Sunday, May 31, 2009
It is a joy to have her moving over to this area...finally!!!that day, the ad-hoc aunt dropped by again, and we had fried udon together!hope u dun mind the simple dinner ya!! =p

the bblover really dun mind making the effort to come bond with bbtara... =)Labels: bbtara, bonding, friends, quality time
When Daddy gets home every evening...it is also my time to partially switch off.More like on standby mode.As long as Daddy is not tired, I leave the both of them to bond...And I think such dedicated bonding time is essential and important for the bb to feel close to father. and for bb to see daddy as not just a playmate, but a caregiver...
 and after dinner, I will volunteer to wash the plates, so that livingstone can spend time with his dotter. But I noe most of the time, he felt bad to have me washing up since I have alrd been doing the hse chores while at home, including preparing the dinner...so we ended up 'i wash la,', 'no need la, i wash la, u be with bb'.... haha
and after the nite shower, bbtara enjoys more bonding time with daddy, when daddy is in the mood for story telling....how sweet. =)Labels: bbtara, cooking, hse chores, livingstone, parenthood
Trust me, I have been having pizza every friday ever since I made awful pizzas for them. =)Now, I am making it up for them that nite.This time, I am not allowing any mistakes. I hope I made it up frens! =p
 upon jody's request, this was an attempt for bbq potato pizza, instead of chicken, we added pork!not bad, except that the potato wasn't crunchy, guess we need to fry them prior to baking them in the oven....besides this, we also made hawaiian (not in the picture).
 sheryl made this, yummy!! thanks to her simple recipe, now my lunch is getting more interesting...
 miss chay, who bought brownie for us (not in the picture).... and while we were having dinner, bbtara was also enjoying her bottle of milk...
and miss tan, who generously allow bbtara the liberty to play with her watch....haiyo....we eat, play and chat...and I suppose they were very entertained by bbTara, which im glad. at least my bb is not a nusiance....lolthe nite ended somewea close to 2am! not that bad! we still got some stamina huh!! haha...Labels: baking, bbtara, friends, home cooked food, pizza, quality time
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
U noe, livingstone and I usually don't buy toys for bbTara (in fact, this is the 2nd one after the mobile cot toy).Almost all of the toys in the house, are gifts fr the lovely aunts and unkers that adore bbTara...(thank u sooo much!!) But dun get the wrong idea, she ain't got many toys. For anyway, we think that she will get tired of toys very easily, which kids dun ya?Then, one afternoon, as I was flipping the YP magazine, it mentioned the shape sorter! the stacking rings!! ...Suddenly....i have visions of my old childhood toys....bbTara ought to own them too!!Dun u agree that kids of this generation are mostly exposed to electronic toys that generate sounds and lights and etc....that they lost the total meaning of -- simple fun.... =) I am delighted to spend my own money on this set of simple toys ($14.90) fr the neighbourhood stores...no batt needed lor and not branded.... hours of fun.... hahaha...the plus point, its washable in my context!
 and u can tell she enjoys it! And im slowly exposing her to them instead of introducing all at the same time.

this is simple fun, simple pleasure, simple toys... =)Labels: bbtara, parenthood, toys
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
One day, jus before lunch.....

haha....so hilarious....Labels: american idol, bbtara, parenthood
Sunday, May 24, 2009
U will definitely say Im crazy if I tell you we went back to LiBai(Sheraton Towers Hotel) for dinner right after my MIL's dinner the previous nite. Yes, u heard it right. And, no, it is not because the food is extremely tasty for me to keep going back....the truth is, we im lazy to source for another restaurant.... Besides, my sister went thru the menu and gave me the nod....hee...To make it special for my dad, I requested the restaurant to give me a unique longevity bun set...so this is what they produced. neat.
 there are 4 more mini longevity buns hidden inside the giant bun...This is my dad's 60th birthday cum mothers' day celebration. =)

I didnt snap any food pictures after this first dish...heh heh...too bz entertaining my dotter...
 bbTara who obediently sits in her high chair...
 hand in hand with gor gor ryan...

 then....i realised something, my dad is 60th, ryan boi is 6yrs old, and bbtara is 6mths old....666! heh heh...
honestly, the food is not worth the damage incurred ($848) this nite. But, heck care do we? all that matter was a family sitting down together to have a dinner.....besides my dad is 60th-it's a celebration!Happy Birthday Dad! May u have many many happy returns!! =DLabels: awful food, bbtara, Family, parenthood, quality time
When bbTara is desperate to get out of her walker....she tries her luck on everyone....including gorgor ryan who couldn't carry her...haha

...at least he tried!! =DLabels: bbtara, cousin, ryan
Thursday, May 21, 2009
livingstone came home that friday evening behaving sneakily...then, he carried bbTara away from me, and stepped outside our main gate to retrieve this mother's day bouquet. ... In her baby-mini hands, she clasped it tightly and livingstone 'helped' to present the gift to me - my first mothers' day flowers....*blush*and bcos I bought a new handphone, and livingstone offered to pay for it, so the item conveniently became my mothers' day present...wahahaha...
 thank u my darlings!! =DWe next drove to Terminal Three, to have dinner, and to pick up my in-laws who will be arriving home from their vacation.At the foodcourt, while I snuggle bbTara, sitting on my lap, I was enjoying my dinner....all of a sudden, she grasped a handful of MY CURRY RICE! lucky she didnt throw it straight into her mouth! haha...otherwise I might have to call the firemen!!
 see how tightly she was holding that handful of rice, as if to protect it from any food monster!

 owwwww.....fav shot that evening!! credit goes to livingstone!! =DLabels: bbtara, Dinner, livingstone, mothers' day, parenthood
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
she loves to drop by in an ad-hoc manner, and i so welcome her!!im so happy that bbTara catches her heart....tt she wants to watch her grow, & dun wanna miss the stages...she's such a bblover!

it was such a quality time spent in that hot aftermoon!! sipping bubble tea n chatting n playing..."bbtara, let's visit aunt meow soon in her new hse!"Labels: bblover, bbtara, quality time
Monday, May 18, 2009
bbTara anticipating enen and parents' arrival in our hall that evening ...
 here she comes.....
 she looks like daddy in person, but somehow while i was editing her fotos, i see mommy in her!!wow....

 bbtara acting like a mini big sister!! look at that sweet smile on enen's face!

 random pics:

unfortunately, before we start our dinner, bbenen gets cranky....none of us could calm her...so daddy & mommy decided to bring her home....while dinner is packed for them.it's ok....things like this happens, let's learn from experience, we r afterall rookie parents! =)it will get better the next time!! =DLabels: bbfrens, bbtara, coris, Dinner, home cooked food, parenthood