Monday, December 31, 2007
(don't scream, i noe i have a whole chunk of back log, but can't u see im trying my best to clear them.....)
Our celebration happened on the 24th of Dec this year. Venue: Labrador Park its a potluck bbq, so all of us will contribute something. thanks to ah siang and a few other earlybirds who reached there at 5.30pm to chop the shelter! By 6.30pm, ah siang sms-ed me 'i wanna go toilet'.... haha...i noe what he meant, he was all alone waiting for us, so he can't leave the shelter to go to the toilet, until someone comes and takes over his place.
 we re-used the bbq equipment we bought I bought two years back, its a bit rusty, so we had to wrap each individual aluminium strip with foil. See the team work! (Of cos, with dez's powderful eye-power, the work finished in no time!)

 There were many other food, my chicken wings, felin's cajun pork slices, peggy's cheesey mushroom, crabstick, & hotdogs, SX's sausages, HL's crackers and mashmallow, eddie's drinks and ah siang's log cake....as usual, we had too many food.... LOL

 Livingstone and I prepared the games for the nite: 1) Dog and Bone 2) caterpiller 3) Scissors paper stone!

 Pictures are only taken for the 2nd game, cos for the rest of the games, we moved too fast, camera cannot capture. haha....
 Before the countdown.... and then, we exchanged gifts! with a budget of 20bucks each(min), there were many creative ideas, some bought carpet, mattress, calendar, shoebag, recycle bag, passport holder, namecard holder, toilet paper dispenser, condom container,bathroom towel set, HRC mug and even keyboard! hahaha...
 and we also prepared prizes for the games! there were toothpaste, laundry basket, candies, hangers, wine opener & multi-purpose knife, colander, umbrella, tissue paper, shower gel and handphone holder.
 It was fun for me and I hope they enjoyed themselves too! till next year, and someone will take over the role of planning for the x'mas celebration! =)Labels: bbq, celebration, Food, gift, quality time, x'mas
Did you know there are bowling ball meant for kids? Did you know there are bowling lanes meant for kids? I don't.
 the holes are just nice for 5 fingers and the ball is 5 pounds.and the kids' lane - the bumpers by the sides are released so that the balls rolled by the kids will hit the bumpers instead of going into the drain. Which means, no matter how the kid rolled the ball, the ball will hit bumper, to and fro, and finally reach the end to knock down the pins. haha...
 here, the kids try to get hold of the ball. so cute.(this is at safra tampines.)and, since its x'mas, we got edgar another companion.
 We actually didnt plan to get him any gift, bcos we figured this x'mas shld be meant for the less fortunate.....and edgar is a very blessed boy alrd. =)but, as we walking to the bowling centre from the car park, a group of kids took a basket full of toys, and told us to buy something, they are helping a kid to raise funds for her eye surgery.how to reject? at least we are getting something for a gd cause.... =)Labels: bowling, edgar, gift, kids, x'mas
Coris has a new stall in the SHIFU coffeshop, an italian stall to be precise.Not a new setup, IL PICCOLO is actually another branch in Singapore.
 On their first day of operation, we showed our support:

 Calzone is my fav pizza, and I always rem how I got to know this pizza member.We were in Venice, and we were in an italian restaurant choosing our food for our dinner.Gosh, the entire menu is in italian.....and the waiters can't speak english....how????so,....we picked by luck.and i chose 'scalsi' (can't really recall how it was spelt in the menu)turned out to be the giant turnover. =)It then marked my first encounter with calzone. and i fell in love with him.the cheese and the pizza sauce that flows out together as u slice it open....gosh....uber divine...Im gonna DIY it myself soon.Labels: discovery, DIY, Food, italian, pasta, pizza, Travel
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Lucky it was a luncheon at Li Xin and Nicole's wedding!bcos it meant we still have time to visit Jocelyn and baby Issac in Mt E.while still wearing my purple dress, i marched in to their ward.... heh heh...overdressed for the visit siah.... haha...
see the baby got dimple!!

