Sunday, September 30, 2007
This mooncake festival, instead of having tea with mooncakes, we had home-brewed coffee with snow-skin mooncakes.... hiak hiak hiak....the new age pple(s) lo.... at least we made full use of wat simon bought us for our new house! thanks man! =Dwith a couple of frens popping over for a chat, we were snacking and drinking....
since it was a weekday, we had to catch some beauty sleep, not too late...note too late.... =)Labels: coffee, festival, mooncakes, quality time
that Thursday, budd joined me in gym, (can't remember when was the last time we gym together!!)like a child going to sch on the first day ( abit kua-zhang la), i was like so eagar to meet a new fren (well, in this case, 1 bloody old fren).1 session of combat, and 1 session of pump, .... i think i released more endorphines compared to my usual thursdays =)Labels: budd, quality time, workout
He has been 2 months old.... =)Labels: edgar
Thursday, September 27, 2007
We had to stay at home to wait for the delivery of our new cabinet, so, at 11am, my mom, sister and ryan came to my hse, and we were preparing pizza crust for our home baked pizza later on. that was ryan as he reads the new book i bought for him.
 sitting on her mother's lap, on our new bean bag, by the window, he does looked quite comfy there. within minutes, he had learnt all the activities in the book. No kick for him then...dinner time, our home-baked pizza:
 my sister agrees with me that our pizza was really good. thin crust, with lotsa nice and quality topping! now we dun need to go pizza hut for our craving. =)Pizza Dough180 g plain white flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp dried yeast ½ tsp caster sugar 1 Tbsp olive oil 120 ml warm water Place the sieve over a bowl, add the flour and gently shake it through.In the medium bowl, combine the salt, yeast and caster sugar. Make a hole in the centre, add the olive oil and warm water and mix in well. Give it a quick, final mix by hand to create a rough paste.Remove the dough from the bowl and place onto the chopping board. Knead the dough for roughly 3-4 minutes, using the heel of your hand. Keep kneading until it has formed a smooth ball.Transfer the dough into a large clean bowl, cover with some cling film, and leave it to rise for approximately two hours or until it has doubled in size.Uncover the bowl and sprinkle the dough with flour. Remove it from the bowl and place onto a flat surface. Sprinkle some more flour over the dough and roll it into a circle. Dust with flour again, turn it over and roll the other side.Flour the base of the circular baking tray. Place the dough over the tray and push it outwards into a rustic circle.If you aren't going to bake it straight away, it needs to be wrapped in cling film and kept in the fridge, for a maximum of 24hours.Note: rem to get lotsa mozarella cheese! and of cos make ur pizza according to ur fac ingredient!have fun!! =)Labels: baking, Dinner, Food, ryan
This is another session of team building. I noe.... i noe.... i noe what is in ur mind right now... this is my 5th team building programme for the past 7 months. its quite alot, but i am beginning to appreciate it, as the mgmt is trying to help us align our workplan along the way. Better then u work for the whole year, and doesn't know what is the team's objective, how your intiative has helped the rest of the pple, how's the performance, where are we now with regards to our target in 2010 and so on....
This time, the venue is at Yio Chu Kang, The Grassroot Club. very near my hse, hee hee...
And the much anticipating activity, creating our own window mosaic... and this was what our team created:
 And the objective?:We have 12 groups, 12 window mosaics, we have a theme, that is to create a picture with the mosiacs, that shows either 1) synergy, 2) transformation or 3)growth.we appointed a ART director, and so, we created a story: As you can see, (the first row) everything started with a seed on the ground, and grew into a small plant, finally, blooming into a flower, the 2nd row, shows a lava, growing into 2 butterflies flying in the same direction.... and the 3rd row, shows the transformation from evening to morning!Bravo! team work is amazing, isn't it!From a blank sheet of paper, we created what-seemed-impossible-from-the-start.especially when it involves so many pple's brain, its not easy to co-ordinate and have everyone agreeing on the same concept.Labels: appreciative, challenge, discovery, encouraged, game, quality time
Diana and us called it "The Rock Room" when we first designed our house, we didnt construct built-in cabinets, because we find it a waste of money if we were to move one day. After all, some stuff will not be moved if we shift in future. And, these cabinets are not going to increase our valuation anyway. =)
So, for practicality sake, we managed the room on our own, other then giving it a coat of 'rock color' paint.
After staying there for close to 12 months, the rock room has a study table, a chair and 3 display cabinets, all from ikea. We were searching for a book shelf/cabinet to add on. My criteria is, it has to come with doors. Im a freak with dust! no open shelves if possible.... heh heh... and of cos durable, since books are gonna be heavy (which means, ikea is out of the picture, cos majority of their bookshelves are not heavy duty)We sort of know that we need to scout around in those neighbourhood chee-na shops for our ideal bookshelf. And, so, after a while, we found it at bedok. hiak hiak hiak....Time to move out all our barangs in the display cabinet, move them and make way for the new giant. =)
 there were some rearranging to be done to the cabinets in the rock room.
sad to say, this is 1 damage while we move the ornaments.... =pLabels: busy, challenge, damage, team work
Livingstone is packing up our belongings from LA-LA (a.k.a toyota corolla)....
 he was quite sad to send it away.he count and count and he say, "lala been with us for quite long, since pat tor until now...."
 okay.....all gd things will come to an end....we are thankful that thruout the 4 years, it has never left us down, not even once.it has never fall sick on the road before.there were no major repair before.some1 will come and pick lala up the next day, and, we will not see it on Singapore roads anymore, it will be exported to other countries....gd luck lala....may u find another gd owner.we'll miss u.....Labels: appreciative, lala, Memories
Monday, September 24, 2007
to be honest, Im not a sweet potato fan,but as I walked along the newly setup stall at Tasty Treats Suntec City Tower Three, the strong aroma of the roasted sweet potato attracted me, so this is what I've got:
 doreen bought 1 for herself, so i followed suit.
 very nice. naturally sweet. Im gonna buy for my family soon! =)
 I had time to prepare dinner that nite, so for a quick and easy meal,.....
 =)Labels: discovery, Japan Hour
Friday, September 21, 2007
Picked up my mom, sista and nephew, and off we went to raffles hospital to visit my grandaunt who just underwent a knee-cap replacement operation. This op is so common now, my mom has been schedule to have hers next mth. Im anticipating for that to happen, so that she can walk longer and enjoy more trips with us. =)
Since we were at Bugis, we had to eat the nicest cheesefries and visit budd....
 looks like livingstone is trying to give ryan boy away, haha... you shld have seen how tight ryan boy hold onto livingstone, =))
 Next, we were then on our way to visit, erm....an ulu ice cream parlour again. =) no, not TDS this time (speak of that, its been a while since i patronise them).
 tucked in a very quiet location, nested inside some private estates, --> haato
Quite a cosy place, a cafe with sofas, food, ice-cream, board games and magazines...however, the flavours of ice-cream aren't very exciting.here is ryan, trying to pick his choice:
 here's ryan boy again, happy with his choice --> banana chocolate on a cone.
 and that's for sharing between livingstone and me, mocha coffee and rum and raisin on waffle,the presetation looks abit R(A) hor, and there is no choco syrup,well, technically speaking, there is, but u need to 'purchase', it cost a dollar. =)
 I can't help but commented, "TDS dun charge me for that." *shake head*and that's us on the sofa seat.spot ryan in folded arms, haha =)
 and that's the three of us.
 who is bullying who???u be the judge, heh heh...
 ryan boy tried durian flavour, and we burst out of laughter with his reaction.... haha...he said 'taste so farnie...'
 we went to see the world!

