ! way too sweet for me!! dun ask me why i ordered, i guess for a second, toffi wasn't in my dictionary. =( Wasted my 4zl...
But this was unusually nice! =) 9zl.
We took a class 2 EC/IC train from Warsaw to Krakow for a total cost of 192zl (SGD$112/-).
2.5 hours ride, in the cabin for 6 passengers. Lucky us, we got the window seats facing each other.
Anyway, the route from Warsaw to Krakow wasn't very scenic. =p
Reached Krakow, and we checked into our apartment swiftly!
Like the same in Warsaw, we booked from Old Town Apartment as well.
This apartment even came with a portable heater! Just nice for us! we carried it around the apartment, from the bathroom to the kitchen... haha.... so comforting.
Why do i show u this? Bcos I can do my washing!!! Yeah! =)
Even the washing powder was provided!
we strolled along the streets, a part of us was enjoying the quiet winter, while the other was grumbling why mr weatherman had to be so harsh.....arghhhh.
As we walked past a shop selling dumplings, some words hanging on the menu caught my attention:
"Keep the hunger away, have some dumplings everyday!"
haha, interesting.....the comfort food of Poland. =)
cute! Is that a lollipop or a balloon!??
Someone's watching me! hur hur hur
got to find breakfast!
This salad cost 8zl.
Toffi ! way too sweet for me!! dun ask me why i ordered, i guess for a second, toffi wasn't in my dictionary. =( Wasted my 4zl...
But this was unusually nice! =) 9zl.
We took a class 2 EC/IC train from Warsaw to Krakow for a total cost of 192zl (SGD$112/-).
2.5 hours ride, in the cabin for 6 passengers. Lucky us, we got the window seats facing each other.
Anyway, the route from Warsaw to Krakow wasn't very scenic. =p
Reached Krakow, and we checked into our apartment swiftly!
Like the same in Warsaw, we booked from Old Town Apartment as well.
This apartment even came with a portable heater! Just nice for us! we carried it around the apartment, from the bathroom to the kitchen... haha.... so comforting.
Why do i show u this? Bcos I can do my washing!!! Yeah! =)
Even the washing powder was provided!