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Tones of Pink


The 16th Week

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Finally, after a mth of anticipation, its time to meet our bb again....on the ultrasound machine. =)
guess wat!? bb showed us the thumbs up sign!
haha, maybe mommy had too much good food lately! =)

Bb winter measures 9.7cm now. I can hold our bb in my palms! its so exiting!

Can you tell? I tot bb winter is smiling and somersaulting inside me! heh heh
Gynae say bb is developing so far so good. I have no morning sickness and have gained 4kg in the past 4 mths!
Have to control my intake now, though gynae say that should be the last thing to worry abt now.

I took the triple test this time round, gynae draw two tubes of blood from me, I would be able to have the results in 1 wk time. It is to test for down syndrome and HIV and some other i forgot stuff.... heh heh

Oh yes, forgot the most impt thing, gynae also say bb 80% shld be a girl. =)
I have no expectations so far, I only wish for a healthy bb. =)

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Craving for own-cooked food

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

When I am at home, my hands & mouth get itchy.
I will crave for my own cooked food. Dun get me wrong, I am not saying I cook nice dishes.
But its just a kind of ....you noe....craving....for something homecooked. =)
And to tell you how much i appreciated the newly opened NTUC is not enuf....I have to show my support, and so, my fresh produce are from .... there. =)

Having had my mom's stir fried chicken for so many years, I have learnt how she cooked it, and I meant it in terms of ingredients la (of cos skills not there yet). This is my first attempt tat nite.

Pork Rib sweet corn carrot soup.....yeah!

And how's my first attempt of the dish?

heh heh, we finished it. =)

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Tea-break @ Home

I was alone at home on a weekday, and I was hungry.
Super hungry. heh heh
So,....I walked to the NTUC, and see what I can whip up for my own lunch cum t-break.

simple gardenia baguette where i toasted it again in my oven, and cream of mushroom campbell soup.....makes my yummy t-break! =)

I self-survive. =)

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Goodwood Park Hotel - Min Jiang

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Upon my MIL's request, we went to Min Jiang for her birthday dinner on Sunday nite.
I asked for a private room when I reesrved the table, and it was really cosy.
As we enter the room, i saw small little chairs tucked by the side.
I was giggling, thinking they were for kids....
then the waitress, who seemed to have read my mind, told me 'the chairs are for u to put ur bags...' almost fainted.....haha....
see how cute as the chair sits beside me...

while waiting for our dishes, the family is bz settling edgar.

First of all, we had the Min Jiang Four Deluxe Platters, which mainly consists of eggs, jelly fish, spring roll and three-layered pork. They were very nice! except for the jelly fish that I can't eat now. I emptied the rest of the food on my dish. and asked for more thinly sliced three-layered pork. haha...

then, as usual, it was braised superior shark's fin with dried scallop. I decided to skip it this time, as I can't have too much shark's fin, due to the high mecury properties. So, livingstone had 2 bowls...

then, sauteed prawns with dried red chilli. Just like the 宫保鸡丁we usually have, very nice. big fresh prawns.

next, steamed red garoupa in light soya sauce. The gravy tasted really good, but the meat was a little tough.

then, camphor tea smoked duck. Another very nice wan. yummy. similar to peking duck.

sliced abalone with sea cucumber and vegetables. this was quite normal, it was just nice.

braised rice vermicelli with minced meat and brinjal. Marvellous dish! except for the too much salt if u prefer a blend taste, the vermicelli and the brinjal gives such a nice fragrance in my mouth! I was so full when i come to this stage, but i had to push the vermicelli into my mouth bcos of the quality!

Homemade Durian pudding - u have to pay attention to this. THIS IS THE BEST DESSERT I HAVE EVER HAD AFTER A 7 COURSE DINNER! The pudding comes with heavy chuncks of pudding blended and hidden under the soft layer of pudding. Its chilled and its so refreshing!!

Im just gonna go back for more durian pudding!! =)

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MIL's birthday - Cake Cutting

My parents-in-law just came back from beijing, amd they bought edgar a prince's hat, very cute.

It happened to be her actual birthday, so we gathered at the hse at nite for cake cutting.

Out of a sudden, we became Beijing Olympic fans..... hee hee...
My in laws bought SO MANY souveniors related to the olympics.

and my FIL say, '8/8/08 ar, all wear the olympics polo tee ar.....'

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We are so blessed....

I count my blessings, the NTUC at our estate is finally opened!
Just 5 mins walk away from my flat.
It doesn't have to be very big, as long as there is fresh produce for me to buy anytime i wanna cook. As long as my baby have supplies of milk poweder readily available anytime... hee...anytime??

yesh, it is the first NTUC FairPrice to operate 24hrs daily. Now, this is anytime, isn't it?

This NTUC sells mainly necessities. No fanciful or bulky electrical applicances, no automobile or acessories, no camping stuff or whatsoever stuff u always see in Tampines Giant.
Just fresh produce, and groceries.
I count my blessings, it is enuf for me. =)

(Actually there is a Shop and Save in our estate too, also 5mins walk from our flat in the opposite direction from NTUC for the past 1 and a half yr since we moved in, but u noe la, Shop and Save stuff are really not as fresh as NTUC's.....)