 Amazing, from the time jocelyn announced her pregnancy, we were anticipating for her to download the baby.... cool...kudos to her!! no epidural, she went thru the labour pains too!!Since we were in town, i decided to drop by my mum's place to give ah bee her x'mas present, and also to eat tangyuan.... yah, the traditional DIY tangyuan which my mom knead herself every year.冬至is a day of reunion.....it is.Labels: baby, festival, Food, gift, IDA, x'mas
It was 冬至, and it was Li Xin's and Nicole's wedding. =) The international wedding affair meant that Li Xin knew nothing much abt our wedding culture here. well, shld be la, for at least we had been feeding him with wrong information intentionally, like, he shld give us all the ang pow, in order to have nicole's hands, yah, something like dat... haha... Mabel came up with most of the tekan programmes, while I contributed one.. heh heh... 1) blow-burst the balloons! 9 balloons were prepared, and they had to blow-burst them to create 9 bangs.
 the effect was good, sounded like fire crackers.
2) sing-aloud! I prepared the song lyrics. Li Xin had to sing the song, with the brothers humming the tune in the background. Another challenge: Xin had to change all the '我' into his name, and all the '你' to nicole's name...heh heh...
 *he didnt know how to read chinese, lucky he had his brothers and aunty to help him.
 looks like kaya huh? haha... we even prepared a bottle of water for him, only to realise that, he is not afraid of wasabi at all lo....
4) Complete the character! Mabel printed out the double 喜 chracter, without the 口 at the bottom, Xin's task was to paint his lip red and kiss the paper to complete the character.
 One of Nicole's unker suggested we paste the paper on the ceiling. So there he was..... and the last paper, was pasted on Nicole's feet. =)
 the sisters for the event....
 at Mandarin Oriental's suite...we were playing with the flower ball....

 we helped to mend the reception table.
 the brothers....
 hey! that's the Wong family!

 and that's earnest! our chubby videographer!
 the ladies had a picture taken with the designer of the dress. =)
 we, the Hewlett Packard era:
 It was a luncheon, so we were relaxed by 4pm, which was cool! we lazed around in the suite, and watched the instant dvd that was recorded in the morning.
 Congratulations my fren, may the both of you live happily ever after! =)
Labels: gate-crashing, wedding
Monday, December 24, 2007
Hari Raya Haji holiday, we decided to stay at home, there was a craving for pizza, so wat are we waiting for??? I love to D-I-Y my own pizza, i can add lotsa ingredients that we like, and lotsa cheese!
 and 2 huge bake drumstik to complete our meal!

 heh heh.... bear with me....but it was yummilicious.... =)We decided to watch for our movie mania at home. yesh, our cosy home =)then, we made another decision to make our own popcorn while we enjoy the DVD.

 yeah!a holiday, lazing at home, D-I-Y-ing and making yummy decisions. =)Labels: baking, cooking, Food, holiday, quality time
I asked Xin to help me get a wristlet from coach when he came back this time,and then, I casually tell livingstone abt it, he nodded his head, thereby trying to tell me 'noted'.so, I told him, 'that will be my christmas present, from you. Thank you darling.'he goes 'ok.'Wah, so easy! *bleh* Anyway, we dun hv the habit of giving each other x'mas present. =)like we always say, 'u dun hv to wait till x'mas to get some1 a present....'nah....you can say we are just not romantic on x'mas day. hahaha.... who cares? at least i hijacked a wristlet for myself out of the blue.hee hee....Labels: gift, x'mas
There has been a new cafe at Parkway recently, no, not in the mall.its opposite the hawker centre, yesh, that stretch of shops. =)
KOI cafe, also know as "豆", can u see the character?Originated from Taiwan.the taiwan boss even brought in his taiwan staff to mend the shop.

the staff told me, "不好喝,不用给钱."haha....the teh is indeed nice.Labels: beverage, discovery, Food
we are so behind times, livingstone brought this back from china....
there are tiramusu, vanilla, red wine choco, mocha and green tea flavour.not just chocolate and strawberry. tsk tsk tsk....Labels: discovery, Food
Announcing the arrival of Ms Glenda Neo:
 the sleeping beauty.....
 the proud parents are us....
Congratulations Garrie and Jody! thanks for sharing your joy with us! =)Labels: baby, full month, gathering, quality time