Monday, December 29, 2008
It was my FIL's birthday. And as usual, we will gather for dinner somewea. This yr, we celebrated at Sze Chuan Court.
 The difference is, bbTara is also here to join in the celebration this yr!! Looked, bbtara and ah gong have the same horse on their shirt! haha....
 It's been so long since I last (properly) posted anything edible... 1)Longevity buns.....
 2)Special Honey Grill Pork's Callow Meat with spicy sauce
 3)Double Boil Superior Shark's Fin with ginseng and chicken
 4) Steamed Cod fish with preserved chili and salted vegetable
 5)Braised Pork Rib with honey 'Pu Er' tea leaves
 6) Poached seasonal vegetable with shark's cartilage soup
 ......there are actually other dishes such as X.O fried rice with crabmeat and bean sprout, as well as dessert of the day. I decided to stop taking photographs of them, bcos, they simply tasted awful! I know, I know, there are so many gd reviews of this restaurant on the internet, so it is either we chose the wrong menu, or the chef wasn't in the bestest mood. =( It was really awful...Lucky we had a very very nice complimentary birthday cake for my FIL, that was the best 'dish' among all lor! The new family of three!! =)
 Me and my bb in tow!
 I seldom take picture with bbtara hor....
I so love to dress her up, she is wearing a raphl lauren whole suit, gift from my sista. It was meant for 3months baby, but it alrd fitted just nice on bbTara now...got to make her wear a few more times to make it worth! haha...Labels: appreciative, bbtara, Dinner, parenthood
Friday, December 26, 2008
This year's x'mas party was hosted by SX+HL at their new house!So, before we proceed for the party, we swing by to visit bbjade and mommyJade. :)See how bbJade resembles Kenny when she sleeps! And when she opens her eyes, it is an exact replica of peggy!
 Nice smiles! wasted, wrong bb!! that's my bbTara!! haha....else it could be a nice family foto.
 The host said we had to dress in retro for the party, nerdybabe tried hard! and she won the best-dress award! hur hur hur... interesting. Kudos to the host, who also prepared a 'hamtara-wand' for the best-dress award. That would definitely motivate us to dress to the correct theme next yr! =D
 I like the way kenny and bbtara looks into the camera....
 Ah Siang kor kor is complaining that bbTara has a big tummy....see his finger is pointing, or rather poking my bb's tummy....
 On the same afternoon, I baked the apple crumble for the party. Really thankful that Im still able to bake even with bbTara around...at least i noe i dun hv to sacrifice my interest (so far...).
 Someone say kenny is not retro at all. So, he striked a retro pose!
 The retro ladies in the house with the present exchanged.
 I got myself a couple-tee from Dez. Very thoughtful present, thanks dude!
 and to wrap it up, we enjoyed the log-cake bought by Ah siang kor kor. Look at how adorable the ornaments on the cake were!! I screamed to keep the ornaments!! Now, they are in my collection, gd to go for my bakes in future. yeah!
So, this is X'mas. =)From the beginning of the year until today, whenever there is a gathering, we talked abt the festival -- wea to celebrate, who to host, wat to buy, wat to prepare...the list goes on...Very differently, this yr, the host reminded me that their room will be opened for our bb in tow. For the past 3 yrs, we celebrated x'mas like the rest of our frens, we arrived in two, bring a dish, and a small bag. This yr, we arrived in three, still bring a dish, but we had a HUGE baby bag....haha...bbTara deserves to be complimented, she sleeps after her last feed at the party (although it took me quite a while to pat her to slp, since she now recognised places, and she noes it isn't her usual sleeping room), all the way until we decided to go home. That left livingstone and I to enjoy the companion of our friends. Love her sooooo much!!First X'mas party with bbTara - checked. =)And, next?how abt a wedding? =)akan datang...Labels: appreciative, baking, bbtara, parenthood, pastry, quality time, x'mas
bbTara is not alone during her tummy time....heh heh....
Labels: bbtara, parenthood, tummy time
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
From the beginning of the year, till today, we kept chanting to ourselves that we are blessed to hv bbTara with us this X'mas. It is.We brought her to Compasspoint last nite, and the festive atmosphere there were really strong!The carpark was full, and loads of pple were crowding the mall for last minute gift purchase, gift wrap and my fav -- x'mas carolling...From this pt onwards, festivals are never the same for us agn, it means three now, and we are uber loving it!! it feels uber good that we have another member in our small little home. =)See bbTara with her pacifier mark after she spit it out when she fell asleep, and she was gently smiling....
 and when she cries.....she can tear our roof! haha
 So, happy holidays everyONE!
