Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Finally had time for my first attempt of making Oneh Oneh, one of my fav kuehs. the mashing of the sweet potato was easy....
but the dough making was quite tough.
and that's my ugly palm... hee....and guess what, i couldn't find coconut, so we made do with oneh oneh without coconut.Overall, the onehs weren't very tasty, not sure if it is bcos of the lack of coconut or something else. so i'll attempt it again someday. =)Labels: kueh, oneh oneh
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I missed the party last yr due to my wedding, so this year, im back, with my sista and budd at Hilton last Saturday. =)
 its quite worth it, paid $25 per pax. $20 redeemable for the products I purchase at the party. So, effectively, I paid $5 for what I am gonna eat and drink there. yeah! not forgetting there are goodie bag... hee... so aunty.... =p but then again, anybody with the right sanity will know how to grab good deals lo.... =)
 that's budd and me after purchasing our products....very expensive lo...=x
 that's ryan when he was boring lo. played bubble breaker on my phone. steady pom pee pee huh? (how come i didnt take attendance of my sis??....)
 the lunch menu.
one of my fav, smooooooked salmon sandwich!then, its games time! budd and I volunteer as 1 of the teams, and up the stage we went,to play a game of 'transporting the pingpong balls' with chopsticks and spoon.not easy to grab the pp balls with chopsticks lo.bcos budd is wearing dress, so i volunteer to take care of the chopsticks,while she waits for me in the middle of the stage with her spoon. Then she will drop it into the bowl behind her.I think we came in 2nd.
and this was the prize we won. mai hiam la....

ryan starts to get boring..... =)
Labels: biotherm, Food, game, ryan, x'mas
Friday, October 26, 2007
Livingstone brought this book home when he was at the florist a few wks back:
part of The Daily Bread. It bcame our reading for a few days before we shower everynight....here's a little extract of the little booklet..--------------------------------------------When the honeymoon is over, many husbands and wives find themselves thinking and saying words they never expected to say. For example:- "I'm getting out. This isn't the person I though I was marrying. Life is too short for all of this pain. We are no longer good for one another."- "We've tried everything. Nothing seems to work. He just insists on having everything his own way. It's hopeless. The only thing to do is bail out."Divorce. Extramartial affairs. Counselors. Alcohol. Drugs. Resignation. These are just some of the ways pple are trying to deal with troubled marriages. But most of the time, efforts to kill the pain make a bad situation worse.Ten Biblical Building Blocks:1) Lifelong Commitment2) Shared Identity3) Absolute Faithfulness4) Well Defined Roles5) Unreserved Love6) Mutual Submission7) Sexual Fulfilment8) Open Communication9) Tender Respect10) Spiritual CompanionshipThe booklet then breaksdown the blocks to explain in details.....Very interesting book. The part that we always like best:"The Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should not be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.'....And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. The the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man" Gen 2:18,21-22This woman became the missing rib in the puzzle of Adam's life.It continues...." The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman', for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and monther and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." Gen 2:18,21-22
I don't think I shall con't..u might fall asleep.... =)Labels: marriage, the daily bread
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
These days, when we go back, beckie will follow us around the hse.u have to give it to her, she is really adorable and obedient. livingstone always tell her, 'beckie, u very old alrd, want to die die alrd....'i wonder if she understand...
this is cute, everybody looking in different directions... =)Labels: beckie, photo
We took off. clear some of my leave, and also to spend some time with my mom after her op. Sista also took leave. that means ryan also pon-ten from child care. =)
We gathered at coris, and we B.A.K.E (d). the other time i made kueh salat, and i used the wrong pandan juice. so this time, i tried again, with yours truly grinding the pandan leaves, and squeezing the juice out of it. so there you go, pandan juice, self-made. no need to buy. fyi, 1 bottle of pandan juice is $21 from phoon huat.
 after some steaming and cooking, we have the entire kueh done.
 heh heh.... packed, and gave some to mabel who came up to give me my birthday present! (Thanks Mabel, Sean, Huiming and William!!)
 also packed some for budd who is coming over later at nite.
Concurrently, we decided to bake some muffins, and ryan suggested m&m muffins. so, there you are! how easy is it to grant him his wish now!
 when he woke up, sista carried him to see how the muffins are rising.
 he asked for a muffin before we went for dinner.
 i tell him to feed me, he say 'u take urself from there la' we can really tell that he likes them!
After we sent them home, we hurried back to our neighbourhood to catch the procession of the 9th emperor. yah, if u rem, we were at the parade last year too. =)
This year, we had a new experience, we were standing real next to the mascots!! heh heh... last yr, we gong-gong waited by the big drain, for the mascots, lion dance and dragon dance, etc, to march to the finishing point. But, we are actually able to be up close and personal with them, right before they started marching! aiyoyo....

