Friday, August 29, 2008
I love club sandwich. in fact, i like any bread toasted. Comes with melted cheese, and vege, would be perfect if it also comes with a touch of meat tossed in some creamy salad dressing....yummy.So, one fine nite, I suggested to go Parkway for dinner. And livingstone suggested Delifrance. Unfortunately, Swensens hijacked us! haha.... their sandwich is nicer than Delifrance IMO. =)
 Livingstone had his usual aglio olio. Nice.
 And i had my high class toasted bread with smoked salmon and chicken salad. (Livingstone had the priviledge of having my salmon instead, cos I jus got reminded that the salmon is RAW!)
Yummy......Labels: bread, pasta, swensens
bbTara has gotten herself yet another gift, this time from aunty huiming and unker william on their trip to bangkok. =)
 Thanks soooo much! bbTara's first milk/water bottle. =pLabels: appreciative, bbtara, gift
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I never realised it has been abt 6 mths since I last visited these two (fav) places - Hup Choon and The Daily Scoop. (It was when i visited them again last weekend, the lady saw me and said 'wah...jojo....u are going to be a mother!')So, my mom had been nagging abt the food we offer her weeks after weeks. And she likes to compare those food with Hup Choon, we decided, we shld go back there for yet another curry fish head feast.No pictures. Nah....u dun need those pictures alrd....I have sooooo many Hup Choon's Fish Head Curry photos in my blog for the past few years! jus go search for it in my blog. =)In the past, we use to order a whole table of food for just the 5 of us. Many times, we find ourselves filled to our neck, and we have still not cleared the dishes on the table.This time, I suggested we ordered less. Just fish head curry, Prawn paste chicken and soup for ryan boy.Trust me, the fish head curry is so enough for the 4 of us (minus ryan boy), that we just need another chicken wing/drum to fill in between our teeth. The best thing abt Hup Choon's fish head curry is, there are LOTSA vege in the curry -- and it only cost $18 (use to be just $16).you'll be uber satisfied. trust me. =)At least, after the dinner, all of us were saying this is a good choice. And we shall keep to this pattern in future. The best thing is, we still have room for dessert.... hiak hiak hiak.....The usual route after Hup Choon, used to be a trip to The Daily Scoop.Again, in the past, I would have ordered baileys chocolate chip with a hot hot brownie (without hesitation), hmmm... but bcos of bbtara (a.k.a fatbb), i decided to cut that away (...for a while)... heh heh....so, livingstone and I shared their uber delicious durian ice-cream.
 My mom always sings praises of their durian ice cream. Me too. I am a great fan! When i deliver bbtara, I will have to ask livingstone to get me a tub of their durian ice-cream, so that i can indulge at home!! I'll put an end to the agony of three person (livingstone, me and bbtara as of now) sharing a single scoop!
 Ryan boy had his cookie monster ice-cream....
 see how much he is enjoying his daily scoop... =)
 even when it melted....
doesn't he look happy?Labels: fish head curry, Food, hup choon, ice-cream, TDS
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
How time flies, that due date that was once so far away is looming ever closer. tick tock, tick tock....I was reading the online pregnancy calendar in various websites....and some statements hit me....:- Your baby is making his or her presence known with karate kicks, twists and turns until there simply is no more room. (Ya, bbtara sure is making her presence!! both livingstone and I enjoyed her movement!)- Be sure to cherish these last few weeks together with your baby nestled so snugly within your womb. (OMIGOSH, this statement makes me soooooo sad!!! I am sure im gonna miss bbtara's movement in my tummy after i deliver...!!)Im so looking forward to seeing bbtara and holding her in our arms now....imagining her sucking the milk bottle, sleeping in her cot,....wow....all these are coming to reality very very soon....of cos we have experienced parents who told us the shortcomings of becoming a parent, blar blar blar.... but really....let's count our blessings instead ya? I'll be very blessed as long as bbtara is healthy as she is born....the rest? we'll play by ear. Nobody say parenthood is easy isn't it? =)We'll just have to stay positive. Sacrifices have to be made. As long as we get ourselves prepared, and partners are supportive, wat else do we want to ask for? =)Labels: babbling, bbtara, parenthood, pregnancy
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We always have potluck, so today we decided to change the style, and we cater for food instead!chose eatz catering, basically bcos they cater for mini courses, of cos it doesn't come with food warmer, jus the food in microwavable containers. Gd for up to 14 pple...We selected the Thai menu, and becos I noe pple will be asking wat is this dish, and wat is that dish, I decided to do up a standing menu for the nite. Now, that's a solution. =)
 As usual, we will have late comers, so I prepared cheese fries and nacho chips for the early birds.
 here comes the main course:
 kailan with mushroom
 mango fish
 tamarind chicken
 mango salad
 thai pineapple rice with seafood....alas! i forgot to snap the tom yam soup!!! - all this for $150 + $25 transport fee. No gst.
 it doesnt feels like a home-party without some homemade stuff.So, i presented my humble almond longan.
 and felin presented her home-made chng teng. Very yummy!