 hmm.....how come there's an intruder??? -- > ninja turtle
 we didnt have dinner with my mom, so we went home and cooked our own.
looks like the fox had a good appetite! =)livingstone was always so encouraging, always finish what i cooked. =)Labels: cooking, Dinner, Family, Food, livingstone, Lunch, Memories, ryan
This must have been the 1st time I spent so much on mooncakes, .... for myself.... =) I was tempted to own the raffles hotel's for a start, and now, raffles the plaza's. I can't help it, they were really nice on its own. But for comparison's sake, I must say the champage truffle from raffles hotel still taste better. raffles the plaza has the other exciting flavours, like rum and raisin, baileys, and lychee.... heh heh.... So, this yr, instead of buying the usual yam mooncakes for my in-laws, i got them this modern mooncakes.

 if you havent try it? wat are u waiting for??? =)
Labels: mooncakes
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
adhoc meetup once again, the few of us met up for some DIY tartlets .... again! haha..... this time round, instead of doing the dough by hand, we used kitchenaid!! bravo! the texture is really smooth and nice. no frills, no mess. i kowtow to my sexy kitchenaid. =)
 the tartlet ladies....
 made individually by all of us using our fingertips....
 nicole pipping the custard cream into the tartlets and was supervised by livingstone, haha... pointing him here and there.....
 Done! not like u have not seen it before...
 but the taste is getting better..... =)
now, all of us have somthing to bring home....Labels: baking, busy, cooking, Food, Merry, quality time, team work
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The fotos at the Shape Run was uploaded to nikewomen.com.sg,so there they were, i grabbed our fotos. =)as I was mentioning, budd & I were cruising at the beginning of the 5km run, chit chatting all the way until our turning point.... did i mention that there were quite a couple of runners who doesnt seem to have good running ettiqutte? hai....they either stopped suddenly in front of u and started walking, or slowed down in front of u to take pictures (with the help of his guy aid by the side of the road)....for christ's sake, move to the road shoulder to do whatever u want to do la....not that Im running for a feet at the champion or watsoever, but, picking up the momentum can be quite irritating u noe? we have to constantly wriggle thru these pple to find a spot comfortable for crusining.....*gosh*...
 that's budd at the last 250m....
with me at her back. =)the results will be mailed to our house by 19th Sept. heh heh...Labels: run
Monday, September 17, 2007
thanks to mabel who got me this lobang. I paid only $33 for this box of wonderful mcakes. =)

 They are infamous for this flavour, i really donch have to introduce too much.Labels: appreciative, celebration, Food