Thursday, July 30, 2009
It was Edgar's 2nd Birthday. The thoughtful parents custom made a teddy bear cake for him, heard that it was inspired by a toy edgar had. =)
 bbTara was rather tired that day, arrrr....now that i recalled, that morning, we went to good morning nanyang cafe before heading to edgar's hse! hur hur hur...shld hv lump them in the same post =pAnw, there were many unfamiliar faces, and bbTara kept clinging on to me, like a koala to a tree. Finally, when we left, she gave edgar gor gor a birthday hug....how sweet =)
Labels: bbtara, Birthday, edgar, party
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Can u tell she was pretty happy to be playing the xylophone? =) Labels: bbtara, parenthood
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
So then, we came home real late after vivo that particular nite, and we kept the toy till the next morning. I guess she was thrilled to see the same toy that caught her attention again...
 =) Labels: appreciative, bbtara
my sister is the tow-kay the other day. She is giving us a treat for her fat bonus received! yippie! and i get to choose a restaurant. Since we were heading to VIVO, I promptly selected BOSSES. nvr mind abt the minority of bad critics i read so far. Anw, the interior & deco attracted me quite a fair bit. With such baroque setting, it doesn't feels like a chinese restaurant.
 and while i was taking foto of the peking duck, the supervisor came up to me, and said 'sorry, no photographs'....ok lo...
 anw, i quickly snap a 'grp picture' of the various animals on the dining table. =) the entire experience was ok for me, the food was pretty much on the higher salty scale, and my mom didnt like it, considering she was someone who could tahan savoury dishes. While I feel it was ok as long as I eat them with my rice. We had some fried durian and durian mochi for dessert, which I suggest you can pass them totally.Sista wanted to get bbtara a gift since she couldnt enjoy the feast. So we were at Toys 'R' us choosing and choosing, and just when I thought that we shld leave bcos none of the toys attracted her...my sista came up with a Vtech toy. She grab the toy and was playing happily with it, so that was it. it would hv burnt my pocket, becos it cost a hundred bucks. So embarressing, i didnt teach bbtara to choose toys base on cost hor....vtech is to blame.Just when we were abt to leave the mall, i spotted the huggies team with the launch of their new jeans pants diapers. And I vaguely recalled, receiving an email abt this event. I walked up to the roadshow, and saw that they were taking fotos of bbs sitting on the bike for a foto contest. The good news is, they are wrapping up for the day soon, and thus not many pple were queuing. For the fun of it, why not ya? =)
 bbtara say hi to the crew....
 we think she likes her virgin ride on the harley inspired bike, bcos it seems like she totally forgot that she dislike strangers. hur hur hur
dun ask me abt the result, cos i didnt check....=pLabels: appreciative, bbtara, contest, fotos, parenthood, Shopping
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I am half a mth late for this post. forgive me...My angel turns 8mths, 15days ago.She is getting interactive and it also means she is developing her set of attitude now...for example, showing us that she is angry, shaking her head to say 'no', fake crying to test her boundaries, and the list gones on....Being not the typical parent, we do not respond to her cries immediately, unless her cries implies some sort of pain or discomfort involve. Otherwise, more often, I let her make noise while i con't with my chores. Hopefully, she understands that crying does not mean she gets her way. In this month, she is getting up on her hands and knees in a crawling position (most times, shaking her butt to catch her balance), though she started crawling, it is in a super slow manner, and only if there is an incentive in front of her (and it must be a brand new 'toy') that she is interested to reach out for. She babbles enthusiastically more often now, especially in her car seat, probably wanted to join our conversation. it is cute. And when she cries, she goes 'ma....ma....ma...ma....' sometimes 'papa' comes into the picture too....(haha) Like many other babies, this is also the time she tests gravity by dropping her toys (intentionally) over the edge of her high chair. So, it naturally means we have alot of picking up to do. it is not getting on my nerves yet. (haha) I also notice that she has different reactions to different family members, and she has strong seperation anxiety when removed from me and livingstone. I like to tease her as the 'sticky bbTara'....who would have not know this is not good at all. But, tell me how can I stop her from being so attach to us? I am afterall her caregiver, who feeds her, cares for her and plays with her when nobody is around.And me, being a SAHM for 8 months now, is still enjoying her companion, taking care of her and taking ownership of the chores at home. =)Now that bbtara has started two meals of solid a day, it takes me more time to plan for her meals, and prepare it. It is fun. Not only that, I also plan meals for our breakfast and dinner, sometimes my own lunch. At times, when I dun cook dinner, we eat out, and that is the time, we go to the library to borrow books for bbtara, to run errands, to buy fresh produce for bbtara's meals, and most importantly, to take in some new air. =)I should also be giving thanks to livingstone who though works for the entire day, but still makes the effort to accomodate to my request of doing dinner outdoors and taking a breather out there, especially during weekday nites. And my family, who visits every saturday! spending time with bbtara is therapeutic to them! U can tell when u see the laughter in their face as bbtara cheers them up. =)