 don see them short, when the pple goes into this mascot, it stands twice my height, at least.
 the almost entangled dragon ...
 the giant lion. the head had to be hold by 3-4 pple.

 by 11.30pm, budd had called to inform that she had reached our block, so we rushed back, in double quick time steps!
It was a nite we shared to bake some muffins meant for her birthday. =)

we made a variety of muffins! from nutella, to white & dark choc chips, to raisins! yummy!!
budd emptied the cup as she tasted one.... =)nice or not nice? we leave it to u to imagine. art is subjective. =)

 the session ended at 2am.As I showered, and lay myself on the bed, i rx her sms,"Budd, Thks for the muffins. They r really better gifts than any material stuffs though i know they r available fr u upon request...Hee...no lots liao, I have to park a few blocks away...Good night."This is an entire quality day spent.... =)
Labels: baking, Birthday, budd, busy, celebration, cooking, Family, Food, Merry, mom, ryan
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My parents.Now, who do i look like? =)
Labels: Family
I am one year wiser, and WE have spent one year living together. =) though we have to spend this day in the hospital, but I count my blessings that mom is able to walk on the second day of her operation, and i have my loved ones spending the day with me anyway. =)
I woke up early and went to the hospital on my own. It is a holiday, so I let livingstone sleep in late. but i also assign him tasks la,.... hee... i ask him to help me with some housework before he go to the hospital in the afternoon. Thanks to him, he had my floor cleaned, my washing machine cleaned, my clothes kept and folded... =)
not wanting to stay in the ward, we pushed my mom down to the cafe...and i had my cake from my sista and ryan.
 * cannot find lighter in the hospital leh.... =p
We left the hospital for dinner at abt 8pm, was discussing what to eat, and we ended up in AMK, Jack's Place.

 the dinner was cosy, and entertaining with ryan's nonsense, haha...i tell him, 'ryan boy, u see ur teeth! so brown!! u look at mine!', and i showed him my teeth proudly, then he looked at it, and said 'eee, so yallow'ha ha ha ha....ok, that's why i have pearlie white in my bathroom. and when we reached home, the flowers on our dining table was a surprise! =)
thanks darling, =)Happy Aniversary!! and to myself, Happy Birthday... !*I just got to know that my neighbours (mabel and huiming), as well as adoh and steven came to our hse (seperately), wanting to give me a birthday surprise, only to find that we were not at home! gosh! im so sorry, u guys are angels!! i'll make it up! =)Labels: aniversary, appreciative, Birthday, blessings, celebration, Dinner, Family, Food, gift, livingstone, Merry, mom, operation, quality time, recovery, Romantic, ryan
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
After ten years, mom decideded that its time to go for the Operation.The Knee Replacement Op So she got her marking before she goes into the preparation stage.
 She was pushed into the Operating Room at 1pm,and didnt come out until abt 3.30pm.Lucky my sista was there to kill time with me.Thanks to all the blessings and well wishes, mom is recovering fast, and had been discharged on the third day.Thanks to all who came, and all who called, =)Your effort is very much appreciated by me and my family.
that was budd with me in the hospital, both of us didnt wash our hair for 2 days, haha....cannot wash mah. wait waste money. =pLabels: blessings, budd, mom, operation, recovery
"We, the budd of our century, pledge ourselves as one united buddies, regardless of color, language, or religion, to build a democrative friendliest bond, base on shopping and gossiping, so as to achieve, happiness, prosperity and progress for our nonsense! yeah!!!"
haha.... just an adhoc inspiration while i post this entry. nonsensical la.... hee
Anyway, we got our hairstyles exchanged last week.

 when we went into the salon, she had curls, i had straight... in 3 hrs time, we were totally transformed. haha....

 we obviously loved our new look! =)
Time for lunch, where?
 What menu?

 Verdict: the sides are nice. the scallop and prawn is awesome. but, the spinach and salmon is totally awful! and its expensive too, IMO.
Budd asked me a few weeks ago, what I wanted for my birthday? I told her, 'a high tea with you' We ended up taking the day off, to do our hair, and enjoy lunch together. =)
I dropped by her hse to see Huey.
 This baby is awesome!chubby and friendly! i like.can sell me or not? haha...
Labels: budd, Food, hair, huey, Lunch, Merry, pasta, quality time