 Peggy contributed the brownie bought at singtel cafe, while i got the ice-cream for her. yummy combi!
 we had special guest that nite - adoh and steven, who really seldom join us for gathering. that's the two preggies to be due end of the year, we are just 1 mth different to be exact!
And the group foto taken in the rock room. Another successful gathering! =)The nite ended at 2am, with survivors chatting and watching tv in our hall. After they left, we couldn't get to sleep.....livngstone and i chatted till 4am! and we had to wake up the next morning for work.....arghhhh.....so much for an active brain....Labels: dessert, DIY, Food, gathering, quality time
Monday, August 25, 2008
Is this type of cake from your generation? At least, during my younger days, these kind of cakes are very popular...I always bug my mom to buy me at least one when we walk past the confectionary at Queenstown.
 Love the colors....it is butter cream....now most of the cakes are made with fresh cream, more expensive and tastier, these butter cakes hv to make way. I got very excited when i spotted them last week at Bedok. Got to get them.... =)Labels: cakes, Memories, retro cake
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Are u from that era? Do u noe of this stall? It use to be at Hill Street.I rem I was still young back then, and only tried once.It has sinced moved to Bedok South. Im not a big fan of char kway teow, so its not the top of my list. But somehow, as I looked thru my book of cravings....i decided we shld be sinful tonite.
 yummy! I havent wasted my calories, it is really still that good. =) Livingstone and I were saying that we can still finish another plate....haha...
 This market is rather interesting, there are long queues in that small section, mainly at the fried kway teow stall, the fishball noodle, the bbq chicken wings, and the cuttlefish kangkong. hmmm....livingstone who frequent this market when he was young recommends the fishball....so i shall be back. =)
the chicken wings are nice! no wonder there is a long queue. =)Labels: bbq chicken wing, char kway teow, yummy
I am so blessed to have companion that are so ready for the food i suggest every week.last weekend, i suggested dim sum....so there we were in the afternoon.
 the char siew soh is fantastic that day, the crust felt like its melting in my mouth...yummy....i often encounter food that are of inconsistant quality, like for example today's har kao can be gd, but another day the quality might drop (from the same food chain i mean)....but, am glad that we had gd food that day. =)I dun wan to waste my calories agn.
 promise ryan boy that i will share this with him.....he ended up having most of it. =)
 i enjoy talking to ryan boy every weekend, even though some conversations doesnt make sense...but trust me, kids talk is adorable. =) Even unker livingstone also like to disturb ryan boy....
 ryan boy trying to show us some chinese characters he know on the menu....
 when he saw livingstone, he was laughing and say '姨丈wear Olympic tee-shirt!' how cute....he recognise the logo...
Labels: dim sum, Food, ryan
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Have you been to globetrotters (united square)?
I've been there twice. The place did not convinced me for a 2nd visit, i went there becos i was given a $25 voucher, and coincidentally, we happen to be there. So, i decided to utilise it.There should be nothing I shld complain abt, since the meal is considered free. However, when I am served with yucky food, it means I have to waste my calories!!!Look, we ordered two english fish and chips, we thought the chance for the selected dish to go wrong will be quite slim, since it is a popular and common dish. U either say I am too stupid or I am too kind. The fish sucks. First of all, the kitchen only prepared 1 set of fish and chips, while i was half way eating it, I realise how long we have been waiting for the other set. So, I summon the waitress to come to our table and asked her, which she then found out that the kitchen had forgotten the order. arghhhh....the fish is tasteless. Totally awful. I almost puke after I forced myself to swallow the entire set. There are no pictures here to show, becos I think picture of food doesnt justify how awful it tasted. So i shouldn't waste my time on it.I fedback to the waitress abt the quality of the food, she apologised and gave me a further 10% discount on our total bill. Though I only ended up paying like $4 for the meal (for the drink we ordered), but it gave me yet another bad experience in the restaurant. I am not going back there ever again.I agree with two hands that the place is designed for families, where they can leave their children in the play area while they dine to their heart's content (only if the children dun end up fighting). But, for goodness sake, it has to come with good food too! Otherwise, I might as well buy McDonalds and eat at a playground!Labels: awful food, Family, globetrotters
Friday, August 15, 2008