 There are many videos of her doing things like clapping hands, crawling, laughing out loud, playing the 'catch the toy' game, moving her fingers like in a baby-five gesture when i sing 'twinkle twinkle little star' and lots more....just too many to upload!!
I m seeing she is learning to stand more steadily without my support...slowly bb....u hv ur time to learn and reach ur milestone. Daddy & Mommy has no deadline to meet yet. =) Labels: bbtara, livingstone, milestone, parenthood, thoughts
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Though the nite ended very late for her the nite before, bbtara still wakes up at her usual 8am.RISE & SHINE!anw, we need to get ready to attend dewey's full month party, so might as well. =)
 my cheerful bb, at hme before we head out.And becos budd was still in slumberland, we decided to have our breakfast at Henderson Market, at the same time, check out the stores that sells factory outlet clothes, and also visit carter's kwei kwei stall, yum!Since we were there, might as well call the gin gang! morning calls to the lohs and the ngerns! '麦当劳开始营业了!' hur hur hur....they washed up and neatly met us at the market... =)At budd's hse, korkor huey hosted meimei tara by sharing his toys...so selfless... =)
 jin paiseh, many unknown faces, so i didnt take dewey's picture! hur hur hurwasted...Initially, we thought we could quickly meet up with the LAMs, passed them the milk bottles, and catch up with a cuppa....but my sleepy and hungry bb could wait no more by the time they finished their service at church...heeso, we dealed at the carpark instead and make our way home...(LAMs, thanks so much for the cd!!)
my hungry and sleepy bb...missed her morning nap and lunch...i substituted her with a bottle of milk instead once we reached home, then, let her catch some sleep, while i cook her porridge....when she woke up, she gobbled her food...afterwhich, we showered her, and then proceeded to my in law's hse....it was so packed, back to back....wat to do? there will always be just 2 weekends per week, but countless things to do...so, i tell myself to be flexible on weekends when it comes to bbtara's sleep and eat routine...things are fine so long she catches some sleep and enuf food...sorry baby, if u dun like our style, pls cry to inform mommy... =)Labels: bbtara, busy, discipline, full month, parenthood, quality time, weekends
A couple of weeks ago, Dennis told me that his dad will be away....HOW CAN I MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE HIM WHIP UP SOME FANTASTIC DISHES FOR US!???so, i pestered, pestered and con't to pester.Finally, he nod his head. =)
 while waiting for felin at her block, livingstone caught me sayang-ing her precious...we were then on our way to meet the LOHs at the TIMES warehouse sale.
 quickly we rushed to the hse after 6pm, otherwise sure kerna nagged by the host(s)...haha
 there, in the kitchen, the three of them made themselves bz...
 while, we setup the makeshift childcare zone in the hall....erm....can u spot a oversize bb??Dinner is served!Let me first give thanks to the chef, and his pretty assistant, for the effort put in to the wonderful meal, and the effort in making the trip to the german stores to get the german cuts, the beautiful pretzels and the rye bread.

  the spread was impressive! and the table setting as well! credit goes to the pretty assistant, Jess!we had a fabulous treat of food this evening, we probably lack just a fireplace to feel like we are in a foreign country!It was pretty authentic. and I do miss the german breads...
 shhhh....someone is sleeping....

 Pretty assistant made us agar agar in bavarian colors! jin creative isn't it?and the joke of the nite was, there was a pail of agar agar in the kitchen for us to finish after this plate. And guess what, I thought it was for real, rushed to the kitchen, and realised that they were talking abt the same blue color pail of water that dennis used to clean the kitchen floor!HAHA and I learnt a new way of making this agar agar, hv u heard? u can automatically seperate the colored agar agar from the non-colored wan by jus beating an egg into the coconut milk! After a while, the colored agar agar will float! amazing! =)
it was 11pm, if not for our sleepy babies, we would have chatted longer isn't it?thanks for the nite guys! sukiyaki was impressive and successful, so is this bavarian feast!wat's next? who's making something? hur hur hur...Labels: bbtara, Dinner, friends, home cooked food, quality time