Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Many Many Many pple, raised their eyebrows, when I tell them that I have not yet introduced biscuits to my bb.She is turning 20mths tomorrow, shockening isn't it?It is likely bcos the mummy me, doesnt snack, which means, the bb dun get to snack.And why shld she snack on junk food?I choose to give her fruits and bread if she needs a snack in between her main meals.I am very fussy over what my bb eats. And I am open abt it. I dun hide.Pple give me the 'why-cannot-eat-look'? but i politely tell them it is just my personal preference.Not that the packaged biscuits will kill my bb (of cos it doesnt.), but, i believe there are other healthier alternatives to snacks. At the same time, i am trying to cultivate her self control skills, such that she doesnt fuss over what others are having, while she does not.So far so good, my family and close frens respect what we hv decided, and doesnt give her the extra food, or they will always ask me before they do offer her.Last wk, I baked the cranberry cookies (thanks to felin for the recipe!), I gave bb her first cookie.....and of cos, i enjoy watching her taking her every bite on her first cookie. =)
It doesnt mean I am open to all cookies now, Im still selective.and only those that i baked for now. Labels: bbtara, cookies, milestone, parenthood, thoughts
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A few wks ago, I saw the sign at the ticketing booth when we were at Resort World.It said there would be admission tickets for "Hollywood after hours", from Thursdays to Sundays (For June only), ticket sales start at 6.30pm.It immediately striked me that it would be a perfect chance to bring my mum in there for a walk, since she wouldn't enjoy any of the rides, and we would not want to pay $70 for the admission ticket for now.So, we went today.I have no experience of how the ticket sales response will be, whether there will be any limit of ticket quantity and whatsoever. We arrived at 6.30pm, and was a little taken aback by the snake queue at the ticketing booth. As we stood at the end of the queue, suddenly, someone approached me and asked if I wanted to buy their 4 tickets. WHAT! I couldn't believe my ears initially, but my hand had alrd stretched to their tickets and swept them away from the owners. Anw, they explained that they mistakenly bought too many tickets. I need 1 more ticket!and immediately, I walked to the beginning of the queue, targetted a stranger, and pleaded with him to buy just 1 more ticket for me (of cos i showed him my existing 4 tickets).In 10mins, I got my 5tickets. YAHOOO!Looking at the snake queue, Im delighted. heh heh.We walked to the gantries for admission, but had to join the queue. We will only be allowed to enter at 7pm.There was again a very long queue behind us after a while.This is so Singapore. :)Anw, long story cut short, we had our dinner in USS (one of the pizza store), and with my sista who had already had her fun in USS before, she explained to us the things we saw and also recommended our dinner. I didnt expect us to stay in there until almost 10pm, but we did.dine, took pictures and shopped.U asked me if the $2 was worth the hassle and all?hmmm...the good companion and quality time spent is priceless.
Note - It is coming to end June soon, if u are planning to visit USS with "hollywood after hours' scheme, my advise is, take ur dinner first. Buy ur tickets after 7pm, there will be no more queue. Walk at leisure after that inside USS, so u do not need to squeeze with the crowd for ticket sales and dinner. Labels: quality time, USS
Friday, June 11, 2010
My sister must have felt guilty for not being able to meet us this june holiday, due to an increase to ryan boy's tennis lessons.She took a day's leave, so that we can all spend a day together.Thanks Thanks Thanks!!I quickly planned for the day, and since she was the pay master for our high tea, I had to choose Rose Veranda. The place I long wanted to go... heh heh There is not much to rave about the food to be honest. It was just decent, with salad bar, main courses, dim sum, sashimi+sushi, pastries and desserts. My asian-blooded mum of cos didnt enjoy the spread like we did.After a serving of mee goreng (alike), fish, and dim sum, she headed straight to the kuei line.Even the 102 selections of premium tea, didnt please her.While the rest of us walked to the line several times, eating and sipping the tea, like a tai tai in the making.And I had my long-craved-and-satisfied share of sashimi and dessert! yum!The best thing is, the high tea, unlike other hotels, end at 6pm. So there is no rush here.We took our own sweet time. After the high tea, which ended for us at 4pm (thank god the kids were ok for the long session there!), we drove to Resort World Sentosa. Ha, finally walk the galleria, with hand empty and spending no single cent. haha.But, we rushed to United Square after that, and spent lots of monies. This GSS will be the month my credit card bill will come in pages, im sure.