I am in my 27th week now (13 more wks to go)...Nothing much has really changed in our daily routine so far.we still eat out, still chill out with frens, still hang out at parents place, still travel, .... more like still do the things we still do. Which is good enuf for me (and i count my blessings), since it means bb hasn't really given us or me much troubles. Will give her a tight hug and a wet kiss when i see her this Nov. =)Of cos, i dun carry too heavy stuff now, i dun eat half-cooked or raw food now and base on my last scan, I have cut down on sugar in my diet so that bb dun grow too fast or too big. MIL has been really nice and have been making the effort to cook birdnest for us all these while. Some have told me that it is no gd for bb, with expected allergies or risk asthmatic, some say, take more, cos got protein, mother and bb complexion will be fair and good. Honestly, it didnt occur to me that I will rely on bird nest at all, cos I think bird nest is simply protein, and it can be obtain from our daily diet. However, MIL has been really nice, so I dun see why I shld turn down her offer or disappoint her. Afterall, I am her daughter in law, and the bb is her grandchild, im sure she wants the best for the both of us. =)So, let's keep our fingers crossed that bb absorbs the best stuff.Bb has been really active ever since 18 wks, when I lounged in front of the TV, she starts to kick, livingstone has been very much involved in her movements, he will placed his palms on my tummy and feel her. Sometimes naked eyes can observe her movement! It is amazing! We are delighted to feel her presence! She even responded to my voices when I asked her to "kick daddy", the movements are not painful, more like a shock. And she moves mostly at nite, when I lie on the bed to sleep everynight, I have to adjust myself to fit her position, so that she doesn't 'struggle'. Last nite I had Livingstone hug my tummy and feel her 'struggles', he was amazed with her movement, and kept laughing, saying how cute her bb girl is....we can't wait to see her....Now that im approaching my 3rd trimester, the pregnancy anxiety creeps in...have been asking pple how the labor pain feels like, can tahan without epidural or not? how long is the labor pain? what to expect during delivery...etc etc etc....I am not defeated by the horrid stories yet, I do find some inspirational pple and stories, like stanley's wife who endured 3-4 hours of labor pain and playing psp in the delivery ward....my SIL, Judy, who also survived the same without pain relief....and another fren who has very low threshold of pain but braved thru the ordeal. My sister though had epidural, also survived only 3-4 hrs.... I dun pray that it is painless, I jus hope that my cervix will dilate quicker! haha....with or without pain relief, let's just say we will decide on the day. =)(can't wait...)I have also been diligently eating fish oil, prenatal vitamins and calcium everyday, and down enfamama's milk every alternate day. Whether it is good or not, I can only tell when bb arrives. At least I hope my calcium level is maintained so that I can walk longer with livingstone and bb in years to come. Every 4 wks, we look forward to the appt with our gynae (Woo Bit Hwa), it is the time we access bb and myself to see how we are progressing. Till today, I have gained a whooping 10kg in weight, and bb is 1.03kg (3 more mths to go....arghhhh). The nurse at the clinic is a nice lady, Im just so glad that we had a dream team once again (after our wedding).This is extracted from Baby Centre:This week your baby weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended. He can now open and close his eyes, and he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. He may suck his fingers, and although his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with assistance — if he were to be born prematurely. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and isn't bothersome to him, so enjoy the tickle. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. Wonder what he's thinking? haha... And we have also named our bb - Tara .There will be 2 pronounications, we prefer her to be called as 'Tear-ra' (as in 'tear' into pieces), rather then "TAR - AH". Some frens have advised to changed the spelling to "Tera", so tt there will be no variations in the calling, but both livingstone and I still prefer the original spelling. So, stick to it we shall. =)The meaning of the name - A hill where the kings met, its a scottish/irish name. And is also related to Sanskrit (some Indian Gods). and there is a hill in Ireland call Tara Hill.so, bbtara is now a fatbb as what our gynae has called her, my next scan is 2 wks away. till then. =)Labels: bbtara, pregnancy
It took us ages to visit this place, maybe it is bcos this is singapore, too many food to find and eat la.... heh heh....we ordered the mushroom soup ($2.80), and it was very nice! you can bite, taste and smell the pleasant smell of those real mushrooms...not like some stalls that practically sells campbell quality soup.
 Livingstone ordered the chicken cutlet, and we were impressed with the huge serving of the chicken. It tasted something like KFC. And I teased him that this is the first time he eat western food for so long in a coffeeshop, he said, too big pc.... haha... think it cost $6.90 or $7.90.
 I ordered the NZ Sirloin Steak (with mushroom sauce), and had to order super well done, cos pregnant, cannot eat half-cook.
The staff promised me that the steak will be cooked, but not tough, and she kept her promise. =)A pity the steak is a little salty, and the mushroom sauce is too starchy. The greens are too soft. mash potato comes with chunky pc of potatos, was good for me. overall, the steak was ok, i still finished the entire serving. But I probably will give it a miss the next time i patronise the stall agn. $14.90.
Above all, I think this stall is worth visiting, we will be back for their other menu. =)Labels: chicken cutlet, eblackboard, soup, steak, western food