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Vesak Day

Monday, May 26, 2008

I love holidays. Not because I can sleep late, my biological clock has already been set, i can't sleep too late anyway.
I like to spend quality time. =)
Doesn't mean I have to do tons of stuff to make it a good day.
But I guess I am someone who live to eat. So, it being a free day for us, we decided to go to changi village to eat something we havent eat for a long time... hee...

this bbq fish is superbly gd! the chili is awesome!

before out char kway teow came, we had alrd finish our bbq fish.
This kway teow was a wrong choice. awful. too sticky. eeeeeek.

If you are the driver, do u have a certain thing to do in the car, like while waiting for traffic light to turn green, while waiting for empty carpark lots....??
Hee hee...Livingstone has this habit of cutting his fingernails in the short period of waiting time.
I have to always tease him and say 'u got alot of nails to cut meh, yesterday cut, today still have nails to cut??'
then he will tell me 'ya, my nails grow very fast leh'
chey...like real.....

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Potluck for Vesak Day

Saturday, May 24, 2008

One fine day, Peggy told me, 'it's been a long time since we last had potluck....'
so i goes,.....'great idea, shall we???'
and so, with the invitations and conversations done over msn on a sunny afternoon, we decided to put it on the eve of vesak day (well, at least the next day is a holiday).
& since it is so near to Vesak Day, we decided that the theme would be 'Chinese Cusine'.
& yes, it doesn't matter if we have two pregnant ladies in the group now. We are still as energetic as before. thank god. =)

the early birds at coris (abt 10am):

with dennis (our jamie oliver) arriving next to prepare his dish. Here he is, trying to ask livingstone to be his assistance.

And so, a potluck is a gathering of people where each person is expected to bring a dish of food to be shared among the group isn't it. The menu was decided by each and every individual of us abt 2 wks before the event via email. Here we go:

And I forgot to snap the drinks that ah siang contributed!! haha...

and so, we have quite a spread on the T-shaped table for a total of 12+2 mouths....Felin and Desmond being vegan until Vesak Day have to refrain from touching the sinful food. I tried to make vege-bee-hoon for them, but I guess i failed, cos without being able to add the pig trotters, i dunno how else to fry and make it nice. haha...pai sey....

Before the lunch begins, most of them are bz helping out....

we do have some idle king here, they are actually quite good, cos some contributed eye power lo, haha....kidding la...
As we had to wait for dennis's chicken to be steamed, we then sat in groups to chit chat. It was cosy.

Lunch is ready!!

Look at how cosy kenny and livingstone is .... hahaha

And we have gift from our frens who went overseas again.... heh heh

After lunch, it was chit chat, watch dvd, gossip, raking up the past, eat fruits, and finally leaving for dinner...

Nevermind if Livingstone and I had to clean up the hse after we call it a day. Im blessed that Livingstone is there to help me at this moment now when I can't squat and wipe the floor anymore. He mopped the floor, and it was sparkling clean! He washed and cleaned the pots and pans. What did I do? I forgot, haha....but hey, its a pregnant woman's priviledge now alrite! Not that I meant I will fully utilise it, but Livingstone knows how much I appreciate him, and he noes I still help out too.....hor? =)

It was yet another successful potluck held at Coris, thanks guys for being wonderful cooks and companions! We'll have another one, when the inspiration comes. =)

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Blue Magnolia and Beng Hiang

Friday, May 23, 2008

Have u heard of Blue Magnolia? It is a small shop that sells gourmet pastries and cookies, but not those high class type.
I brought my family to the shop, bcause we were hungry, but wanted only something light (because dinner is coming up in another 3 hrs time).

Have I ever mentioned that ryan boy will ask to bring with him some toys when we go out every weekend? That day he chose to bring these 2 cars.... =)

the pastries that he chose himself from the viewing gallery. brownie with marshmallow and strawberry cheesecake.

My sister chose pear tart.

And I chose savoury crepe, my selection - cheese and ham....yummy!

My mom chose pork floss crepe but i forgot to snap.... heh heh....

Dinner was at Beng Hiang (again) that nite. The reason why we are back there was bcos, mom touched first prize in the Wednesday nite lottery, where she actually buy our table number in the same restaurant the other time when we celebrated my dad's birthday.
So, she say, 'let's go back there for dinner, that restaurant quite heng...'

crispy fried chicken....it was nice the other time we tried rem, so here it is on the table agn...=)

hot plate toufu. nice.

prawn roll (hei zhor), nice.

my mom say their brocolli nice, so ordered again.

kong-bah-pau. nice.

fried hokkien noodle. nice.
heh heh, as u can tell, we dun really have any complaints with the dishes so far. Total damage $106 for a table of 6.

After dinner, ryan's dessert, skittles... hee... we were asking him for purple skittles, yet he kept giving us other

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