This is one of the many, super duper quality time I had....thanks to my family who made it happen.:)Labels: appreciative, high tea, quality time, Shopping
Monday, June 07, 2010
For a few years, we have not been celebrating the birthdays of many frens in this group.Well, this yr, I seek their agreement to RE-celebrate these impt days again.Since Siang's birthday was 4mths ago, I reckon Kenny will not rem that we will celeb his b'day, so, I thought, let's make it a hush hush thing for him, and see if we could surprise him.Unfortunately, peggy lost her iphone the day before, and she had to ask kenny for my tel number (speaking of pple nowadays, we rely too much on address bk, that we hv no more manual phone book, or memorise the tel number lor! haha)well, one thing leads to another, and kenny was suspicious of the nite.They arrived finally at Keppel Bay's TCC, and i hv pre-arranged for the TCC's staff to present kenny his slice of b'day cake. Mango Mango....The rest of the nite was pigging out, catching up, and entertaining the two kids in the hse.I think the other customers in the cafe must have hated us, cos we were reaaaaaaally noisy.There were the eleven of us, and to speak to the person on the other end (on the long table), we had to read lips, fight with our frens' voice, and the ching chang sound of the plates and cutleries in the cafe.wow, this is a challenge.A pity I had not enuf space and time to catch up with the ladies....
but im sure, we'll do it agn soon!Labels: Birthday, celebration, quality time, Surprise, tcc
Sunday, June 06, 2010
We have shelved plans to try this restuarant on many occassions, mainly bcos I was not confident of the food.Tonite, I finally decided to reserve the table for three.Lucky I did.The experience in this restaurant turned out better than expected. :)Bali Culture is located inside a Club, Orientus Resort.Besides Bali Culture, there is another chinese tze char stall which is also pretty crowded. I saw many tables having steamboat.Another score point factor, will be the free parking inside the club.Although I reserved a indoor table, we ended up sitting at the alfresco area when we arrived, mainly bcos the outdoor tables are by the poolside. And that means, bb gets to be entertained. :)There is a live band indoor though. We get to hear the live band via the central system. Pretty good.We ordered a chendol and calamari to share, livingstone had the chicken in zurich style (recommended by the hse), and I decided to try the ayam penyat. The dishes turned out all good!Chendol was creamy and quenching. The zurich chicken topped with crunchy rosti came with a very nice gravy, and my ayam penyat wasn't disappointing either, comes with a small pc of tauhu, tenpeh and tender chicken thigh. The chili goes very well with the chicken. abit sour, spicy - refreshing!The total bill came up to be $50.80, and we decided to sign up for their membership. The culture group owns three restuarants - The Bali Culture, Beach Culture and the SWISS Culture. The membership cost $30/yr, comes with 6 pcs of $10 voucher, to be use when the bill hits $30, max 2 vouchers to be used each time. The member card is entitled to 15% on final bill without the vouchers.With this card, we can also utlise the resort's amenties such as the bbq pit, the swimming pools and i think to book the chalets as well.....too bad the javanese massage jus moved away, otherwise, it could hv been perfect for us.The resort ain't big. To be frank, it kind of looked quite run down. Im pretty surprised to see that the chalets are mostly occupied tonite. hmmm....Maybe its the june holidays. chance off the congested city, why not? And so, u guessed it, we're going back agn. join us! :)
 Labels: bali culture, Food, quality time
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Thanks to the frens who suggested a road trip during this long weekend. It was another milestone with my bb. =)I expected her to be cranky in the car, afterall, it is going to be a 5hrs trip up to genting.Thank God! She was pretty manageable. Cranky a bit, slept a bit, played a bit....all under controlled. (i hope the driver and passenger agreed with me loh... lol)And she didnt make a single noise when I had to dig her up from her dreamland at 4.30am.She was all excited and ready to play!We had fun at genting indoor theme park. It was a good place for the old and young i must say.from casinos, to food, to shopping, to entertainment, they have it all!I even suggested livingstone to hop onto the kiddy train with bb while i shopped! extremely convenient! But i think he took the train too many times, till he was resting his head on the train while bb was happily enjoying the ride. haha....I had my retail therapy not only in Genting, but more so in KL...it was awesome! with a short shopping time allocated, i grabbed abt 40+ clothings for the lil family of mine!dun ask me how i do it,I JUST DID IT! coupled with good food, what more can i ask for?and my mister had his full body massage too.It was amazing, with just 3d2n, and spending so much time travelling, I had to say we made full use of the time and did many many things.On the way back, we even stopped at JB-Giant for grocery shopping, and also had very nice pee-pa-ya (thanks to dennis's recommendation!) for dinner before heading home.And guess what? there was NO JAM at the custom as we expected it to happen....It was like Jess's comment...it was a short and nice trip. I totally had to agree.
foto of bbtara in towel after shower in genting hotel. :)Labels: appreciative, bbtara, milestone, quality time, trip