From, yours truly,- me+livingstone+bbTara... =)H A V E F U N !!!!!!!Labels: appreciative, bbtara, parenthood, x'mas
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
that saturday, we welcomed Runners to coris for a mini tea party.I made cheesecake, and boi, i was really thankful that bbTara slept thru the my baking process!
glad they enjoyed my bake! Thanks for the fantabulous afternoon and great tips given to me by the experienced moms!!! =)Labels: bbtara, full month, parenthood
Monday, December 22, 2008
I should have posted this picture together with my last entry, but it slipped my mind.Looked gross ya? It's my placenta. =) The look of it, yucks, how can this big thing be stored in my stomach for so long!???got space?? haha...amazing.And how gross to have pple who eat this thing....i noe its full of nutrients....but.....arhm................................................................................................................ Many pple have been asking me, whose hand is that on those fotos of bbTara burping?? how come it looks so cruel? like someone is trying to struggle bbTara?HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
 ok, the truth is.....
It's urs truly!! ME!!!!!!!!!i need to burp her wat. her neck is not straigthen yet, so I have to give her my support. =)And goodbye my ugly hair in the picture, hello rebonded hair. (this picture is taken early this mth).Labels: bbtara, parenthood
Friday, December 19, 2008
I have not been posting pic on MAH, have i?This is bbTara who got herself measured in length by the Ireland midwife on shift that morning.It was a coincident, becos there is a 'Tara Hill' in Ireland, and she immediately got herself associated when we told her bb's name is Tara. =)After which, she helped me to latch bbTara on, and it began my first breastfeeding session (in the delivery ward)...
 And that's bbTara after she was nicely wrapped up (still in the delivery ward)....
 We had very gd experience in the delivery ward, facilities were good, I brought my own CD to play in their CD player while waiting for my labour. The nurses on duty were very nice, except for one (black sheep la), very chor lor...like those typical old skool polyclinic nurse, haha....otherwise, most of them were very friendly and helpful.After my delivery, we were told that, the single bedded rooms were totally full. And they can only offer me a 2-bedded rm. But I was given an opportunity to wait till 1pm, and see if there are any possibilities for any mothers to be discharged.So, livingstone suggested we wait.heh heh...lucky we did. We were VERY, or rather, EXTREMELY impressed with their 1 bedded room. Equipped with a 32inch LCD TV mounted on the wall. a long table by the window, a tall wardrobe with a safe, a sofa (which became livingstone's bed at nite), my bed, ensuite with a hotel-style toilet (a pity we didnt take pics of the toilet), boy, I felt like I have checked into a hotel!! Our frens and family who came by have no problem with space!
 My next bb, will be another MAH's bb! No doubt abt it..... =)Labels: bbtara, MAH, parenthood
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
During my confinement period, when my mom was staying with me, she will mostly volunteer to pat bbTara to slp. She has her own hokkien version lullaby and bbTara fell asleep easily indeed.After she's gone, I handle everything on my own (especially when livingstone is at work), and I had to seriously make bbTara slp as much as possible, so that I hv time to do things such as the laundry, my lunch, preparing for dinner, express milk (like a cow), sweep the floor, and of cos update my blog. =)Now that I have catched her pattern, I can make her fall asleep quite fast (at home, that is), from the initial stage of carrying her and rocking her in my arms, humming lullabies such as 'jingle bells' and 'rock a bye baby', I now 'promotoed' to just throwing her into her cot, and patting her w/o lullaby, till she falls asleep. Can be quite a fast process, however, sometimes it could take me almost an hr. Once I fell asleep standing while patting her(woke up when I lost my balance), NO JOKE, and her eyes were still wide open. HAHAHA....well, life is not always a bed of roses, so i guess i pretty much count my blessings that she sleeps well most of the time. =)Another thing to rejoice abt - she now sleeps from 9pm onwards all the way to past midnight, at most times, she wakes up between 2am-3am for milk, thereafter, she will con't to sleep past 6am. So technically, she now wakes up only once in the wee hours... yippeeeeeeeeeee! =DAnother series of fotos taken while I burped her....

she's my adorable bb....=)Labels: bbtara, parenthood, sleep pattern
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
bbTara went for her first jab last week. Both me and livingstone were preparing for the worse of her cries...Yet, to our ultimate surprise, she did not even squeak when the paeds push that needle into her butt!! Thank God!! How brave she was! or it was probably bcos she doesnt recognise what pain is (yet). haha...bbTara was very cooperative for the rest of the day, we left her in her stroller to nap all the way, while we shopped for the x'mas gifts....Yes, u heard it, all the way! I guess the jab made her so drowsy that she didnt give a damn. haha...The beautiful shower series foto that i love so much....

 she's our angel....Labels: bbtara, parenthood, retail therapy, Shopping, vaccination, x'mas
Monday, December 15, 2008
...and im not involved. *hmph*
Labels: bbtara, livingstone, parenthood
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
We are enjoying the shower time we have with our bb everyday...Of cos she sometimes gets cranky during the works, but just 1 smile from her can override the many cranky moments she gives us...
 her bath-toy that godma buys from HK disneyland....
 And i so heart my bb.....she gives me joy =)
Labels: bbtara, parenthood, shower time, thoughts
Tuesday, December 09, 2008